Removed dependency on ‘dplyr’ and migrated all code to ‘data.table’ to ensure efficiency and speed for large data sets.
Added functionality to apply point-to-pixel validation. The metrics analyzed are: Pearson correlation coefficient (CC), root mean square error (RMSE), modified Kling-Gupta efficiency (KGE), relative bias (PBIAS), probability of detection (POD), false alarm rate (FAR), critical success index (CSI).
Removed dependencies on external libraries for FAR, POD, CSI calculations. Calculations are now performed using R base functions.
A complete refactoring of the code has been carried out to improve its efficiency and ease of maintenance.
We modified the description of the package to meet the corrections suggested by CRAN.
Replaced by with . due to the time of execution of the example. (> 5 seconds)
The word quantile mapping was changed to Quantile Mapping due to CRAN’s comment of “ Words possibly misspelled in DESCRIPTION”.
A test optimization was performed to address the problem of “the error Executing ‘testthat.R’ [421s/114s] the execution of the R code in ‘testthat.R’ had a CPU time 3.7 times higher than the elapsed time” reported by CRAN.