--- title: "Plotting Designs from FielDHub Package" author: "Jens Harbers" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette: fig_width: 6 fig_height: 4 vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Plotting Designs from FielDHub Package} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- # Usage of the package This chapter shows the usage of the package and the underlying functions. As factorial experiments are omnipresent in all science and technology fields, a factorial ab-design will be used as an example. Although some parameters are worth for agriculture only, most other are useful for every user. Unlike the usual presentation approach, I deliberately inserted the output of the 'FielDHub' functions into the vignette and executed each function individually. This allows interested users to directly adopt the code. For 'agricolaeplotr', it is necessary to plot each location individually, while 'FielDHub' offers the option to create multiple locations simultaneously. To illustrate the similarity of both plots, I have juxtaposed both versions. ## Load the package use the following command to load the package after installation. The three packages below 'agricolaeplotr' are only needed for the examples. ```{r message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} library("agricolaeplotr") library("FielDHub") library("ggplot2") ``` # Example 1: Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) ```{r message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} example("RCBD") plt <- plot(rcbd2) p <- full_control_positions(plt$field_book, "COLUMN", "ROW", factor_name = "TREATMENT", label = "TREATMENT") p ``` # Example 2: Latin Square Design ```{r message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} latinSq1 <- latin_square(t = 4, reps = 2, plotNumber = 101, planter = "cartesian", seed = 1980) plt <- plot(latinSq1) p <- full_control_positions(plt$field_book, "COLUMN", "ROW", factor_name = "TREATMENT", label = "TREATMENT") p ``` # Example 3: Full Factorial Design ```{r message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} example("full_factorial") plt <- plot(fullFact2, l = 1) p <- full_control_positions(plt$field_book[plt$field_book$LOCATION == "Loc1",], "COLUMN", "ROW", factor_name = "FACTOR_A", label = "FACTOR_A") p ``` # Example 4: Incomplete Blocks Design ```{r message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} example("incomplete_blocks") plt <- plot(ibd2) p <- full_control_positions(plt$field_book, "COLUMN", "ROW", factor_name = "TREATMENT", label = "TREATMENT") p ``` # Example 5: Diagonal Arrangement Design ```{r message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} example("diagonal_arrangement") plt <- plot(spatAB) p <- full_control_positions(plt$field_book, "COLUMN", "ROW", factor_name = "TREATMENT", label = "TREATMENT") p ``` # Example 6: Augmented Randomized Complete Block Design (ARCBD) ```{r message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} example("RCBD_augmented") plt <- plot(ARCBD2) p <- full_control_positions(plt$field_book[plt$field_book$LOCATION == "A",], "COLUMN", "ROW", factor_name = "TREATMENT", label = "TREATMENT") + guides(fill = "none") p ``` # Example 7: Rectangular Lattice Design ```{r message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} example("rectangular_lattice") plt <- plot(rectangularLattice2) p <- full_control_positions(plt$field_book[plt$field_book$LOCATION == "LOC1",], "COLUMN", "ROW", factor_name = "TREATMENT", label = "TREATMENT") p ``` # Example 8: Strip Plot Design ```{r message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} example("strip_plot") plt <- plot(strip2) p <- full_control_positions(plt$field_book[plt$field_book$LOCATION == "A",], "COLUMN", "ROW", factor_name = "TRT_COMB", label = "TRT_COMB") p ``` # Example 9: Square Lattice Design ```{r message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} example("square_lattice") plt <- plot(squareLattice2) p <- full_control_positions(plt$field_book[plt$field_book$LOCATION == "CASSELTON",], "COLUMN", "ROW", factor_name = "TREATMENT", label = "TREATMENT") p ``` # Example 10: Split Plot Design ```{r message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} example("split_plot") plt <- plot(SPDExample2) p <- full_control_positions(plt$field_book[plt$field_book$LOCATION == "A",], "COLUMN", "ROW", factor_name = "TRT_COMB", label = "TRT_COMB") p ``` # Example 11: Split-Split Plot Design ```{r message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} example("split_split_plot") plt <- plot(SSPD2) p <- full_control_positions(plt$field_book[plt$field_book$LOCATION == "A",], "COLUMN", "ROW", factor_name = "TRT_COMB", label = "TRT_COMB") + guides(fill = "none") p ``` # Example 12: Completely Randomized Design (CRD) ```{r message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} example("CRD") plt <- plot(crd3) p <- full_control_positions(plt$field_book, "COLUMN", "ROW", factor_name = "TREATMENT", label = "TREATMENT") + guides(fill = "none") p ``` # Example 13: Sparse Allocation Design ```{r message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} example("sparse_allocation") plt <- plot(sparse) p <- full_control_positions(plt$field_book[plt$field_book$LOCATION == "LOC1",], "COLUMN", "ROW", factor_name = "TREATMENT", label = "TREATMENT") + guides(fill = "none") p ``` # Example 14: Row-Column Design ```{r message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} example("row_column") plt <- plot(rowcold2, l = 1) p <- full_control_positions(plt$field_book[plt$field_book$LOCATION == "1",], "COLUMN", "ROW", factor_name = "TREATMENT", label = "TREATMENT") + guides(fill = "none") p ```