Changes in metaplus version 1.0-6 o I've forced the cores argument to 1 due to slow speed, caused by loading metafor. Will be fixed soon.. Changes in metaplus version 1.0-5 o changed seq() parameter to along.with from along as could result in errors under certain settings o updated e-mail address Changes in metaplus version 1.0-4 o removed donttest from some examples Changes in metaplus version 1.0-3 o fixed crash due to changes in rma procedure requiring missing rather than NULL o used inherits rather than class for checking class o updated e-mail address Changes in metaplus version 1.0-2 o improved use of integrate() function to avoid problems with t-distribution o removed option for adaptive gauss-hermite as no longer necessary, and slower o no longer use multiple starting values for vinv, as not necessary Changes in metaplus version 1.0-1 o when performing bootstrap for testing for outliers in mixture model, don't use random starting values, just use suitable values based on the values from the null model Changes in metaplus version 1.0-0 (not released) o use multiple cores for bootstrap and for multiple starting values for mixture model o change number of sets of starting values to a fixed number Changes in metaplus version 0.7-11 o fixed bug in parsing which caused crash in normal profiling Changes in metaplus version 0.7-10 o fixed warning from deprecated use of arrays Changes in metaplus version 0.7-9 o changed options for integration of t distribution models so hopefully Gauss-Hermite is never needed o modified Hessian calculations to avoid possible bug o added warning message about study second parameter o updated vignette and added code Changes in metaplus version 0.7-8 o updated citation to reflect publication in R Journal o updated vignette Changes in metaplus version 0.7-7 o improved fitting for mixture models o changed ordering of study labels for outlier probability plot to match ordering of forest plot o added digits to parameters passed through from plot to summary lines Changes in metaplus version 0.7-6 o added profile improvement introduced in 0.7-5 for normal models o added option to perform integration in the t-distribution models using adaptive Gauss-Hermite quadrature to improve accuracy with studies with small standard errors o correctly name CDP studies o documentation enhancements Changes in metaplus version 0.7-5 o added data parameter to metaplus to indicate where data is, and changed all examples and documentation to use this o added a print method for metaplus objects which prints summary o documentation changes o renamed outlier.probs to outlierProbs and test.outliers to testOutliers to align with standard R naming conventions o added further improvements to handing of tau^2 close to zero o if new maxima is found during profiling then update solution (in practice this usually means that the likelihood is almost flat and very messy) o add check for multimodal profile likelhood and give warning o return profile so that this can be further examined Changes in metaplus version 0.7-4 o added even more imports Changes in metaplus version 0.7-3 o fixed occasional problems when tau^2 is zero for all distributions o if likelihood is mis-shapen and CI plot requested then give a warning rather than fail o check for inadequate number of studies and stop, or warn if only just adequate o add cehck for appropriate model when calculating outlier probabilities o add additional imports in NAMESPACE to pass R CMMD check Changes in metaplus version 0.7-2 o fixed bug with fitting t-distribution when tau^2 was zero o update documentation Changes in metaplus version 0.7-1 o fixed bug related to singularity of Hessian o when better solution found when profiling then use this fitted model Changes in metaplus version 0.7-0 o improved convergence by using Nelder-Mead if nlminb failed o used modified bbmle to fix bugs - changes will eventually be incorporated into bbmle Changes in metaplus version 0.6-1 o improve profiling of t-distribution models by using multiple starting values o fix problem when vinv=0 correctly o fix documentation errors o include examples vignette Changes in metaplus version 0.6-0 o initial release