--- title: "STMotif R Package" author: "Heraldo Borges, Amin Bazaz, Eduardo Ogasawara" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Spatial-Time Motif Discovery with STMotif} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r setup, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, warning = FALSE, comment = "#>" ) ``` The goal of the `STSMotif` R package is to allows the discovery and ranking of a motif in spatial-time series quickly and efficiently. ```{r, echo=FALSE} source(file = "../R/mainFunction.R") source(file = "../R/subFunction.R") source(file = "../R/visualization.R") library(stats) library(ggplot2) library(reshape2) library(RColorBrewer) ``` ### Introduction A pattern that significantly occurs in a time series is called a motif. In spatial time series data, these patterns may not be substantially present in a single time series but dispersed over several times series, limited in both space and time. The `STMotif R package` was developed to simplify the Spatio-temporal data mining on the search for these motifs. We present the functions available in `STMotif package` through the sample dataset, also available in this package. First, install the package by typing: ```{r, eval = FALSE} install.packages("STMotif") ``` Then, load the package by typing: ```{r, eval = FALSE} library(STMotif) ``` It provides two categories of functions: for discovering and ranking motifs (CSAMiningProcess) and functions for viewing the identified motifs. ### 1. CSAMiningProcess 1. The function `NormSAX` allows the normalization and SAX indexing of the dataset. ```{r, echo=TRUE} # The process is launched on the provided example dataset dim(D <- STMotif::example_dataset) # Normalizartion and SAX indexing DS <- NormSAX(D = STMotif::example_dataset,a =5) # Information of the normalized and SAX indexing dataset # The candidates built head(NormSAX(D = STMotif::example_dataset, a = 5)[,1:10]) ``` 2. The function `SearchSTMotifs` allows to check and filter the stmotifs, grouping the motifs from the neighboring block. ```{r, echo=TRUE} # The list of motifs # stmotifs <- SearchSTMotifs(D,DS,w,a,sb,tb,si,ka) stmotifs <- SearchSTMotifs(D,DS,4,5,4,10,2,2) stmotifs[[1]] ``` 3. The function `RankSTMotifs` allows to rank the stmotifs list, making a balance between distance among the occurrences of a motif with the encoded information on the motif itself and his quantity. ```{r, echo=TRUE} # The rank list of stmotifs rstmotifs <- RankSTMotifs(stmotifs) rstmotifs[[1]] ``` 4.All this process can be summarized in the function `CSAMiningProcess` which performs all the steps listed above. ```{r, echo=TRUE} # CSAMiningProcess stmotifs <- CSAMiningProcess(D,DS,4,5,4,10,2,2) rstmotifs[[1]] ``` ### 2. Visualization - Plot a heatmap of the dataset and highlight the selected motifs from the list ```{r fig, fig.height = 4, fig.width = 5, fig.align = "center"} display_motifsDataset(dataset = STMotif::example_dataset, rstmotifs[c(1:4)], 5) ``` - Plot the selected spatial-time series with the selected motifs highlighted ```{r fig1, fig.height = 4, fig.width = 5, fig.align = "center"} display_motifsSTSeries(dataset = STMotif::example_dataset,rstmotifs[c(1:4)],space = c(1:4,10:12)) ```