## ----message=FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ require(copula) doExtras <- FALSE ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##' @title [m]inus Log-Likelihood for Archimedean Copulas ("fast version") ##' @param theta parameter (length 1 for our current families) ##' @param acop Archimedean copula (of class "acopula") ##' @param u data matrix n x d ##' @param n.MC if > 0 MC is applied with sample size equal to n.MC; otherwise, ##' the exact formula is used ##' @param ... potential further arguments, passed to @dacopula() ##' @return negative log-likelihood ##' @author Martin Maechler (Marius originally) mLogL <- function(theta, acop, u, n.MC=0, ...) { # -(log-likelihood) -sum(acop@dacopula(u, theta, n.MC=n.MC, log=TRUE, ...)) } ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##' @title Plotting the Negative Log-Likelihood for Archimedean Copulas ##' @param cop an outer_nacopula (currently with no children) ##' @param u n x d data matrix ##' @param xlim x-range for curve() plotting ##' @param main title for curve() ##' @param XtrArgs a list of further arguments for mLogL() ##' @param ... further arguments for curve() ##' @return invisible() ##' @author Martin Maechler curveLogL <- function(cop, u, xlim, main, XtrArgs=list(), ...) { unam <- deparse(substitute(u)) stopifnot(is(cop, "outer_nacopula"), is.list(XtrArgs), (d <- ncol(u)) >= 2, d == dim(cop), length(cop@childCops) == 0# not yet *nested* A.copulas ) acop <- cop@copula th. <- acop@theta # the true theta acop <- setTheta(acop, NA) # so it's clear, the true theta is not used below if(missing(main)) { tau. <- cop@copula@tau(th.) main <- substitute("Neg. Log Lik."~ -italic(l)(theta, UU) ~ TXT ~~ FUN(theta['*'] == Th) %=>% tau['*'] == Tau, list(UU = unam, TXT= sprintf("; n=%d, d=%d; A.cop", nrow(u), d), FUN = acop@name, Th = format(th.,digits=3), Tau = format(tau., digits=3))) } r <- curve(do.call(Vectorize(mLogL, "theta"), c(list(x, acop, u), XtrArgs)), xlim=xlim, main=main, xlab = expression(theta), ylab = substitute(- log(L(theta, u, ~~ COP)), list(COP=acop@name)), ...) if(is.finite(th.)) axis(1, at = th., labels=expression(theta["*"]), lwd=2, col="dark gray", tck = -1/30) else warning("non-finite cop@copula@theta = ", th.) axis(1, at = initOpt(acop@name), labels = FALSE, lwd = 2, col = 2, tck = 1/20) invisible(r) } ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- op <- options("copula:verboseUsingRmpfr"=TRUE) # see when "Rmpfr" methods are chosen automatically ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- n <- 200 d <- 100 tau <- 0.2 theta <- copJoe@iTau(tau) cop <- onacopulaL("Joe", list(theta,1:d)) theta ## ----fig.align="center", fig.width=7.5, fig.height=6-------------------------- set.seed(1) U1 <- rnacopula(n,cop) enacopula(U1, cop, "mle") # 1.432885 -- fine th4 <- 1 + (1:4)/4 mL.tr <- c(-3558.5, -3734.4, -3299.5, -2505.) mLt1 <- sapply(th4, function(th) mLogL(th, cop@copula, U1, method="log.poly")) # default mLt2 <- sapply(th4, function(th) mLogL(th, cop@copula, U1, method="log1p")) mLt3 <- sapply(th4, function(th) mLogL(th, cop@copula, U1, method="poly")) stopifnot(all.equal(mLt1, mL.tr, tolerance=5e-5), all.equal(mLt2, mL.tr, tolerance=5e-5), all.equal(mLt3, mL.tr, tolerance=5e-5)) system.time(r1l <- curveLogL(cop, U1, c(1, 2.5), X=list(method="log.poly"))) mtext("all three polyJ() methods on top of each other") system.time({ r1J <- curveLogL(cop, U1, c(1, 2.5), X=list(method="poly"), add=TRUE, col=adjustcolor("red", .4)) r1m <- curveLogL(cop, U1, c(1, 2.5), X=list(method="log1p"), add=TRUE, col=adjustcolor("blue",.5)) }) ## ----fig.align="center", fig.width=7.5, fig.height=6-------------------------- U2 <- rnacopula(n,cop) summary(dCopula(U2, cop)) # => density for the *correct* parameter looks okay ## hmm: max = 5.5e177 if(doExtras) system.time(r2 <- curveLogL(cop, U2, c(1, 2.5))) stopifnot(all.equal(enacopula(U2, cop, "mle"), 1.43992755, tolerance=1e-5), all.equal(mLogL(1.8, cop@copula, U2), -4070.1953,tolerance=1e-5)) # (was -Inf) ## ----fig.align="center", fig.width=7.5, fig.height=6-------------------------- U3 <- rnacopula(n,cop) (th. <- enacopula(U3, cop, "mle")) # 1.4495 system.time(r3 <- curveLogL(cop, U3, c(1, 2.5))) axis(1, at = th., label = quote(hat(theta))) ## ----fig.align="center", fig.width=7.5, fig.height=6-------------------------- U4 <- rnacopula(n,cop) enacopula(U4, cop, "mle") # 1.4519 (prev. was 2.351 : "completely wrong") summary(dCopula(U4, cop)) # ok (had one Inf) if(doExtras) system.time(r4 <- curveLogL(cop, U4, c(1, 2.5))) mLogL(2.2351, cop@copula, U4) mLogL(1.5, cop@copula, U4) mLogL(1.2, cop@copula, U4) if(doExtras) # each curve takes almost 2 sec system.time({ curveLogL(cop, U4, c(1, 1.01)) curveLogL(cop, U4, c(1, 1.0001)) curveLogL(cop, U4, c(1, 1.000001)) }) ## --> limit goes *VERY* steeply up to 0 ## --> theta 1.164 is about the boundary: stopifnot(identical(setTheta(cop, 1.164), onacopula(cop@copula, C(1.164, 1:100))), all.equal(600.59577, cop@copula@dacopula(U4[118,,drop=FALSE], theta=1.164, log = TRUE), tolerance=1e-5)) # was "Inf" ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- n <- 200 d <- 150 tau <- 0.3 (theta <- copJoe@iTau(tau)) cop <- onacopulaL("Joe",list(theta,1:d)) ## ----fig.align="center", fig.width=7.5, fig.height=6-------------------------- set.seed(47) U. <- rnacopula(n,cop) enacopula(U., cop, "mle") # 1.784578 system.time(r. <- curveLogL(cop, U., c(1.1, 3))) ## => still looks very good ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- d <- 180 tau <- 0.4 (theta <- copJoe@iTau(tau)) cop <- onacopulaL("Joe",list(theta,1:d)) ## ----fig.align="center", fig.width=7.5, fig.height=6-------------------------- U. <- rnacopula(n,cop) enacopula(U., cop, "mle") # 2.217582 if(doExtras) system.time(r. <- curveLogL(cop, U., c(1.1, 4))) ## => still looks very good ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- n <- 200 d <- 50 # smaller 'd' -- so as to not need 'Rmpfr' here tau <- 0.2 (theta <- copGumbel@iTau(tau)) cop <- onacopulaL("Gumbel",list(theta,1:d)) ## ----fig.align="center", fig.width=7.5, fig.height=6-------------------------- set.seed(1) U1 <- rnacopula(n,cop) if(doExtras) { U2 <- rnacopula(n,cop) U3 <- rnacopula(n,cop) } enacopula(U1, cop, "mle") # 1.227659 (was 1.241927) ##--> Plots with "many" likelihood evaluations system.time(r1 <- curveLogL(cop, U1, c(1, 2.1))) if(doExtras) system.time({ mtext("and two other generated samples") r2 <- curveLogL(cop, U2, c(1, 2.1), add=TRUE) r3 <- curveLogL(cop, U3, c(1, 2.1), add=TRUE) }) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- d <- 150 tau <- 0.6 (theta <- copGumbel@iTau(tau)) cG.5 <- onacopulaL("Gumbel",list(theta,1:d)) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- set.seed(17) U4 <- rnacopula(n,cG.5) U5 <- rnacopula(n,cG.5) U6 <- rnacopula(n,cG.5) if(doExtras) { ## "Rmpfr" is used {2012-06-21}: -- therefore about 18 seconds! tol <- if(interactive()) 1e-12 else 1e-8 print(system.time( ee. <- c(enacopula(U4, cG.5, "mle", tol=tol), enacopula(U5, cG.5, "mle", tol=tol), enacopula(U6, cG.5, "mle", tol=tol)))) dput(ee.)# in case the following fails ## tol=1e-12 Linux nb-mm3 3.2.0-25-generic x86_64 (2012-06-23): ## c(2.47567251789004, 2.48424484287686, 2.50410767129408) ## c(2.475672518, 2.484244763, 2.504107671), stopifnot(all.equal(ee., c(2.475672518, 2.484244763, 2.504107671), tolerance= max(1e-7, 16*tol))) } ## --> Plots with "many" likelihood evaluations th. <- seq(1, 3, by= 1/4) if(doExtras) # "default2012" (polyG default) partly uses Rmpfr here: system.time(r4 <- sapply(th., mLogL, acop=cG.5@copula, u=U4))## 25.6 sec ## whereas this (polyG method) is very fast {and still ok}: system.time(r4.p <- sapply(th., mLogL, acop=cG.5@copula, u=U4, method="pois")) r4. <- c(0, -18375.33, -21948.033, -24294.995, -25775.502, -26562.609, -26772.767, -26490.809, -25781.224) stopifnot(!doExtras || all.equal(r4, r4., tolerance = 8e-8), all.equal(r4.p, r4., tolerance = 8e-8)) ## --> use fast method here as well: system.time(r5.p <- sapply(th., mLogL, acop=cG.5@copula, u=U5, method="pois")) system.time(r6.p <- sapply(th., mLogL, acop=cG.5@copula, u=U6, method="pois")) if(doExtras) { if(FALSE) # for speed analysis, etc debug(copula:::polyG) mLogL(1.65, cG.5@copula, U4) # -23472.96 } dd <- dCopula(U4, setTheta(cG.5, 1.64), log = TRUE, method = if(doExtras)"default" else "pois") summary(dd) stopifnot(!is.na(dd), # no NaN's anymore 40 < range(dd), range(dd) < 710) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- n <- 64 d <- 5 tau <- 0.8 (theta <- copFrank@iTau(tau)) cop <- onacopulaL("Frank", list(theta,1:d)) ## ----fig.align="center", fig.width=7.5, fig.height=6-------------------------- set.seed(11) # these seeds give no problems: 101, 41, 21 U. <- rnacopula(n,cop) cop@copula <- setTheta(cop@copula, NA) # forget the true theta system.time(f.ML <- emle(U., cop)); f.ML # --> fine: theta = 18.033, Log-lik = 314.01 if(doExtras) system.time(f.mlMC <- emle(U., cop, n.MC = 1e4)) # with MC stopifnot(all.equal(unname(coef(f.ML)), 18.03331, tolerance= 1e-6), all.equal(f.ML@min, -314.0143, tolerance=1e-6), !doExtras || ## Simulate MLE (= SMLE) is "extra" random, hmm... all.equal(unname(coef(f.mlMC)), 17.8, tolerance= 0.01) ## 64-bit ubuntu: 17.817523 ## ? 64-bit Mac: 17.741 ) cop@copula <- setTheta(cop@copula, theta) r. <- curveLogL(cop, U., c(1, 200)) # => now looks fine tail(as.data.frame(r.), 15) stopifnot( is.finite( r.$y ), ## and is convex (everywhere): diff(r.$y, d=2) > 0) options(op) # revert to previous state ## ----echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- print(sessionInfo(), locale=FALSE)