monitoR 1.0.7
2018 February 14

*corMatch() and binMatch() now have a "quiet" argument that will suppress console
messages when set to TRUE (thanks to GitHub user gannebamm). The unused warn 
argument has been removed.

*spectro() has a new "..." argument. Now "warn" could be used and passed to 
binMatch() and corMatch() functions.

*Minor fixes

monitoR 1.0.5
2017 February 17

*The cutw() function was renamed cutWave() in the last version of monitoR to 
avoid conflict with the cutw() function in the seewave package. The cutw() 
function has now been removed.

monitoR 1.0.4
2015 September 18
There is now a monitoR mailing list. To subscribe, send a message with the
subject "monitoR: subscribe" to sdh11@cornell.edu or jonkatz4@gmail.com.
Subscribers will receive an update whenever a new version of the package or new
documentation is available.

*New rec.tz argument in fileCopyRename() and templateMatching(). This optional
argument can prevent problems resulting from a time zone mismatch between a
recorder and R (computer operating system), e.g., when the operating system
adjusts its clock for daylight savings but the recorder does not.

*Other minor bug fixes

*The cutw() function has been renamed cutWave() to avoid conflict with the
cutw() function in the seewave package. Users can still call cutw() in this
version of monitoR (with a warning) but it will be removed in the next update.

monitoR 1.0.3
2015 April 23
* Added hours.offset argument to fileCopyRename() for manual override of 
timezone management.

* Global time-zone detection in binMatch() and corMatch() when

* Streamlined database functions; most query arguments are now optional.

* Added write.wav argument to makeCorTemplate(), makeBinTemplate(),
corMatch(), and binMatch. If a Wave object is used for the first argument 
(clip or survey), these function no longer automatically write the object to
file (but will do so if write.wav=TRUE). 

* makeBinTemplate() New behavior for dens argument: points are now randomly 
sampled, and repeated selection of an area increases the density. 

* New function templatePath() for extracting or replacing the paths for Wave 

* Added option to plot template over detections using argument box="template" 
in showPeaks().

monitoR 1.0.2
2014 May 15
* Minor bug fixes.

monitoR 1.0.1
2014 March 28
* seewave and its dependencies no longer required for installation of monitoR.

2014 March 27
monitoR 1.0.0
Initial upload to CRAN.