Introduction to the ‘connected’ package

Kevin Wright


The connected package arose from our experience analyzing data with linear models and linear mixed models. Sometimes those models failed to converge, and when the reason for the convergence was investigated, it sometimes turned out to be either that that the data was not connected or else was weakly connected.

The main functions in the connected package are:

Visualizing two-way connectedness with con_view()

To illustrate the idea of connectedness, consider the following example data from Fernando et al. (1983) that is inspired by the cattle industry

#>   gen herd
#> 1  G2   H1
#> 2  G1   H1
#> 3  G1   H3
#> 4  G6   H3
#> 5  G3   H2
#> 6  G4   H2
#> 7  G5   H2
#> 8  G5   H4
#> 9  G7   H4

There are 2 factors: genotype and herd. Each row represents one animal in a herd. Although this data does not have a response variable, we can simulate a response variable and then see if the data could be analyzed by a linear model with the 2 factors.

data_fernando <- transform(data_fernando, y = rnorm(nrow(data_fernando), mean=100))
m1 <- lm(y ~ gen + herd, data=data_fernando)
#> Call:
#> lm(formula = y ~ gen + herd, data = data_fernando)
#> Coefficients:
#> (Intercept)        genG2        genG3        genG4        genG5        genG6  
#>     99.4353       1.9357      -0.6372      -1.1476       0.4700       0.2697  
#>       genG7       herdH2       herdH3       herdH4  
#>      2.5831       1.6062       0.9278           NA

While there are no warnings, looking at the model coefficients shows that the estimate of the effect for herd H4 is not estimable. This happens because the model matrix is not full rank. To understand why, look at the following graphical view of the data in a levelplot:

con_view(data_fernando, y ~ gen * herd, main="data_fernando")
#> Warning in con_view(data_fernando, y ~ gen * herd, main = "data_fernando"):
#> There are 2 groups

The con_view() function does the following:

This graphical view shows us that herds H1 and H3 have no levels of the genotype factor that are in common with herds H2 and H4, so it makes sense that not all herd effects will be estimable.

Another way to examine connectedness is to calculate a ‘concurrence’ matrix and plot that:

con_concur(data_fernando, y ~ gen/herd, main="data_fernando")

Checking multi-way connectedness with con_check()

The two-way heatmaps in the previous section are very useful to understand connectedness of two factors, but what if there are more than two factors?

Here is a small example dataset from Eccleston and Russell (1975) with three factors that can represent a 4x4 row-column experiment with a treatment for each cell.

#>    row col trt
#> 1    1   1  A1
#> 2    1   2  B2
#> 3    1   3  E5
#> 4    1   4  F6
#> 5    2   1  C3
#> 6    2   2  D4
#> 7    2   3  G7
#> 8    2   4  H8
#> 9    3   1  H8
#> 10   3   2  F6
#> 11   3   3  A1
#> 12   3   4  C3
#> 13   4   1  G7
#> 14   4   2  E5
#> 15   4   3  B2
#> 16   4   4  D4

The treatment codes have both a letter and a number only because both have been used in previously-published scientific papers. Each treatment letter corresponds with one number and vice versa. Re-arranging the treatments into the field layout of rows and columns is useful:

## library(reshape2)
## acast(data_eccleston, row~col, value.var='trt')
##    1  2  3  4 
##  1 A1 B2 E5 F6
##  2 C3 D4 G7 H8
##  3 H8 F6 A1 C3
##  4 G7 E5 B2 D4

The 4x4 grid is completely filled, so the row and column factors are obviously connected. With a little bit of study, it can be seen that the columns are also connected via the treatments. For example treatment A1 appears in columns 1 & 3, treatment B2 connects columns 3 & 2, D4 connects columns 2 & 4, and C3 connects columns 4 & 1. The connection of treatments and columns can be checked formally with the con_check() function:

con_check(data_eccleston, ~ trt + col)
#>  [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
#> Levels: 1
# Here is how to add group membership to the data.  Or use cbind().
# data_eccleston %>% mutate(.grp = con_check(. , ~trt+col))

The vector of 1s returned means that all observations of the dataframe are connected in group 1.

Similarly, the rows are also connected via the treatments.

con_check(data_eccleston, ~ trt + row)
#>  [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
#> Levels: 1

However, if all 3 factors are considered at the same time, they are completely disconnected with each observation belonging to a separate group.

con_check(data_eccleston, ~ trt + row + col)
#>  [1] 16 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 11 12 13 14 15
#> Levels: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

If we attempted to fit a linear model using all 3 factors as predictors, there would be problems with estimability.

data_eccleston <- transform(data_eccleston,
                            y = rnorm(nrow(data_eccleston), mean=100))
m1 <- lm(y ~ trt + row + col, data=data_eccleston)
#> Call:
#> lm(formula = y ~ trt + row + col, data = data_eccleston)
#> Coefficients:
#> (Intercept)        trtB2        trtC3        trtD4        trtE5        trtF6  
#>   100.78962     -0.18428     -0.11760      0.30450      0.20690     -0.72684  
#>       trtG7        trtH8         row2         row3         row4         col2  
#>    -0.22508     -0.50118     -0.06302      1.09660     -0.94338     -0.96532  
#>        col3         col4  
#>          NA      0.31332

Another way to examine the stability of the model is to look at the reciprocal condition number of the model matrix, which is less than the machine precision, so it is numerically singular.

X <- model.matrix(m1)
#> [1] 1.592952e-17
#> [1] 2.220446e-16

Improving connectedness with con_filter()

Sometimes two factors of a dataframe can be weakly connected and we might want to remove those weak connections.

Example 1

We construct a small example and use the tabyl function to display the data in a two-way table.

tab <- data.frame(gen=c("G1","G1","G1","G1", "G2","G2","G2", "G3"),
                  state=c("S1","S2","S3","S4", "S1","S2","S4", "S1"))
library(janitor) # For tabyl
#> Attaching package: 'janitor'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     chisq.test, fisher.test
tab %>% tabyl(state,gen)
#>  state G1 G2 G3
#>     S1  1  1  1
#>     S2  1  1  0
#>     S3  1  0  0
#>     S4  1  1  0

In the two-way table it is easy to see that the gen factor level G3 has only 1 cell connecting to the state factor. We might want to eliminate the column with genotype G3. The ordinary way to do this would be to use one of these approaches:

subset(tab, gen != "G3") %>% tabyl(state,gen)
#>  state G1 G2
#>     S1  1  1
#>     S2  1  1
#>     S3  1  0
#>     S4  1  1
dplyr::filter(tab, gen != "G3") %>% tabyl(state,gen)
#>  state G1 G2
#>     S1  1  1
#>     S2  1  1
#>     S3  1  0
#>     S4  1  1

We generalize the idea of filtering to a new two-way filtering using the con_filter() function. The easiest way to think about this function is with a two-way table as shown above, and then to define a threshold for the minimum number of connections between two factors. For example, we might decide to only keep a level of gen if it appears in at least 2 states. We use a formula syntax for this.

# Read this as "2 state per gen"
tab2 <- con_filter(tab, ~ 2 * state / gen)
#> Dropping these 1 of 3 levels of gen:
#> [1] "G3"
#> Deleted 1 of 8 rows of data.
#> Warning in con_filter(tab, ~2 * state/gen): Some state have only 1 gen.
tab2 %>% tabyl(state,gen)
#>  state G1 G2
#>     S1  1  1
#>     S2  1  1
#>     S3  1  0
#>     S4  1  1

By default, the con_filter() function provides a bit of diagnostic information.

After the filtering, notice that state S3 only appears once and we decide that we only want to keep an individual state if it has at least 2 gen.

con_filter(tab2, ~ 2 * gen / state) %>% tabyl(state, gen)
#> Dropping these 1 of 4 levels of state:
#> [1] "S3"
#> Deleted 1 of 7 rows of data.
#>  state G1 G2
#>     S1  1  1
#>     S2  1  1
#>     S4  1  1

Example 2 - Missing response values

The R dataset OrchardSprays is an example of a Latin Square experiment with 8 rows, 8 columns, and 8 treatments. Suppose that during the experiment, half of the response variable data was lost. We simulate that:

  orch <- OrchardSprays
  orch[runif(nrow(orch)) > .5 , "decrease"] <- NA
#>   decrease rowpos colpos treatment
#> 1       NA      1      1         D
#> 2       NA      2      1         E
#> 3        8      3      1         B
#> 4       NA      4      1         H
#> 5       NA      5      1         G
#> 6       NA      6      1         F

In order to visualize the combinations of rows and columns that still have data, we have to remove the missing observations before constructing a table of cell counts:

subset(orch, ! %>% tabyl(rowpos, colpos) 
#>  rowpos 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
#>       1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0
#>       2 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1
#>       3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
#>       4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
#>       5 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
#>       6 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0
#>       7 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
#>       8 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

The con_filter() formula syntax can include a response variable. If the response variable is specified, the data is first filtered to remove missing values in the response, and then the two-way filtering is performed. Suppose we want to have at least 2 observed values of decrease in each row and column

# Read: decrease has at least 2 colpos per rowps
orch2 <- con_filter(orch, decrease ~ 2 * colpos / rowpos)
#> Dropping these 2 of 8 levels of rowpos:
#> [1] "4" "8"
#> Deleted 2 of 25 rows of data.
#> Warning in con_filter(orch, decrease ~ 2 * colpos/rowpos): Some colpos have
#> only 1 rowpos.
tabyl(orch2, rowpos, colpos) # Column 1 has only 1 observation
#>  rowpos 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
#>       1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0
#>       2 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1
#>       3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
#>       5 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
#>       6 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0
#>       7 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0

# Read: decrease has at least 2 rowpos per colpos
orch2 <- con_filter(orch2, decrease ~ 2 * rowpos / colpos)
#> Dropping these 1 of 8 levels of colpos:
#> [1] "1"
#> Deleted 1 of 23 rows of data.
tabyl(orch2, rowpos, colpos)
#>  rowpos 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
#>       1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0
#>       2 0 1 0 0 1 0 1
#>       3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
#>       5 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
#>       6 1 1 0 1 0 0 0
#>       7 1 0 0 0 0 1 0

The desired result has been achieved.

Example 3 - Concatenating two factors

Sometimes you might want to combine two factors together before filtering. Consider the following example with factor for genotype gen, state, and year. We simulate some random response data.

test1 <- matrix( c("G1", "IA", "2020", # gen has 1 state, 1 yr,
                   "G2", "IA", "2020", # gen has 1 state, 2 yr
                   "G2", "IA", "2021",
                   "G3", "NE", "2020", # 2 states, 1 yr
                   "G3", "IA", "2020",
                   "G4", "KS", "2020", # state has 1 gen, 1 yr
                   "G5", "MO", "2020", # state has 1 gen, 2yr
                   "G5", "MO", "2021",
                   "G6", "IL", "2020", # state has 2 gen, 1yr
                   "G7", "IL", "2020",
                   "G8", "AR", "2019", # year has 1 gen 1 state
                   "G9", "IN", "2018", # year has 1 gen, 2 state
                   "G9", "OH", "2018",
                   "G10", "MN", "2017", # year has 2 gen, 1 state
                   "G11", "MN", "2017",
                   "G12", "MD", "2010", # gen has 2 state, 2 yr, 2 reps
                   "G12", "MD", "2010",
                   "G12", "GA", "2011",
                   "G12", "GA", "2011"), byrow=TRUE, ncol=3)
test1 <-
colnames(test1) <- c("gen","state","year")

test1$y <- round( runif(nrow(test1)), 2)
#>   gen state year    y
#> 1  G1    IA 2020 0.91
#> 2  G2    IA 2020 0.94
#> 3  G2    IA 2021 0.29
#> 4  G3    NE 2020 0.83
#> 5  G3    IA 2020 0.64
#> 6  G4    KS 2020 0.52

As shown in the previous sections, we can check/filter the gen:state and gen:year factors, but perhaps we are interested in fitting a model with the three-way interaction gen:state:year. One way to trim this type of data is to combine the state:year interaction into a single factor and then count the number genotypes in that new factor. The con_filter() function can perform this concatenation of two factors automatically using the : operator.

con_filter(test1, y ~ 2 * gen / state:year) |>
  transform(stateyr=paste0(state,"_",year)) |>
#> Dropping these 10 of 13 levels of state:year:
#>  [1] "AR2019" "GA2011" "IA2021" "IN2018" "KS2020" "MD2010" "MO2020" "MO2021"
#>  [9] "NE2020" "OH2018"
#> Deleted 12 of 19 rows of data.
#> Warning in con_filter(test1, y ~ 2 * gen/state:year): Some gen have only 1
#> state:year.
#>  gen IA_2020 IL_2020 MN_2017
#>   G1       1       0       0
#>  G10       0       0       1
#>  G11       0       0       1
#>   G2       1       0       0
#>   G3       1       0       0
#>   G6       0       1       0
#>   G7       0       1       0

Looking at the results, we can see that each column is one level of the new state:year factor and that each column has at least 2 genotypes, which is what we asked for.

If we ever want to see what data is dropped during the filtering process, the returndropped=TRUE argument can be used.

con_filter(test1, y ~ 2 * gen / state:year, returndropped=TRUE)
#> Dropping these 10 of 13 levels of state:year:
#>  [1] "AR2019" "GA2011" "IA2021" "IN2018" "KS2020" "MD2010" "MO2020" "MO2021"
#>  [9] "NE2020" "OH2018"
#> Deleted 7 of 19 rows of data.
#> Warning in con_filter(test1, y ~ 2 * gen/state:year, returndropped = TRUE):
#> Some gen have only 1 state:year.
#>    gen state year    y
#> 3   G2    IA 2021 0.29
#> 4   G3    NE 2020 0.83
#> 6   G4    KS 2020 0.52
#> 7   G5    MO 2020 0.74
#> 8   G5    MO 2021 0.13
#> 11  G8    AR 2019 0.46
#> 12  G9    IN 2018 0.72
#> 13  G9    OH 2018 0.93
#> 16 G12    MD 2010 0.94
#> 17 G12    MD 2010 0.98
#> 18 G12    GA 2011 0.12
#> 19 G12    GA 2011 0.47

Example 4: Case study: Estimating variance components

Sometimes the observations of a dataset may be connected, but some of the factor levels may have very weak connections and it might be a good idea to remove those weak connections. For example, in the documentation of the ASRtrials package that is helpful for analysis of genotype-by-environment data, Gezan et al. (2022) write: “In general, we recommend that a minimum of 5 genotypes should be common between any pair of trials.” Ultimately, you have to decide how much connection you want between the factors.

The following example shows how to use the con_filter() function to remove some of the weak connections between levels of factors.

In plant breeding, one of the things people like to do is look at how much of the variation in the data is explained by differences between genotypes, years, and locations, typically abbreviated GxYxL. In order to perform this calculation, there must be at least some locations that are repeated across years.

The agridat package has a nice example dataset of barley testing in Minnesota. There are 6 locations across 49 years with 235 different genotypes. There are 69090 combinations of the 3 factors, but only 2083 combinations have yield values, so there is a great deal of sparsity in the data. Nonetheless, we can jump right in and try to fit a full mixed model with all combinations of the factors.

#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

dat0 <- agridat::minnesota.barley.yield
if(nrow(dat0) < 2083) stop("Please update the agridat package.")
dat0 <- mutate(dat0, gen=factor(gen), site=factor(site), year=factor(year))
#> Loading required package: Matrix
m0 <- lmer(yield ~ (1|gen) + (1|site) + (1|year) + 
             (1|gen:site) + (1|gen:year) + (1|site:year) + (1|gen:site:year),
#> Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
#> Formula: yield ~ (1 | gen) + (1 | site) + (1 | year) + (1 | gen:site) +  
#>     (1 | gen:year) + (1 | site:year) + (1 | gen:site:year)
#>    Data: dat0
#> REML criterion at convergence: 14327
#> Scaled residuals: 
#>     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
#> -1.1777 -0.1600 -0.0028  0.1661  1.2140 
#> Random effects:
#>  Groups        Name        Variance Std.Dev.
#>  gen:site:year (Intercept) 24.6464  4.9645  
#>  gen:year      (Intercept)  9.8793  3.1431  
#>  gen:site      (Intercept)  0.8261  0.9089  
#>  gen           (Intercept) 45.9873  6.7814  
#>  site:year     (Intercept) 89.0021  9.4341  
#>  year          (Intercept) 38.0970  6.1723  
#>  site          (Intercept) 42.1928  6.4956  
#>  Residual                   2.6541  1.6291  
#> Number of obs: 2083, groups:  
#> gen:site:year, 2079; gen:year, 1056; gen:site, 429; gen, 235; site:year, 164; year, 49; site, 6
#> Fixed effects:
#>             Estimate Std. Error t value
#> (Intercept)   34.691      3.047   11.38

# Note, the asreml package gives the same estimates.
# library(asreml)
# m0a <- asreml(yield ~ 1, data=dat0, random  = ~ gen*site*year, workspace="1GB")
# lucid::lucid(summary(m0a)$varcomp)
##               component std.error z.ratio bound %ch
## site             42.2       29.1     1.45     P   0
## year             38.1       15.7     2.42     P   0
## gen              46          5.74    8.01     P   0
## site:year        89         12.1     7.34     P   0
## gen:site          0.826      0.55    1.5      P   0
## gen:year          9.88       1.67    5.93     P   0
## gen:site:year    24.6        2.32   10.6      P   0
## units!R           2.66       1.88    1.41     P   0

This analysis runs without any obvious problems and may be perfectly acceptable, but keeping in mind the comments about connectedness above, we may want to remove some of the data through two-way filtering.

First, start with a two-way visualization of the sites and years.

# Keep the original data in dat0 and pruned data in dat1
dat1 <- dat0

con_view(dat1, yield~site*year, cluster=FALSE,
         xlab="site", ylab="year", main="Minnesota Barley")

From 1893 through 1917, barley testing only happened at the St. Paul site (near the University of Minnesota). Since it is not possible to explain how much variation there is across locations when there is only 1 location, it makes sense to eliminate the data from those years with only 1 site.

# Require 2 sites per year
dat2 <- filter(dat1, !, n_distinct(site) >= 2, .by=year)
dat1 <- con_filter(dat1, yield ~ 2*site/year)
#> Dropping these 25 of 49 levels of year:
#>  [1] "1893" "1894" "1895" "1896" "1897" "1898" "1899" "1900" "1901" "1902"
#> [11] "1903" "1904" "1905" "1906" "1907" "1908" "1909" "1910" "1911" "1912"
#> [21] "1913" "1914" "1915" "1916" "1917"
#> Deleted 731 of 2083 rows of data.
con_view(dat1, yield~gen*year, cluster=FALSE,
         xlab="genotype", ylab="year")

Looking across the top, there are some 1s that tell us some genotypes were tested in only 1 year, so those are not really helping to estimate variation across years and we decide to drop those.

# Require 2 year per gen
dat2 <- filter(dat2, n_distinct(year) >= 2, .by=gen)
dat1 <- con_filter(dat1, yield~ 2*year/gen)
#> Dropping these 15 of 62 levels of gen:
#>  [1] "241"  "244"  "558"  "611"  "2793" "2899" "2928" "4668" "4669" "7010"
#> [11] "7011" "7012" "7013" "7014" "7015"
#> Deleted 50 of 1352 rows of data.
con_view(dat1, yield~gen*year, cluster=FALSE, xlab="gen", ylab="year")

After considering how genotypes are spread across years, we can also look at how genotypes are spread across sites.

con_view(dat1, yield~gen*site, cluster=FALSE, xlab="genotype", ylab="site")

Again looking at the numbers across the top axis, some genotypes are tested in only 1 site, so we drop those.

# Drop genotypes tested in only 1 site
dat2 <- filter(dat2, n_distinct(site) >= 2, .by=gen)
dat1 <- con_filter(dat1, yield~ 2*site/gen)
#> Dropping these 10 of 47 levels of gen:
#>  [1] "531"  "835"  "912"  "915"  "923"  "1145" "2947" "3144" "4115" "4116"
#> Deleted 25 of 1302 rows of data.
con_view(dat1, yield~gen*site, cluster=FALSE, xlab="genotype", ylab="site")

We check the connectedness of each pair of factors.

con_view(dat1, yield ~ gen*site, cluster=FALSE, xlab="gen", ylab="site")

con_view(dat1, yield ~ gen*year, cluster=FALSE, xlab="gen", ylab="year")

con_view(dat1, yield ~ site*year, cluster=FALSE, xlab="site", ylab="year")

The connectedness of genotype and year is still a bit weak, but the other pairs of factors have good connections, so we try to fit the variance components model again.

m1 <- lmer(yield ~ (1|gen) + (1|site) + (1|year) + 
          (1|gen:site) + (1|gen:year) + (1|site:year) + (1|gen:site:year), data=dat1)
#> Warning in checkConv(attr(opt, "derivs"), opt$par, ctrl = control$checkConv, :
#> Model failed to converge with max|grad| = 0.00205569 (tol = 0.002, component 1)
#> Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
#> Formula: yield ~ (1 | gen) + (1 | site) + (1 | year) + (1 | gen:site) +  
#>     (1 | gen:year) + (1 | site:year) + (1 | gen:site:year)
#>    Data: dat1
#> REML criterion at convergence: 8434
#> Scaled residuals: 
#>      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
#> -1.12758 -0.16930 -0.00168  0.17666  1.33840 
#> Random effects:
#>  Groups        Name        Variance Std.Dev.
#>  gen:site:year (Intercept) 21.974   4.688   
#>  gen:year      (Intercept)  3.625   1.904   
#>  gen:site      (Intercept)  1.281   1.132   
#>  site:year     (Intercept) 87.412   9.349   
#>  gen           (Intercept)  9.164   3.027   
#>  year          (Intercept) 37.426   6.118   
#>  site          (Intercept) 40.754   6.384   
#>  Residual                   2.160   1.470   
#> Number of obs: 1277, groups:  
#> gen:site:year, 1274; gen:year, 285; gen:site, 187; site:year, 139; gen, 37; year, 24; site, 6
#> Fixed effects:
#>             Estimate Std. Error t value
#> (Intercept)   36.751      3.055   12.03
#> optimizer (nloptwrap) convergence code: 0 (OK)
#> Model failed to converge with max|grad| = 0.00205569 (tol = 0.002, component 1)

# asreml converges to the same estimated values, so lmer is just finnicky
# m1a <- asreml(yield ~ 1, data=dat1, random  = ~ gen*site*year, workspace="1GB")
# lucid::vc(m1a)

The lmer function fails to converge, but the variance components look reasonable and also asreml is giving the same estimates (not shown here), so there is probably some convergence criterion for lmer that is not quite satisfied but is essentially near the maximum of the likelihood. Changing the convergence criteria might be helpful, but we can also try increasing the connectedness of genotype and year, since we noticed that there were some genotypes that were tested in only 2 years. Change that to require a minimum of 3 years of testing:

# Require at least 3 year per genotype
dat3 <- filter(dat1, n_distinct(year) >= 3, .by=gen)
dat2 <- con_filter(dat1, yield ~ 3*year / gen)
#> Dropping these 3 of 37 levels of gen:
#> [1] "1189" "1478" "5673"
#> Deleted 25 of 1277 rows of data.
m2 <- lmer(yield ~ (1|gen) + (1|site) + (1|year) +
             (1|gen:site) + (1|gen:year) + (1|site:year) + (1|gen:site:year),
#> Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
#> Formula: yield ~ (1 | gen) + (1 | site) + (1 | year) + (1 | gen:site) +  
#>     (1 | gen:year) + (1 | site:year) + (1 | gen:site:year)
#>    Data: dat2
#> REML criterion at convergence: 8281.1
#> Scaled residuals: 
#>      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
#> -1.12092 -0.16833 -0.00262  0.17587  1.32744 
#> Random effects:
#>  Groups        Name        Variance Std.Dev.
#>  gen:site:year (Intercept) 22.114   4.703   
#>  gen:year      (Intercept)  3.695   1.922   
#>  gen:site      (Intercept)  1.272   1.128   
#>  site:year     (Intercept) 87.466   9.352   
#>  gen           (Intercept)  9.201   3.033   
#>  year          (Intercept) 37.331   6.110   
#>  site          (Intercept) 41.768   6.463   
#>  Residual                   2.157   1.469   
#> Number of obs: 1252, groups:  
#> gen:site:year, 1249; gen:year, 279; gen:site, 173; site:year, 139; gen, 34; year, 24; site, 6
#> Fixed effects:
#>             Estimate Std. Error t value
#> (Intercept)   36.912      3.085   11.96

# asreml gives the same estimated variance parameters. Not shown.
# m2a <- asreml(yield ~ 1, data=dat2, random  = ~ gen*site*year, workspace="1GB")
# summary(m2a)$varcomp

Now lmer converges without any warnings.

We compare the estimated variance parameters from the initial model m0 (n=2083 observations) with model m1 and the final model m2 (n=1252 observations). CAUTION: The VarCorr function re-orders the terms in the output, so be careful combining the two tables.

full_join( select(, grp, vcov), 
           select(, grp, vcov), 
           by="grp", suffix=c(".0",".1")) %>%
  full_join(select(, grp, vcov), 
           by="grp", suffix=c(".0",".2")) %>% lucid
#>             grp vcov.0 vcov.1  vcov
#> 1 gen:site:year 24.6    22    22.1 
#> 2      gen:year  9.88    3.63  3.7 
#> 3      gen:site  0.826   1.28  1.27
#> 4           gen 46       9.16  9.2 
#> 5     site:year 89      87.4  87.5 
#> 6          year 38.1    37.4  37.3 
#> 7          site 42.2    40.8  41.8 
#> 8      Residual  2.65    2.16  2.16

The biggest change in the variance components happens for gen, which decreases from about 46 to about 9. This is not particularly surprising. In the full dataset, some of the genotypes were tested in only a few trials. These genotypes could easily have been poorly performing or regional check varieties that were not serious candidates for advancement for further testing. In either case, these genotypes could have been more variable than the other genotypes in the data. We are speculating, but based on some degree of personal experience.

The other thing to note is the similarity of the variance parameters from models m1 and m2. The similarity strengthens our belief that while model m1 failed to converge, it likely was near the optimum likelihood.

Appendix - Infrequently Asked Questions

1. How to extract the sorted axis tick labels from the levelplot

If you want to extract the sorted axis tick labels, assign the graphic to an object and extract the components of interest:

dat <- data_fernando
dat <- transform(dat, y = rnorm(nrow(dat)))
tmp <- con_view(dat, y ~ gen*herd)
#> Warning in con_view(dat, y ~ gen * herd): There are 2 groups
#> [1] "G6" "G1" "G2" "G7" "G5" "G3" "G4"
#> [1] "H1" "H3" "H2" "H4"

2. How to create consistent axis tick labels across multiple datasets

A user wanted to have the same axis tick labels across several different datasets, even though the datasets might have different factor levels.

First we create two small datasets. Note that only levels G2 and E2 are common to both datasets.

dd1 <- data.frame(x=rep(c("E1","E2"),2),
                  y=rep(c("G1","G2"), each=2),
dd2 <- data.frame(x=rep(c("E3","E2"),2),
                  y=rep(c("G3","G2"), each=2),
#>    x  y  z1
#> 1 E1 G1 1.0
#> 2 E2 G1 2.0
#> 3 E1 G2 1.5
#> 4 E2 G2 2.5
#>    x  y  z2
#> 1 E3 G3 3.0
#> 2 E2 G3 4.0
#> 3 E3 G2 3.5
#> 4 E2 G2 4.5

Next, create a reference dataframe that contains all of the factor levels from both dd1 and dd2.

dd0 <- expand.grid(x=sort(unique(c(dd1$x, dd2$x))),
                   y=sort(unique(c(dd1$y, dd2$y))) )

Merge the trait values into this dataframe. When plotting, be sure to use the dropNA=FALSE options so that factor levels without trait values are kept and use cluster=FALSE to prevent re-ordering

dd0 <- merge(dd0, dd1, by=c("x","y"), all.x=TRUE)
dd0 <- merge(dd0, dd2, by=c("x","y"), all.x=TRUE)
con_view(dd0, z1 ~ x * y, cluster=FALSE, dropNA=FALSE, main="dd1")

con_view(dd0, z2 ~ x * y, cluster=FALSE, dropNA=FALSE, main="dd2")

3. How to view the axis labels and/or cell group numbers when there are many levels

The best strategy is to send the graphical output to a pdf file and experiment with the cex arguments of con_view() to reduce over-plotting. Then open the file in a good pdf viewer that can zoom and search for text.


Eccleston, J. and K. Russell (1975). Connectedness and orthogonality in multi-factor designs. Biometrika, 62, 341-345.

Fernando, Rohan and D. Gianola and M. Grossman (1983). Identifying All Connected Subsets In A Two-Way Classification Without Interaction. J. of Dairy Science, 66, 1399-1402. Table 1.

Gezan, Salvador A. and Giovanni Galli and Darren Murray (2022). User’s Manual for ASRtriala v. 1.0.0. Published by VSNi.

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