Copyright © 2016 RTE Réseau de transport d’électricité Changes in version 0.18.3 * The package has been archived as version 0.18.2. New version for distribution on CRAN Changes in version 0.18.2 * delete suggest dependecies `rhdf5` causing error in `AntaresRead` Changes in version 0.18.1 (2021-10-20) BUGFIXES: * Fix storageSurplus variables checking NEW FEATURES: * compare() can now compare two antaresDataList. Changes in version 0.16.0 (2018-09-28) NEW FEATURES: * compare() can now compare two antaresDataList. BUGFIXES: * surplus() : 'consumerSurplus' was incorrectly computed. * antaresRead::writeAntaresH5() was not working anymore due to a new version of rhdf5 (h5close() does not work anymore). Changes in version 0.15.3 (2018-06-01) BUGFIXES: * CRAN : Some tests were failing on Debian. Changes in version 0.15.2 (2018-04-25) BUGFIXES: * CRAN : Some tests were failing because of the new test dataset in antaresRead. Changes in version 0.15.1 (2018-03-26) BUGFIXES: * CRAN : Some tests were failing in Debian for r-devel and r-release. Changes in version 0.15 (2018-03-08) BUGFIXES: * Function "addProcessingH5()" was crashing when data contained several mcYears but not continuously. * Some tests were failing in Debian for r-devel. Changes in version 0.14 (2017-02-26) NEW FEATURES: * addProcessingH5() has a new parameter timeStep. Changes in version 0.13 (2017-12-14) BREAKING CHANGES: * Rename ThermalGeneration() to thermalGroupCapacities(). Changes in version 0.12 (2017-11-13) NEW FEATURES: * New function "addProcessingH5()" add process results of antaresProcessing to an ANTARES .h5 files. * Function "surplus" has a new boolean parameter hurdleCost to take into account hurdles costs when calculating congestion fees. Changes in version 0.11 (2017-07-13) NEW FEATURES: * Function loadFactor() now also computes the available load factor. * synthesize() now handles logical columns. * New function getValues() returns the values of a variable in a table with one column per Monte-Carlo scenario. BUGFIXES: * Producer surplus was incorrectly computed using column "OV COST" instead of "OP COST". Changes in version 0.10.2 (2017-05-24) BUGFIXES: * Function "synthesize()" was crashing when data contained non numeric columns. Changes in version 0.10.1 (2017-04-20) BUGFIXES: * Fix a problem that made fail build on mac osx. Changes in version 0.10 (2017-04-05) BREAKING CHANGES: * Function margins() has been replaced by addUpwardMargin() and addDownwardMargin(). they are easier to use, add directly the new columns to the input data and are far more efficient. NEW FEATURES: * The package now adds new aliases to use in the parameter 'select' of antaresRead::readAntares. Each function has its own alias, so it is now easier for the user to read all data required by a given function. Use 'showAliases()' to see the list of aliases. BUGFIXES: * Function synthesize() set incorrect values for attributes of antaresDataList objects. Changes in version 0.9 (2017-01-25) NEW FEATURES: * function addLoadFactorLink() now adds two columns: "loadFactor" and "congestion". BUG FIXES: * Minor bugfixes due to evolution of "antaresRead" Changes in version 0.8 (2016-11-14) BUGFIXES: * Compatibility with version 0.14 of antaresRead. * The definition of downward margins was inexact and has been corrected. NEW FEATURES: * New function addLoadFactorLink() to compute the load factor of links. Changes in version 0.7 (2016-10-06) BREAKING CHANGES: * add a file LICENSE and copyright to sources files Changes in version 0.6 (2016-08-22) NEW FEATURES: * New function addExportAndImport() adds import, export and link capacity to areas and districts. Changes in version 0.5 (2016-08-01) NEW FEATURES: * New function 'synthesize' that synthesizes different Monte-Carlo scenarios. It computes the average of every variable but can also compute custom statistics like minimum, maximum, median, quantiles, etc. Changes in version 0.4 (2016-07-18) NEW FEATURES: * Function 'surplusClusters' now returns fixed and variable costs of production. * Function "surplusSectors" now returns columns "sector", "surplus" and "cost" instead of one column per sector. * ROW balance is now included in the computation of the surplus of an area. A new column "rowBalanceSurplus is non available." *New function "loadFactor". It returns the load factor of a cluster and the time at Pmin and at Pmax. Changes in version 0.3 (2016-07-04) BREAKING CHANGES: * Function addRamps is replaced by netLoadRamp. It returns a table with the ramps of net load and balance and aggregates them at desired time step or among Monte-Carlo scenarios. NEW FEATURES: * Function "modulation" can now return modulation of sectors per area and per district. * New function "margins" to compute upward and downward margins of an area. * surplusClusters now returns production costs and start-up costs. BUGFIXES: * Computation of ramps, modulations and costs of last unit was erronous because of bad sorting of data Changes in version 0.2 (2016-06-20) NEW FEATURES: * New function 'compare' to compares the surpluses of two simulations. * 'surplus' and 'surplusSectors' can now aggregate results by district. * 'surplus', 'surplusSectors' and 'surplusClusters' can now compute the average surplus off the Monte-Carlo scnearios. * New functions addNetLoad and addRamps that add new columns to an antaresData object. * 'surplusClusters' returns a new column "economicGradient". * 'surplusClusters' gains a new argument 'surplusLastUnit' to indicate if the function should compute the surplus of last unit or not. * Function 'surplus' now distinguishes the production of virtual nodes. BUGFIXES: * When computing the surplus of the last unit of a cluster, 'surplusCLusters' now uses the number of available units instead of the total number of units.