## ----config, echo = FALSE----------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( tidy = TRUE, cache = FALSE, dev = "png" ) ## ----install-github, eval = FALSE--------------------------------------------- # devtools::install_github("jichunxie/sifinet") ## ----load_data---------------------------------------------------------------- # Load package library(SiFINeT) # Load data data <- readRDS("toy_matrix.rds") sifi_obj <- create_SiFINeT_object( counts = data, gene.name = NULL, meta.data = NULL, data.name = NULL, sparse = FALSE, rowfeature = TRUE ) ## ----network1----------------------------------------------------------------- # estimate the quantiles sifi_obj <- quantile_thres(sifi_obj) sifi_obj <- feature_coexp(sifi_obj) ## ----network2----------------------------------------------------------------- # build the co-expression network sifi_obj <- create_network(sifi_obj, alpha = 0.05, manual = FALSE, least_edge_prop = 0.01 ) ## ----network3----------------------------------------------------------------- # filter gene to improve the quality of the co-expression network sifi_obj <- filter_lowexp(sifi_obj, t1 = 10, t2 = 0.9, t3 = 0.9) ## ----feature1----------------------------------------------------------------- # calculate connectivity for each gene sifi_obj <- cal_connectivity(sifi_obj, m = 10, niter = 100) ## ----feature2----------------------------------------------------------------- # detect core feature gene sets sifi_obj <- find_unique_feature(sifi_obj, t1 = 5, t2 = 0.4, t3 = 0.3, t1p = 5, t2p = 0.7, t3p = 0.5, resolution = 1, min_set_size = 5 ) ## ----feature3----------------------------------------------------------------- # assign shared feature genes to core feature gene sets sifi_obj <- assign_shared_feature(sifi_obj, min_edge_prop = 0.5) ## ----feature4----------------------------------------------------------------- # enrich feature gene sets with other genes sifi_obj <- enrich_feature_set(sifi_obj, min_edge_prop = 0.9) ## ----sessionInfo-------------------------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()