Changes in version 0.4.1
- Support recoloring with Polychrome package
- Fixed recoloring internal logic to be more flexible
Changes in version 0.4.0
- Support for mascarade package
- Added example layering plotly interactive layer and noninteractive
background layers
Changes in version 0.3.1
- Improve speed by avoiding rebuilding ggplot objects through various
- More matrix math by cluster/group support
Changes in version 0.3.0
- Option to use chull to simplify optimization
- Better more flexible layer handling
Changes in version 0.2.1
- Support for plotly zoom and scroll
- Support for using saved image backgrounds
Changes in version 0.2.0
- Support for interactive plot conversion
- Warning when original colors are too similar
Changes in version 0.1.1
- Better patchwork support from Seurat plots
- Option to output color (original or optimized) vector with group
Changes in version 0.1.0
- Clean up for CRAN submission
- Supports encircling clusters on scatter plot, with outlier