## ----echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- library(YEAB) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- data("r_times") head(r_times, n = 30) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bins <- get_bins(r_times, 0, 180, 2) # Binarize r_times to create a response rate distribution of 2 sec. bins. bin_res <- 6 response_rate <- f_table(bins, 0, 180, bin_res) res_rate_norm <- response_rate$prop / max(response_rate$prop) # Normalize the response rate values. bins <- response_rate$bins # Get the time bins vector. ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- balci_ind <- balci2019(res_rate_norm, bins) balci_ind$params ## ----echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- plot(bins, res_rate_norm, xlab = "6 sec. Bins", ylab = "Normalized Response Rate") lines(bins, balci_ind$mov_av, col = "blue", lwd = 2) abline(v = balci_ind$params[c(1, 2, 4)], lwd = c(1, 1, 2), col = c(1, 1, "red4"))