2024-09-06 Vincent Dorie * Fix for custom priors not being able to find variables when blmer is executed in functions. Bug report thanks to Jacob Grytzka. 2021-03-07 Vincent Dorie * Fix for custom covariance priors in glmm setting not working. Bug report thanks to mgoplerud. 2020-11-02 Vincent Dorie * Fix for programmatically defined variables not working with glmm priors. Bug fix thanks to mgoplerud. 2015-05-28 Vincent Dorie * Changed testing framework to testthat from RUnit * Brought parity with lme4 1.1-8 * Overload refit generic so that it gets the correct deviance function 2015-03-10 Vincent Dorie * Fixed bug with t prior display on scalar variable 2014-08-14 Vincent Dorie * Now correctly stores lme4 convergence warnings 2014-07-09 Vincent Dorie * added CITATION file 2014-02-05 16:56 Vincent Dorie * Brought to parity with the latest lme4 release (1.1-6). * Bug fixes: quadratic term for normal priors calculated incorrectly when using non-zero correlations glmms could fail to apply full penalty term for mixed use of covariance priors * New features: t priors for fixed effects custom priors for ranef covariances 2013-09-13 03:30 Vincent Dorie * Complete re-write for lme4 version 1.0. 2013-08-12 10:25 Vincent Dorie * Minor addition to testing suite set of functions. Upgraded to lme4 0.999999-2. * Changed dependency to lme4.0. 2012-11-13 10:25 Vincent Dorie * Common scale is now optional for random effect covariance, specified with the "common.scale" parameter and taking values TRUE/FALSE. * Covariance priors can now all be improper. * Common scale prior can now be inverse gamma on sd, or gamma. * Reworked how the penalized weighted residual sum of squares is calculated, as it may not make sense depending on what priors are used. * Brought to parity with the latest version of lme4, 0.999999 or so. * Eliminated a false zero problem wherein the optimizer takes an initial step to the boundary and get stuck due to a flat likelihood. 2012-10-13 10:11 Vincent Dorie * blme now ignores the common scale when penalizing the random effect covariance. In previous versions it multiplied it in but didn't take the prior into account when profiling it out - in essence failing to correspond to a probabilistic model. The next version will allow the prior to be on the scale-free covariance, or on the real-world covariance matrix. For now, just the scale-free version. ** This means the fitted models will be different than previous versions. ** * Reduced the default shape for random-effect covariance posteriors on the variance scale so that the polynomial term has an exponent of 1 in the univariate case. The multivariate now has df of dim + 1 to correspond. * Fixed a few typos in the documentation. * Cleaned up imports from NAMESPACE file. * Replaced a .Internal call. 2012-03-09 13:01 Vincent Dorie * Fixed off-by one bug on termination of the optimization loop which caused gradient evaluation steps to be reported a the maximum. * REML optimization for sigma with a fixef prior was slightly off. * sigma now accepts inverse gamma priors (improper, as well). * Internal version of sim(). 2011-12-15 17:40 Vincent Dorie * Prevented summary from printing misc. lines when only one covariance prior is implemented. Gaussian fixed effects priors summarize in terms of their covariance correctly when the covariance is diagonal or a scalar times the identity. 2011-11-15 17:03 Vincent Dorie * Fixed a bug related to the scaling of priors to the data in the presence of interactions. * Added point priors on the common scale, enabling meta-analyses. 2010-12-19 19:27 Vincent Dorie * Initial version.