in the
redcap_data() function to delete_pattern
accurately describe its purpose. [Issue #6 in github]delete_vars
which allows users to specify variables to be
removed. [Issue #6 in github]
Small bugs fixed in some of the functions
Added new vignettes for a simpler use of the functions
The rd_transform() function will now also transform the branching logic in the dictionary into R logic.
The rd_query() will now use the information of the event-form to automatically detect the events where the variables are present.
The rd_query() will now automatically apply the branching logic of the variable before generating queries.
Remove descriptive variables from the dictionary in the redcap_data() function.
Improve the resulting summary of the rd_query() function.
New error added to the rd_query() function when trying to use a variable that is not in the dataset.
New error added to the rd_query() function when the logic of the filter was using incorrected logic.
The rd_export() function will now create a themed excel file.
Minor error fixed in the summary report of the rd_query() function when there were multiple variables with zero queries.
Error fixed in the check_queries() function when there were several ‘Miscorrected’ queries.
We now take into account REDCap projects with repeated instruments.