## ----include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", fig.width=6, fig.height=4 ) # Legge denne i YAML på toppen for å skrive ut til tex #output: # pdf_document: # keep_tex: true # Original: # rmarkdown::html_vignette: # toc: true ## ----setup-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Start the multiblock R package library(multiblock) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Load potato data data(potato) class(potato) # data.frames can contain matrices as variables, # thus becoming object linked lists of blocks. str(potato[1:3]) # Explicit conversion to a list potList <- as.list(potato[1:3]) str(potList) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Object linked data data(potato) potList <- as.list(potato[c(1,2,9)]) suppressWarnings( # FactoMineR <=2.3 uses recycling of length 1 array. invisible({capture.output({ # DISCOsca in package RegularizedSCA is highly verbose. pot.sca <- sca(potList) pot.gca <- gca(potList) pot.gpa <- gpa(potList) pot.mfa <- mfa(potList) pot.pcagca <- pcagca(potList) pot.disco <- disco(potList) pot.hpca <- hpca(potList) pot.mcoa <- mcoa(potList) })})) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Shared variable mode data data(candies) candyList <- lapply(1:nlevels(candies$candy), function(x)candies$assessment[candies$candy==x,]) invisible({capture.output({ # jive in package r.jive is highly verbose. can.sca <- sca(candyList, samplelinked = FALSE) can.jive <- jive(candyList) can.statis <- statis(candyList) can.hogsvd <- hogsvd(candyList) })}) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # SCA used with shared variable mode data returns block loadings and common scores: names(pot.sca) summary(pot.sca) # MFA stores individual PCA scores and loadings as block elements: names(pot.mfa) summary(pot.mfa) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Global scores plotted with object labels scoreplot(pot.sca, labels = "names") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Block loadings for Sensory block with variable labels in scatter format loadingplot(pot.sca, block = "Sensory", labels = "names") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Non-existing elements are swapped with existing ones with a warning. sc <- scores(pot.sca, block = 1) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Apply a plot function from ade4 (no extra import required). plot(can.statis$statis)