version 0.2.1 (Apr 4, 2022)
* Add function imports to satisfy new package requirements

version 0.2.0 (Mar 15, 2015)
* Michel Ballings becomes maintainer
* Major bug fix in the selection operator in the rbga function

version 0.1.1
* now really synchronized docs :(

version 0.1.0
* synchronized documentation

version 0.0.9
* clarified the meaning of zeroToOneRatio

version 0.0.8
* removed redundant 'Depends: R' line in DESCRIPTION

version 0.0.7
* added two general references about genetic algorithms
* fixed package name in DESCRIPTION

version 0.0.6
* fixed counting of mutations in rbga.bin
* added example of variable selection before LDA for rbga.bin
* removed unwanted mutation of elite
* added a default elitism of (about) 20%
* added tests to make sure that plots for binary chromosomes are not
  plotted for floats chromosomes, and visa versa
* added documentation for plot types

version 0.0.5
* added wavelength selection example using the pls.pcr package

version 0.0.4
* added more documentation
* added parameters for evaluation and monitor function names

version 0.0.3
* fixed version number in DESCRIPTION

version 0.0.2
* added genalg as alias for rbga

version 0.0.1
* initial package