############################################################################### ## News: to package RobLoxBioC ############################################################################### (first two numbers of package versions do not necessarily reflect package-individual development, but rather are chosen for the RobAStXXX family as a whole in order to ease updating "depends" information) ###################################################################### version 1.2.2 ####################################### under the hood + fixed some broken URLs and changed URLs from http to https where possible + changed encoding to UTF-8 and updated URL for r-forge project homepage + transformed CITATION file to new format, i.e., bibentry() instead of citEntry(), person( .... ) (with ORCID where available) instead of as.person( .... ) ######## version 1.2.1 ####################################### user-visible CHANGES: + changed rforge link, now also uses https under the hood: + removed non-ASCII characters + use bibentry in CITATION file + changed package encoding to UTF-8 ####################################### version 1.1 ####################################### user-visible CHANGES: + DESCRIPTION tag SVNRevision changed to VCS/SVNRevision under the hood: + wherever possible also use q.l internally instead of q to provide functionality in IRKernel ####################################### version 1.0 ####################################### user-visible CHANGES: + title changed to title style / capitalization ####################################### version 0.9 ####################################### GENERAL ENHANCEMENTS: + cleaned DESCRIPTION and NAMESPACE file as to Imports/Depends under the hood: + added .Rbuildignore BUGFIXES ####################################### version 0.8.1 ####################################### + new internal functions due to changes to .C() and .Call() calls ####################################### version 0.8 ####################################### BUG FIX: + roblox(): if only sd or mean is to be estimated, starting value mean.sd was not; similarly, in case only mean is of interest, robEst had no component est... + DESCRIPTION files and package-help files gain a tag SVNRevision to be filled by get[All]RevNr.R from utils in distr ####################################### version 0.7 ####################################### user-visible CHANGES: + Roblox,colRoblox,rowRoblox gain na.rm argument and consistently fill new slot completecases + introduction of finite-sample correction + handle marginal cases n = 1 or 2 as well as eps = 0 and mad = 0 + package Rd-file added GENERAL ENHANCEMENTS: + added tests/Examples folder with file RobLox-Ex.Rout.save to have some automatic testing + added TOBEDONE (sic!) files; in English (for possible collaborators) + added keyword robust and made some minor corrections ... + added/updated NEWS files, updated CITATION files using code by A. Zeileis + Rd-parsing: * patch for Brian Ripley's Re: [Rd] Warning: missing text for item ... in \describe? * fixed errors / warnings in .Rd files detected by parser 2 (c.f. [Rd] More intensive checking of R help files, Prof Brian Ripley, 09.01.2009 10:25) + svn-revision-tags * added in all DESCRIPTION files * added field "Encoding: latin1" to all DESCRIPTION files because substituting $LastChangedDate by svn would cause problems for packages built under Windows (German) local when checking under Linux. + removed pdf-file from version control - Rnw-file is sufficient INTERNALLY: + gains new slots of kStepEstimator BUGFIXES: + corrected small bug in computation of bias in case of TuMad IC ... + small correction in finiteSampleCorrection ... + forgot to include correction for 50% or more outliers ####################################### version 0.6.1 ####################################### + bug in computation of as. covariance in roblox corrected. + bug in rsOptIC corrected. + introduction of NEWS-file + update of CITATION-file (based on code provided by A. Zeileis on R help)