1.1.0 o Allow to block edits and deletes with row-specific logic. o More performance since buttons get generated on row basis instead of dataset basis. o Adjustable renamed hidden utility columns ('_editbl_identity', '_editbl_deleted', '_editbl_status', '_editbl_buttons'). Prevents name clashes. 1.0.5 o Use screenshots in vignettes for speed increase and to solve CRAN checks. 1.0.4 o Fixed bug when using non-English locale ([issue](https://github.com/openanalytics/editbl/issues/3)) o Added vignettes + revised documentation o Prevent greyout when dragging value with increment ([issue](https://github.com/openanalytics/editbl/issues/4)). 1.0.3 o FIX: inputUI argument was not working, now passing on the selected row. o FIX: Evaluate defaults argument for each new row o FIX: Use correct column types for in_place `rows_delete` on databases. o FIX: Row dragging during an active filter / search now modifies the correct cells. 1.0.2 o Fix compatibility with dbplyr 2.4.0. Adjust method to retrieve table identifier. 1.0.1 o Export `rows_insert.default()` and `rows_update.default()` 1.0.0 o Use `dbplyr::rows_delete.tbl_dbi` instead of custom implementation. (https://github.com/openanalytics/editbl/issues/1) o BREAKING: rename custom `rows_insert` and `rows_update` functions to `e_rows_insert` and `e_rows_update`. This to avoid conflicts with other packages. The default for both functions will still be `dplyr::rows_insert` and `dplyr::rows_update`. (https://github.com/openanalytics/editbl/issues/1). Reason for not using the dplyr functions directly is because currently `rows_update` does not allow updating of the keys (see `match` argument). Secondly, `rows_insert.tbl_dbi` does not complain about inserting duplicated rows. o BREAKING: do not provide direct connection to in-package database in runDemoApp(). It's cleaner to work on a copy of the file. o Support for `is.atomic(NULL) = FALSE` (https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-devel/2023-September/082892.html). 0.9.6 o Adjustments in examples and documenation to meet CRAN standards 0.9.3 o Fixes in documentation to get CRAN standard 0.9.2 o Documentation / test adaptations to get CRAN standard. o Exporting `selectInputDT` module since it might be convenient for users of the package. 0.9.0 o Hide rownames for selectInutDT in a cleaner way o Disable button column clicking id-specific instead of page-wide css o Add tests o More documentation o Remove breaking change warning introduced at 0.8.3 0.8.5 o More explicit code instead of string evaluation o Fix reactivity in case of identical edits o Check classes of default values for columns 0.8.3 o BREAKING: eDT returns list instead of reactive. Adjust to eDT()$result for old behavior. o eDT now returns the state of the unsaved data as eDT()$state o Add pagination selector by default. Is closer to native DT behavior o Bugfix: dragging rows used to only work on the first page, now works for all pages. 0.7.4 o Make buttons part of datatable buttons extension. Allows for easy configuration and nicer display. 0.7.3 o 'defaults' argument evaluated in calling environment for each now row. Allows for example id generation. o Support for editable TRUE / FALSE 0.7.2 o Add 'defaults' argument to eDT 0.7.1 o Bugfix selectInputDT() o Add `allowNew` argument to foreignTbl to support 'suggestions' instead of 'restrictions'. 0.7.0 o Support multi-column natural key editing by table selection 0.6.6 o Disable modal editing for non-editable columns. o Fix modal for NA logical values by using selectInput instead of checkbox. 0.6.5 o checkForeignTbls() allow empty rows by default 0.6.4 o Enforce fontawesome >= 0.4.0 0.6.3 o fix reactivity problem when switching data o support editable = FALSE 0.6.2 o use getNonNaturalKeys() to block editing of deducted columns 0.6.1 o increase package test coverage + various fixes o checkForeignTbls() more verbose o error for utility column name clashes 0.5.5 o fix integer64 NA values 0.5.2 o Make input modal more integerated (follow colnames argument, hide hidden / non-editable columns) 0.5.1 o shinyjs disabling of buttons o bugfixes POSIXct 0.5.0 o automatic casting to and from `tbl` o edit buttons with modal 0.4.0 o dev version