Changes from Version 1.4 to 1.5.
* Prepared the package for R 4.0.0 (stringsAsFactors).
* Removed dependencies to the orphaned bit package (will be missed!). 

Changes from Version 1.4 to 1.5.
* Prepared the package for R 4.0.0.

Changes from Version 1.4 to 1.5.
* Improved test_features to prevent errors for very unbalanced confusion matrices.

Changes from Version 1.3 to 1.4.
* Updated vignette to make it compatibile with new ggplot2 version. Also added some references and polished the text.

Changes from Version 1.2 to 1.3.
* Added binarize for fast binarization of matrices.
* Added calc_ed function (calculates distance between encodings).
* Added calc_si function (calculates similarity index of two encodings).
* Added list2matrix to easily convert list of sequences to  biogram preferred matrix.
* Added vignette.
* Bug fixes in count_specified, degenerate and gap_ngrams.

Changes from Version 1.1 to 1.2.
* Added add_1grams function.
* Added construct_ngrams function (iteratively construct longer n-grams).
* Added ngrams2df function.
* Added count_specified function (counts only selected n-grams).
* Added table_ngrams function (counts of n-grams considering their class labels).
* Added code_ngrams function (coding n-grams to biogram format).
* Added gap_ngrams function.
* Added criterion_distribution class followed with new methods: plot. 
* Improved position_ngrams output.

Changes from Version 1.0 to 1.1
* Improved functionalities of calc_multigrams.
* Improved explanation of n-gram naming convention.
* Added more universal version of calc_distribution
* Added feature_test class followed with new methods: print, summary, cut.
* Added functions transforming n-grams to less abstruse form: decode_ngrams,
* Added citation.