title: "Introduction"
output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
vignette: >
```{r, include = FALSE}
collapse = TRUE,
comment = "#>"
```{r setup}
## Read and display a `PFM` image
`PFM` (*Portable Float Map*) is a simple format for storing Gray or RGB colour data. Pixels
are stored as 32-bit floating point values in a simple array format.
Load and display a (`PFM`) image.
Apply tone-mapping to the image and adjust the gamma correction prior to display.
```{r pfm1}
filename <- system.file("image/rstats.pfm.bz2", package = "picohdr")
im <- read_pfm(filename)
im |>
tm_reinhard() |>
adj_gamma() |>
## Read and display an `EXR` image
`OpenEXR` images are a more complex HDR image container. Pixel types may
be 16-bit floats, 32-bit floats or 32-bit unsigned integers.
Images can contain any number of channels with arbitrary names - this includes
data that isn't related to the colour of the display e.g. image depth, texture
The actual image data may be stored as scanlines, tiles or deep images in
single- or multi-part formats.
Currently, this package only supports reading **single-part scanline** images
which are using `NONE`, `ZIP` or `ZIPS` compression.
The steps included below:
* Load an EXR image as an array
* Show the names of the channels in this array
* Select the RGB channels from the array and plot them (after applying
tone-mapping and gamma correction)
* Plot some other channels in the image
* Display the metainformation about an EXR image using `exr_info()`
```{r exr1}
# EXR file of meta-information about the rendered scene
filename <- system.file("image/rstats.exr", package = "picohdr")
# Load all images
images <- read_exr(filename)
# Channel names. EXR format wants channels arranged alphabetically
# Extract RGB channels. Tone-map. Adjust gamma.
images[,,c('R', 'G', 'B')] |>
tm_reinhard() |>
adj_gamma() |>
# Plot the albedo Green channel
plot(images[, , 'Albedo.G'])
### Display a non-colour channel
This EXR file includes information about the surface derivative at each point in
the image in the `dzdx` channel.
This value may be negative or positive, so we will map the values into the
standard range [0, 1] so it can be visualised.
```{r exr2}
# Rescale the derivative channel to the range [0,1] and display
images[,,'dzdx'] |>
adj_rescale(0, 1) |>
### EXR metadata
Meta-information about the contents of an EXR file can be extracted for
all EXR image types.
## EXR Implementation Notes
The code for handling EXR images is mostly written in base R with the exception
of a core compression/decompression component which is written in C:
The ZIP compression mode applies a predictor and de-interleaves bytes. The byte
predictor and interleaving can be in R but is 20x faster in C.
EXR support is for a subset of images which:
* consist of a single-part scanline image.
* use the `NONE`, `ZIP` or `ZIPS` compression
This package **does not** support the following EXR features:
* multi-part images
* deep images
* tiled images
If you would like support for these features please file an issue on GitHub.
A link to a free/openly-licensed image containing your requested features would be