--- title: "Model bibliography" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Model_bibliography} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ``` ```{r setup, echo = FALSE} library(hatchR) ``` This page is a living bibliography of potential model sources for `fit_model()`. If you have recommendations for updates to this page, please either open an issue on our GitHub page () or email either of Morgan ([Morgan.Sparks\@usda.gov](mailto:Morgan.Sparks@usda.gov){.email}) or Bryan ([Bryan.Maitland\@usda.gov](mailto:Bryan.Maitland@usda.gov){.email}). Treat these as putative model sources, as we have generally not vetted them as usable in **hatchR**. ### Bibliography 1. Adelfio, L. A., S. M. Wondzell, N. J. Mantua, and G. H. Reeves. 2019. Warm winters reduce landscape-scale variability in the duration of egg incubation for coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) on the Copper River Delta, Alaska. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76(8):1362–1375. 2. Alderdice, D. F., and F. P. J. Velsen. 1978. Relation Between Temperature and Incubation Time for Eggs of Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 35(1):69–75. 3. Austin, C. S., T. E. Essington, and T. P. Quinn. 2019. Spawning and emergence phenology of bull trout Salvelinus confluentus under differing thermal regimes. Journal of Fish Biology 94(1):191–195. 4. Beacham, T. D., and C. B. Murray. 1990. Temperature, Egg Size, and Development of Embryos and Alevins of Five Species of Pacific Salmon: A Comparative Analysis. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 119(6):927–945. 5. Drinan, D. P., A. V. Zale, M. A. H. Webb, M. L. Taper, B. B. Shepard, and S. T. Kalinowski. 2012. Evidence of Local Adaptation in Westslope Cutthroat Trout. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 141(4):872–880. 6. Fuhrman, A. E., D. A. Larsen, E. A. Steel, G. Young, and B. R. Beckman. 2018. Chinook salmon emergence phenotypes: Describing the relationships between temperature, emergence timing and condition factor in a reaction norm framework. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 27(1):350–362. 7. Gorodilov, Y. N. 1996. Description of the early ontogeny of the Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, with a novel system of interval (state) identification. Environmental Biology of Fishes 47(2):109–127. 8. Hendry, A. P., J. E. Hensleigh, and R. R. Reisenbichler. 1998. Incubation temperature, developmental biology, and the divergence of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) within Lake Washington. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 55(6):1387–1394. 9. Hubert, W. A., R. W. Stonecypher, W. A. Gern, and J. Bobbit. 1994. Communications: Response of Cutthroat Trout Embryos to Reduced Incubation Temperatures at Different Developmental Stages. The Progressive Fish-Culturist 56(3):185–187. 10. Konecki, J. T., C. A. Woody, and T. P. Quinn. 1995. Influence of temperature on incubation rates of Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) from ten Washington populations. Northwest Science 69(2):126–132. 11. Merriman, D. 1935. The Effect of Temperature on the Development of the Eggs and Larvae of the Cut-Throat Trout (Salmo Clarkii Clarkii Richardson). Journal of Experimental Biology 12(4):297–305. 12. Murray, C. B., T. D. Beacham, and J. D. McPhail. 1990. Influence of parental stock and incubation temperature on the early development of coho salmon ( *Oncorhynchus kisutch* ) in British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Zoology 68(2):347–358. 13. Pepin, P. 1991. Effect of Temperature and Size on Development, Mortality, and Survival Rates of the Pelagic Early Life History Stages of Marine Fish. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 48(3):503–518. 14. Quinn, T. P. 2018. The Behavior and Ecology of Pacific Salmon and Trout. University of Washington Press. 15. Rooke, A. C., B. Palm-Flawd, and C. F. Purchase. 2019. The impact of a changing winter climate on the hatch phenology of one of North America’s largest Atlantic salmon populations. Conservation Physiology 7(1):coz015. 16. Small, B. C., and T. D. Bates. 2001. Effect of Low-Temperature Incubation of Channel Catfish Ictalurus punctatus Eggs on Development, Survival, and Growth. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 32(2):189–194. 17. Smith, K. M., and D. K. King. 2005. Dynamics and extent of larval lake sturgeon Acipenser fulvescens drift in the Upper Black River, Michigan. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 21(3):161–168. 18. Sparks, M. M., P. A. H. Westley, J. A. Falke, and T. P. Quinn. 2017. Thermal adaptation and phenotypic plasticity in a warming world: Insights from common garden experiments on Alaskan sockeye salmon. Global Change Biology 23(12):5203–5217. 19. Tang, J., M. D. Bryant, and E. L. Brannon. 1987. Effect of Temperature Extremes on the Mortality and Development Rates of Coho Salmon Embryos and Alevins. The Progressive Fish-Culturist 49(3):167–174. 20. Webster, D. A. 1948. Relation of Temperature to Survival and Incubation of the Eggs of Smallmouth Bass (Micropterus Dolomieu). Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 75(1):43–47. 21. Zeigler, M. P., S. F. Brinkman, C. A. Caldwell, A. S. Todd, M. S. Recsetar, and S. A. Bonar. 2013. Upper Thermal Tolerances of Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout under Constant and Fluctuating Temperatures. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142(5):1395–1405.