## ----setup, include=FALSE------------------------------------------------ knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) ## ----instalation, eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------- # path = "path_to_the_archive/Rspc_x.x.x.tar.gz" # set the path to the archive # install.packages(path, repos = NULL, type="source") # install package ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #load the package library(Rspc) # generate some data data <- rnorm(10) # evaluate all the Nelson rules, # calculate control limits from data (lcl, cl, ucl are not provided) using formulas for i-chart, # don't modify any rule parameters (parRules = NULL) EvaluateRules(x = data, type = 'i', whichRules = 1:8, lcl = NA, cl = NA, ucl = NA) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ pars = SetParameters() print(pars) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ pars$Rule3$nPoints = 5 ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CalculateLimits(x = rnorm(10), lcl = NA, cl = 100, ucl = NA, type = 'i') ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ limits = CalculateLimits(x = rnorm(10), lcl = NA, cl = NA, ucl = NA, type = 'i') CalculateZoneBorders(limits, controlLimitDistance = 3)