title: "RCytoGPS: Working With LGF-Models of Karyotype in R"
author: "Dwayne Tally, Zachary B. Abrams, and Kevin R. Coombes"
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
theme: journal
highlight: kate
vignette: >
%\VignetteIndexEntry{Introduction to RCytoGPS}
```{r opts, echo=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.width=8, fig.height=5)
```{r mycss, results="asis", echo=FALSE}
# Introduction
Modern biological experiments are increasingly producing interesting binary matrices.
These may represent the presence or absence of specific gene mutations, copy number
variants, microRNAs, or other molecular or clinical phenomena. We recently developed
a tool, CytoGPS [^Abrams and colleagues], that converts conventional karyotypes from
the standard text-based notation (the International Standard for Human
Cytogenetic/Cytogenomic Nomenclature; ISCN) into a binary vector with three bits
(loss, gain, or fusion) per cytoband, which we call the "LGF model".
The CytoGPS tool is available at the web site http://cytogps.org, where the LGF results
of processing karyotype data are returned in JSON format. To complement the web site,
we have developed RCytoGPS, an R package to extract, format, and visualize
genetic data at the resolution of cytobands. RCytoGPS can parse any JSON file
(or set of files) produced by CytoGPS.org.
## Setup
In order to extract LGF data from JSON files, you must first load the package.
```{r Setup}
# Extracting JSON data and formatting to LGF model
We have included a pair of JSON files produced at CytoGPS.org as examples in the package.
These are found in the following directory:
```{r sysfile}
wd <- system.file("Examples/JSONfiles", package = "RCytoGPS")
The two text files contain the inputs that were uploaded to the web site; the two
JSON files contain the outputs. You can specify the files and the folder that you
want to read. The simplest application is to omit the files variable and read all
filed in teh specified folder (which defaults to the current working directory).
```{r readLGF}
temp <- readLGF(folder = wd)
The return value is a list of five elements.
```{r peekTemp}
The source element documents which JSON file(s) were read.
```{r src}
The size element lists the number of rows returned from each file; each
row represents a distinct clone.
```{r size}
The CL element is a data frame describing the chromosomal locations of
each cytoband.
```{r CL}
The raw element is itself a list, containing the binary LGF data for
each JSON file processed. Each file produces a "Status" output along with the LGF
data. The Status includes both the input karyotype (in ISCN format) and an indicator of
whether CytoGPS could successfully process it. In this example, the first karyotype
contained an error. As a result, the LGF component does not contain any rows derived
from that karyotype. It does, however. contain three rows derived from the second
karyotype, since the "forward slashes" separate the decriptions of three different
clones that were detected in that sample.
```{r raw}
R <- temp$raw[[2]]
Finally, the frequency element contains summary data from each file read.
These summaries consist of the frequencies of loss, gain, and fusion events. Each row
of this data frame represents a cytoband. There are three columns from each JSON file,
one each for loss, gain, and fusion
```{r freqelt}
F <- temp$frequency
# Extracting the cytoband locations, and the frequency data
In order to be able to work with the cytoband-level frequency data, we must combine
it with the cytoband location data. Here we assemble them into a single data frame.
```{r cytoData}
cytoData <- data.frame(temp[["CL"]], temp[["frequency"]])
# Turning CytoData into an S4 Object
Next, we transfrom the CytoData data frame into an S4 object using the function
. The newly acquired object will then be used to generatie plots
and will be available for further analyses.
```{r Turning CytoData into an S4 Object}
bandData <- CytobandData(cytoData)
## Generating Graphs
# Plotting Cytoband Data Along the Genome
The first graphs (using barplot ]) summarizes the frequency data from one data
column along the genome. This provides a broad overview of the changes, and can be used
to visually contrast the locations of changes in different data sets. Here we use barplot
twice, showing losses and gains from the first file.
```{r gb, fig.cap="Cytoband level data along the genome.", fig.width=14, fig.height=7}
opar <- par(mfrow=c(2,1))
barplot(bandData, what = "CytoGPS_Result1.Loss", col = "forestgreen")
barplot(bandData, what = "CytoGPS_Result1.Gain", col = "orange")
# Plotting Cytoband-Level Data Along One Chromosome
The next graph allows you to simultaneously compare multiple cytogenetic events one
chromosome at a time.
```{r v.plot2Chrom, fig.width=8, fig.height=5,fig.cap = "Vertical stacked barplot of LGF frequencies on chromosome 3 for type 1 samples."}
datacolumns <- names(temp[["frequency"]])
image(bandData, what = datacolumns[1:3], chr = 2, labels = TRUE)
By adding the parameter horix=TRUE, you can rotate this graph 90 degrees. For
more details about the parameters of the image method, see the manual pages
and the "gallery" vignette.
# Idiograms
We can assemble all of the single-chromosome plots into a single "idiogram" graph that
shows all chromosomes at once.
## One Data Column
The purpose of this graph is to visualize the chromosomes as well as a barplot of the
cytogenetic abnormalities in orderto observe and possibly identify patterns.
```{r makeid, fig.width=10, fig.height=8, fig.cap="Idiogram for one data columm."}
image(bandData, what = datacolumns[1], chr = "all", pal = "orange")
## More Data Columns
This graph allows the user to compare and contrast two or more cytogenetic events
simultaneously. Here we show loss (orange), gain (green), and fusion (purple) events
from the Type 1 samples.
```{r biid, fig.width=10, fig.height=8, fig.cap="Idiogram to contrast two data columms."}
image(bandData, what = datacolumns[1:3], chr = "all",
pal=c("orange", "forestgreen", "purple"), horiz=TRUE)
# Gallery
To see all possible visuals please go to our gallery for images.
# Appendix