## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##Installation and loading the library of SoilSaltIndex R package # You can install the SoilSaltIndex package from CRAN using the following command: # install.packages("SoilSaltIndex") # Once installed, you can load the package using # library(SoilSaltIndex) ### Generating Salinity Indices using spectral bands # Example: #'Example usage: #'Importing all the required spectral bands from extdata foldar library(SoilSaltIndex) library(raster) B <- raster::raster(system.file("extdata", "Blue.tif", package = "SoilSaltIndex")) G <- raster::raster(system.file("extdata", "Green.tif", package = "SoilSaltIndex")) R <- raster::raster(system.file("extdata", "Red.tif", package = "SoilSaltIndex")) NIR <- raster::raster(system.file("extdata", "NIR.tif", package = "SoilSaltIndex")) SW1 <- raster::raster(system.file("extdata", "SWIR1.tif", package = "SoilSaltIndex")) SW2 <- raster::raster(system.file("extdata", "SWIR2.tif", package = "SoilSaltIndex")) # Salinity Indices generation using all the bands Salt_Index1 <- Soil_Salinity_Indices(B=B, G=G, R=R, NIR=NIR, SW1=SW1, SW2=SW2) # Relevant Salinity indices generation using only SWIR1 AND SWIR 2 bands Salt_Index2 <- Soil_Salinity_Indices(SW1=SW1, SW2=SW2) # Relevant Salinity indices generation using only Blue, Green, Red and NIR bands Salt_Index3 <- Soil_Salinity_Indices(B=B, G=G, R=R, NIR=NIR) ## ----echo=FALSE, results='asis'----------------------------------------------- cat(" 1. Normalized Difference Salinity Index (NDSI): $(R - NIR) / (R + NIR)$ ; (Reference: Major et al., 1990) 2. Salinity Index 1 (SI1): $sqrt(G*R)$ ; (Reference: Khan et al., 2005) 3. Salinity Index 2 (SI2): $sqrt(G^2 + R^2 + NIR^2)$ ; (Reference: Douaoui et al., 2006) 4. Salinity Index 3 (SI3): $sqrt(G^2 + R^2)$ ; (Reference: Douaoui et al., 2006) 5. Salinity Index 4 (SI4): $SW1 / SW2$ ; (Reference: INDP, 2002) 6. Salinity Index 5 (SI5): $(NIR - SW1) / (NIR + SW1)$ ; (Reference: INDP, 2002) 7. Salinity Index 6 (SI6): $(SW1 - SW2) / (SW1 + SW2)$ ; (Reference: INDP, 2002) 8. Salinity Index 7 (SI7): $B / R$ ; (Ref:Abbas and Khan, 2007; Abbas et al., 2013) 9. Salinity Index 8 (SI8): $(B - R) / (B + R)$ ; (Ref:Abbas and Khan, 2007; Abbas et al., 2013) 10. Salinity Index 9 (SI9): $(G * R) / B$ ; (Ref:Abbas and Khan, 2007; Abbas et al., 2013) 11. Salinity Index 10 (SI10): $sqrt(B * R)$ ; (Ref:Abbas and Khan, 2007; Abbas et al., 2013) 12. Salinity Index 11 (SI11): $(B * R) / G$ ; (Ref:Abbas and Khan, 2007; Abbas et al., 2013) 13. Salinity Index 12 (SI12): $(R * NIR) / G$ ; (Ref:Abbas and Khan, 2007; Abbas et al., 2013) 14. Salinity Index 13 (SI13): $sqrt(R * NIR)$ ; (Ref:Dehni and Lounis, 2012) 15. Salinity Index 14 (SI14): $(R / NIR) * 100$ ; (Ref:Allbed et al., 2014) 16. Canopy Response Salinity Index (CRSI): $sqrt(((R * NIR) - (G * B)) / ((R * NIR) + (G * B)))$ ; (Ref: Scudiero et al., (2014;2015)) 17. Combined Spectral Response Index (COSRI): $((B + G) / (R + NIR)) * ((NIR - R) / (NIR + R))$ ;(Ref: Fernandez-Buces et al., 2006) 18. NIR-SWIR Salinity Index (NSI): $(SW1 - SW2) / (SW1 - NIR)$ ; (Ref: Abuelgasim and Ammad, 2019) 19. ASTER Salinity Index (SI.ASTER): $(SW1 - NIR) / (SW1 + SW2)$ ; (Ref: Abuelgasim and Ammad, 2019) 20. Soil Salinity and Sodicity Index 1 (SSSI1): $SW1 - SW2$ ; (Ref: Abuelgasim and Ammad, 2019) 21. Soil Salinity and Sodicity Index 2 (SSSI2): $(SW1 * SW2 - SW2 * SW2) / SW1$ ; (Ref: Abuelgasim and Ammad, 2019) 22. Vegetation Soil Salinity Index (VSSI): $2 * G - 5 * (R + NIR)$ ; (Ref:Dehni and Lounis, 2015 ) 23. Salinity Index Tripathi (SIT): $NIR/SW1$ ; (Ref:Tripathi et al., 1997 ) 24. Brightness Index (BI): $sqrt(R^2+NIR^2)$ ; (Ref:Khan et al., 2005 ) ")