Pediatrics extension package for ADaM in R Asset Library
To provide a complementary (to {admiral}
) toolbox that
enables users to develop specifics for pediatric clinical trials.
The package is available from CRAN and can be installed with:
To install the development version of the package from GitHub run:
# install.packages("devtools")
::install_github("pharmaverse/admiralpeds") devtools
The latest version of the package works with the latest versions of
the packages stated in DESCRIPTION
If a previous version of the package should be used, it is recommended to use latest version of the dependencies at the point of time when the previous version of {admiralpeds} was released.
is expected to complement
and provide functions to help with the creation
of analyses required for pediatric trial ADaMs.
Here’s a summary of our strategy for this package related to R versions:
core package.main
branch of
core is used as a dependency. For releasing a new
version it must run using the latest released
core version.We use the following for support and communications between user and developer community: