title: RAQSAPI - RAQSAPI functions Long version
author: Clinton Mccrowey physical scientist - US EPA
rmarkdown::html_vignette: default
vignette: >
%\VignetteIndexEntry{RAQSAPI - RAQSAPI functions Long version}
# RAQSAPI functions
The RAQSAPI library exports the following functions (in alphabetical order):
```{r RAQSAPIfun_all, echo = FALSE, comment = NA}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" )
invisible(library(magrittr, warn.conflicts = FALSE, quietly = TRUE))
invisible(library(stringr, warn.conflicts = FALSE, quietly = TRUE))
invisible(library(tibble, warn.conflicts = FALSE, quietly = TRUE))
invisible(library(glue, warn.conflicts = FALSE, quietly = TRUE))
#AQAD-33, using list.files works when knitting the vignette but does
#not seem to work when the vignette is knitted as part of a package.
#Instead function names need to be hard coded.
# RAQSAPI_functions <- list.files(path = "./man/", pattern = ".Rd$") %>%
# stringr::str_remove_all(pattern = ".Rd") %>%
# str_replace("ni_infix_operator", replacement = NA_character_) %>%
# str_replace("RAQSAPI", replacement = NA_character_) %>%
# str_replace_all("_services_", replacement = NA_character_) %>%
# na.omit() %>%
# as.character()
RAQSAPI_functions <- c(
RAQSAPI_functions %>%
cat(sep = " \n")
RAQSAPI functions are named according to the service and filter variables that
are available by the AQS Data Mart API.^[See
(https://aqs.epa.gov/aqsweb/documents/data_api.html) for full details of the
Data Mart API]
# Variable descriptions and usage.
These are all the available variables that can be used with various functions
exported from the RAQSAPI library listed alphabetically. Not all of these
variables are used with every function, and not all of these parameters are
required. See the
[RAQSAPI functional families](#RAQSAPI functional families) section to
see which parameters are used with each function.
* AQSobject: a R S3 object that is returned from RAQSAPI aggregate functions
where return_header is TRUE. An AQS_Data_Mart_APIv2 is a 2 item
named list in which the first item (\$Header) is a tibble of
header information from the AQS API and the second item (\$Data)
is a tibble of the data returned.
* bdate: a R date object which represents the begin date of the data selection.
Only data on or after this date will be returned.
* cbdate (optional): a R date object which represents the "beginning date of
last change" that indicates when the data was last
updated. cbdate is used to filter data based on the
change date. Only data that changed on or after this date
will be returned. This is an optional variable which
defaults to NA.
* cedate (optional): a R date object which represents the "end date of last
change" that indicates when the data was last updated.
cedate is used to filter data based on the change date.
Only data that changed on or before this date will be
returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to
* countycode: a R character object which represents the 3 digit state FIPS code
for the county being requested (with leading zero(s)). Refer to
[aqs_counties_by_state()] for a table of available county
codes for each state.
* duration (optional): a R character string that represents the parameter
duration code that limits returned data to a specific
sample duration. The default value of NA_character_
will result in no filtering based on duration code.
Valid durations include actual sample
durations and not calculated durations such as 8 hour
CO or O${_3}$ rolling averages, 3/6 day PM averages or
Pb 3 month rolling averages. Refer to
[aqs_sampledurations()] for a table of all available
duration codes.
* edate: a R date object which represents the end date of the data selection.
Only data on or before this date will be returned.
* email: a R character object which represents the email account that will be
used to register with the AQS API or change an existing user's key. A
verification email will be sent to the account specified.
* key: the key used in conjunction with the username given to connect to AQS
Data Mart.
* MA_code: a R character object which represents the 4 digit AQS Monitoring
Agency code (with leading zeroes).
* maxlat: a R character object which represents the maximum latitude of a
geographic box. Decimal latitude with north begin positive. Only
data south of this latitude will be returned.
* maxlon: a R character object which represents the maximum longitude of a
geographic box. Decimal longitude with east being positive. Only
data west of this longitude will be returned. Note that -80 is less
than -70.
* minlat: a R character object which represents the minimum latitude of a
geographic box. Decimal latitude with north being positive.
Only data north of this latitude will be returned.
* minlon: a R character object which represents the minimum longitude of a
geographic box. Decimal longitude with east begin positive. Only
data east of this longitude will be returned.
* parameter: a R character list or single character object which represents
the parameter code of the air pollutant related to the data
being requested.
* return_header If FALSE (default) only returns data requested. If TRUE
returns a AQSAPI_v2 object which is a two item list that
contains header information returned from the API server
mostly used for debugging purposes in addition to the
data requested.
* service a string which represents the services provided by the AQS
API. For a list of available services refer to
for the complete listing of services available through the
Datamart API
* sitenum: a R character object which represents the 4 digit site number (with
leading zeros) within the county and state being requested.
* stateFIPS: a R character object which represents the 2 digit state FIPS code
(with leading zero) for the state being requested.
* pqao_code: a R character object which represents the 4 digit AQS Primary
Quality Assurance Organization code (with leading zeroes).
* username: a R character object which represents the email account that will
be used to connect to the AQS API.
# RAQSAPI functional families
## Sign up and credentials
The functions included in this family of functions are:
```{r SIGNUPANDCREDENTIALS, echo = FALSE, comment = NA}
signupandcredentials <- paste(".sign_up", ".credentials", sep = '|')
str_subset(string = RAQSAPI_functions, pattern = signupandcredentials) %>%
cat(sep = " \n")
These functions are used to sign up with Data Mart and to store credential
information to use with RAQSAPI. The RAQSAPI::aqs_signup function takes
one parameter:
* email:
The RAQSAPI::aqs_credentials function takes two parameters:
* username:
* key:
## Data Mart API metadata functions
```{r METADATAFUNCTIONS, echo = FALSE, comment = NA}
metadatafunctions <- paste(".available",
".knownissues", sep = '|')
str_subset(string = RAQSAPI_functions, pattern = metadatafunctions) %>%
cat(sep = " \n")
These functions return the status of Data Mart API or metadata associated with
The RAQSAPI::aqs_isavailable function takes no parameters and returns a
table which details the status of the AQS API.
The RAQSAPI::aqs_fields_by_service function takes one parameter, service,
which is a R character object which represents the services provided by
the AQS API. For a list of available services see
[Air Quality System (AQS) API - Services Overview](
The RAQSAPI::aqs_knownissues function takes no parameters and Returns a
table of any known issues with system functionality or the data. These are
usually issues that have been identified internally and will require some
time to correct in Data Mart or the API. This function implements a direct
API call to Data Mart and returns data directly from the API. Issues
returned via this function do not include any issues from the RAQSAPI R
The RAQSAPI::aqs_revisionhistory function is used to query Data Mart for the
change history to the API.
## Data Mart API list functions
```{r LISTFUNCTIONS, echo = FALSE, comment = NA}
listfunctions <- paste(".states",
sep = '|'
str_subset(string = RAQSAPI_functions, pattern = listfunctions) %>%
cat(sep = " \n")
List functions return the API options or groupings that can be used in
conjunction with other API calls. By default each function in this category
returns results as a tibble. If return_header parameter is set to TRUE a
AQSAPI_v2 object is returned instead.
RAQSAPI::aqs_cbsas returns a table of all available Core Based Statistical
Areas (cbsas) and their respective cbsa codes.
RAQSAPI::aqs_states takes no arguments and returns a table of the available
states and their respective state FIPS codes.
RAQSAPI::aqs_sampledurations takes no arguments and returns a table of the
available sample duration code used to construct other requests.
RAQSAPI::aqs_classes takes no arguments and returns a table of parameter
classes (groups of parameters, i.e. "criteria" or "all").
RAQSAPI::aqs_counties_by_state takes one parameter, stateFIPS, which is a two
digit state FIPS code for the state being requested represented as a
R character object and returns a table of counties and their
respective FIPS code for the state requested. Use RAQSAPI::aqs_states to
receive a table of valid state FIPS codes.
RAQSAPI::aqs_sites_by_county takes two parameters, stateFIPS, which is a
two digit state FIPS code for the state being requested and county_code
which is a three digit county FIPS code for the county being requested,
both stateFIPS and county_code should be encoded as a R character object
This function returns a table of all air monitoring sites with the
requested state and county FIPS code combination.
RAQSAPI::aqs_pqaos takes no parameters and returns an AQS_DATAMART_APIv2
S3 object containing a table of primary quality assurance
organizations (pqaos).
RAQSAPI::aqs_mas takes no parameters and returns an AQS_DATAMART_APIv2 S3
object containing a table of monitoring agencies (MA).
## Data Mart aggregate functions
| Information: AQS Data Mart API restricts the \
maximum amount of monitoring data to one full year of data per \
API call. These functions are able to return multiple years of data by \
making repeated calls to the API. Each call to the Data Mart API will take \
time to complete. The more years of data being requested the longer RAQSAPI \
will take to return the results. |
| -- |
These functions retrieve aggregated data from the Data Mart API and are
grouped by how each function aggregates the data. There are 5 different
families of related aggregate functions. These families are arranged by how
the Data Mart API groups the returned data, _by_site, _by_county, _by_state,
_by_ (_by_box) and
_by_ (_by_cbsa). Within each family
of aggregated data functions there are functions that call on the 10
different services that the Data Mart API provides. All Aggregate
functions return a tibble by default. If the return_Header parameter is
set to TRUE an AQS_DATAMART_APIv2 S3 object is returned instead.
* **These fourteen services are**:
1. **Monitors**: Returns operational information about the samplers (monitors)
used to collect the data. Includes identifying information,
operational dates, operating organizations, etc. Functions
using this service contain *\*monitors_by_*\* in the function
2. **Sample Data**: Returns sample data - the most fine grain data reported to
EPA. Usually hourly, sometimes 5-minute, 12-hour, etc.
This service is available in several geographic selections
based on geography: site, county, state, cbsa (core based
statistical area, a grouping of counties), or
by latitude/longitude bounding box. Functions using this
service contain *\*sampledata_by_*\* in the function name.
All Sample Data functions accept two additional, optional
parameters; cbdate and cedate:
+ cbdate: a R date object which represents a "beginning date of last
change" that indicates when the data was last updated.
cbdate is used to filter data based on the change date.
Only data that changed on or after this date will be
returned. This is an optional variable which defaults to
+ cedate: a R date object which represents an "end date of last change"
that indicates when the data was last updated. cedate is
used to filter data based on the change date. Only data
that changed on or before this date will be returned. This
is an optional variable which defaults to NA_Date_.
+ duration: an optional R character string that represents the
parameter duration code that limits returned data to
a specific sample duration. The default value of
NA_character_ results in no filtering based on
duration code. Valid durations include actual sample
durations and not calculated durations such as 8 hour
CO or $O_3$ rolling averages, 3/6 day PM averages or
Pb 3 month rolling averages. Refer to
[aqs_sampledurations()] for a list of all available
duration codes.
3. **Daily Summary Data**: Returns data summarized at the daily level. All daily
summaries are calculated on midnight to midnight
basis in local time. Variables returned include
date, mean value, maximum value, etc. Functions
using this service contain *\*dailysummary_by_*\* in
the function name. All Daily Summary Data functions
accept two additional parameters; cbdate and cedate:
+ cbdate: a R date object which represents a "beginning date of last
change" that indicates when the data was last updated.
cbdate is used to filter data based on the change date. Only
data that changed on or after this date will be returned.
This is an optional variable which defaults to NA_Date_.
+ cedate: a R date object which represents an "end date of last change"
that indicates when the data was last updated. cedate is
used to filter data based on the change date. Only data that
changed on or before this date will be returned. This is an
optional variable which defaults to NA_Date_.
4. **Annual Summary Data**: Returns data summarized at the yearly level.
Variables include mean value, maxima, percentiles,
etc. Functions using this service contain
*\*annualdata_by_*\* in the function name. All
Annual Summary Data functions accept two
additional parameters; cbdate and cedate:
+ cbdate: a R date object which represents a "beginning date of last
change" that indicates when the data was last updated. cbdate
is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data
that changed on or after this date will be returned. This is
an optional variable which defaults to NA_Date_.
+ cedate: a R date object which represents an "end date of last change"
that indicates when the data was last updated. cedate is used
to filter data based on the change date. Only data that
changed on or before this date will be returned. This is an
optional variable which defaults to NA_Date_.
5. **Quarterly Summary Data**: Returns data summarized at the quarterly level.
Variables include mean value, maxima, percentiles,
etc. Functions using this service contain
*\*quarterlydata_by_*\* in the function name. All
Annual Summary Data functions accept two
additional parameters; cbdate and cedate:
+ cbdate: a R date object which represents a "beginning date of last
change" that indicates when the data was last updated. cbdate
is used to filter data based on the change date. Only data
that changed on or after this date will be returned. This is
an optional variable which defaults to NA_Date_.
+ cedate: a R date object which represents an "end date of last change"
that indicates when the data was last updated. cedate is used
to filter data based on the change date. Only data that
changed on or before this date will be returned. This is an
optional variable which defaults to NA_Date_.
6. **Quality Assurance - Blanks Data**:
Quality assurance data - blanks samples.
Blanks are unexposed sample collection devices
(e.g., filters) that are transported with the
exposed sample devices to assess if contamination
is occurring during the transport or handling of
the samples. Functions using this service contain
*\*qa\_blanks_by_*\* in the function name.
7. **Quality Assurance - Collocated Assessments**:
Quality assurance data - collocated assessments.
Collocated assessments are pairs of samples
collected by different samplers at the same time and
place. (These are "operational" samplers,
assessments with independently calibrated samplers
are called "audits".). Functions using this service
contain *\*qa_collocated_assessments_by_*\* in the
function name.
8. **Quality Assurance - Flow Rate Verifications**:
Quality assurance data - flow rate verifications.
Several times per year, each PM monitor must have it's
(fixed) flow rate verified by an operator taking a
measurement of the flow rate. Functions using this
service contain *\*qa_flowrateverification_by_*\* in
the function name.
9. **Quality Assurance - Flow Rate Audits**:
Quality assurance data - flow rate audits. At least twice
year, each PM monitor must have it's flow rate
measurement audited by an expert using a different
method than is used for flow rate verifications.
Functions using this service contain
*\*qa_flowrateaudit_by_*\* in the function name.
10. **Quality Assurance - One Point Quality Control Raw Data**:
Quality assurance data - one point quality control check
raw data. At least every two weeks, certain gaseous
monitors must be challenged with a known concentration to
determine monitor performance. Functions using this
service contain *\*qa_one_point_qc_by_*\* in the function
11. **Quality Assurance - pep Audits**:
Quality assurance data - performance evaluation program
(pep) audits. pep audits are independent assessments used
to estimate total measurement system bias with a primary
quality assurance organization. Functions using this
service contain *\*qa_pep_audit_by_*\* in the function
12. **Transaction Sample - AQS Submission data in transaction format (RD)**:
Transaction sample data - The raw transaction sample data
uploaded to AQS by the agency responsible for data
submissions in RD format. Functions using this
service contain *\*transactionsample_by_*\* in the
function name. Transaction sample data is only available
aggregated by site, county, state or monitoring agency.
13. **Quality Assurance - Annual Performance Evaluations**:
Quality assurance data - Annual performance evaluations.
A performance evaluation must be conducted on each primary
monitor once per year. The percent differences between
known and measured concentrations at several levels are
used to assess the quality of the monitoring data.
Functions using this service contain
*\*aqs_qa_annualperformanceeval_by_*\* in the function
name. Annual performance in transaction format are
only available aggregated by site, county, state,
monitoring agency, and primary quality assurance
organization. Annual performance evaluations are only
available aggregated by site, county, state,
monitoring agency, and primary quality assurance
14. **Quality Assurance - Annual performance Evaluations in transaction** \
**format (RD)**:
Quality assurance data - The raw transaction annual
performance evaluations data in RD format. Functions using
this service contain
*\*aqs_qa_annualperformanceevaltransaction_by_*\* in the
function name. Annual performance evaluations in transaction
format are only available aggregated by site, county, state,
monitoring agency, and primary quality assurance
### Data Mart aggregate functions _by_site
```{r _by_Sitefunctions, echo = FALSE, comment = NA}
by_sitefunctions <- paste("_by_site", sep = '|')
str_subset(string = RAQSAPI_functions, pattern = by_sitefunctions) %>%
cat(sep = " \n")
functions in this family of functions aggregate data at the site level. All
\*_by_site functions accept the following variables:
* parameter:
* bdate:
* edate:
* stateFIPS:
* countycode:
* sitenum:
* cbdate (optional): (This parameter is only used in conjunction with
*\*sampledata_by_*\*, *\*dailysummary_by_*\*,
*\*annualdata_by_*\* functions and
*\*quarterlysummary_by_*\* functions).
* cedate (optional): (This parameter is only used in conjunction with
*\*sampledata_by_*\*, *\*dailysummary_by_*\*,
*\*annualdata_by_*\* functions and
*\*quarterlysummary_by_*\* functions).
* return_header (optional): set to FALSE by default.
* duration (optional): (This parameter is only used in conjunction with
*\*sampledata_by_*\* functions).
### Data Mart aggregate functions _by_county
```{r _by_countyfuncions, echo = FALSE, comment = NA}
by_countyfunctions <- paste("._by_county", sep = '|')
str_subset(string = RAQSAPI_functions, pattern = by_countyfunctions) %>%
cat(sep = " \n")
functions in this family of functions aggregate data at the county level.
All functions accept the following variables:
* parameter:
* bdate:
* edate:
* stateFIPS:
* countycode:
* cbdate (optional): (This parameter is only used in conjunction with
*\*sampledata_by_*\*, *\*dailysummary_by_*\*,
*\*annualdata_by_*\* and
*\*quarterlysummary_by_*\* functions).
* cedate (optional): (This parameter is only used in conjunction with
*\*sampledata_by_*\*, *\*dailysummary_by_*\*,
*\*annualdata_by_*\* and
*\*quarterlysummary_by_*\* functions).
* return_header (optional): set to FALSE by default.
* duration (optional): (This parameter is only used in conjunction with
*\*sampledata_by_*\* functions).
### Data Mart aggregate functions _by_state
```{r _by_STATEfunctions, echo = FALSE, comment = NA}
by_STATEfunctions <- paste("._by_state", sep = '|')
str_subset(string = RAQSAPI_functions, pattern = by_STATEfunctions) %>%
cat(sep = " \n")
functions in this family of functions aggregate data at the state level.
All functions accept the following variables:
* parameter:
* bdate:
* edate:
* stateFIPS:
* cbdate (optional): (This parameter is only used in conjunction with
*\*sampledata_by_*\*, *\*dailysummary_by_*\*,
*\*annualdata_by_*\* functions and
*\*quarterlysummary_by_*\* functions).
* cedate (optional): (This parameter is only used in conjunction with
*\*sampledata_by_*\*, *\*dailysummary_by_*\*,
*\*annualdata_by_*\* and
*\*quarterlysummary_by_*\* functions).
* return_header (optional): set to FALSE by default.
* duration (optional): (This parameter is only used in conjunction with
*\*sampledata_by_*\* functions).
### Data Mart aggregate functions by Monitoring agency (MA)
```{r _by_MAfunctions, echo = FALSE, comment = NA}
by_MAfunctions <- paste("._by_MA", sep = '|')
str_subset(string = RAQSAPI_functions, pattern = by_MAfunctions) %>%
cat(sep = " \n")
functions in this family of functions aggregate data at the Monitoring Agency
(MA) level. All functions accept the following variables:
* parameter:
* bdate:
* edate:
* MA_code:
* cbdate (optional): (This parameter is only used in conjunction with
*\*sampledataby*\*, *\*dailysummaryby*\*,
*\*annualdataby*\* and
*\*quarterlysummary_by_*\* functions).
* cedate (optional): (This parameter is only used in conjunction with
*\*sampledataby*\*, *\*dailysummaryby*\*,
*\*annualdataby*\* and
*\*quarterlysummary_by_*\* functions).
* return_header (optional): set to FALSE by default.
* duration (optional): (This parameter is only used in conjunction with
*\*sampledata_by_*\* functions).
### Data Mart aggregate functions by Core Based Statistical Area (cbsa)
```{r bycbsafunctions, echo = FALSE, comment = NA}
by_cbsafunctions <- paste("._by_cbsa", sep = '|')
str_subset(string = RAQSAPI_functions, pattern = by_cbsafunctions) %>%
cat(sep = " \n")
functions in this family of functions aggregate data at the Core Based
Statistical Area (cbsa, as defined by the US Census Bureau) level.
All functions accept the following variables:
* parameter:
* bdate:
* edate:
* cbsa_code:
* cbdate (optional): (This parameter is only used in conjunction with
*\*sampledata_by_*\*, *\*dailysummary_by_*\*,
*\*annualdata_by_*\* and
*\*quarterlysummary_by_*\* functions).
* cedate (optional): (This parameter is only used in conjunction with
*\*sampledata_by_*\*, *\*dailysummary_by_*\*,
*\*annualdata_by_*\* and
*\*quarterlysummary_by_*\* functions).
* return_header (optional): set to FALSE by default.
* duration (optional): (This parameter is only used in conjunction with
*\*sampledata_by_*\* functions).
### Data Mart aggregate functions by Primary Quality Assurance Organization (pqao)
```{r _by_pqaofunctions, echo = FALSE, comment = NA}
by_pqaofunctions <- paste("._by_pqao", sep = '|')
str_subset(string = RAQSAPI_functions, pattern = by_pqaofunctions) %>%
cat(sep = " \n")
functions in this family of functions aggregate data at the Primary Quality
Assurance Organization (pqao) level. All functions accept the following
* parameter:
* bdate:
* edate:
* pqao_code:
* return_header (optional): set to FALSE by default.
### Data Mart aggregate functions by latitude/longitude bounding box (_by_box)
```{r _by_BOXfunctions, echo = FALSE, comment = NA}
by_BOXfunctions <- paste("._by_box", sep = '|')
str_subset(string = RAQSAPI_functions, pattern = by_BOXfunctions) %>%
cat(sep = " \n")
Functions in this family of functions aggregate data by a
latitude/longitude bounding box (_by_box) level. All functions accept the
following variables:
* parameter:
* bdate:
* edate:
* minlat:
* minlon:
* maxlon:
* maxlat:
* cbdate (optional): (This parameter is only used in conjunction with
*\*sampledata_by_*\*, *\*dailysummary_by_*\*,
*\*annualdata_by_*\* and
*\*quarterlysummary_by_*\* functions).
* cedate (optional): (This parameter is only used in conjunction with
*\*sampledata_by_*\*, *\*dailysummary_by_*\*,
*\*annualdata_by_*\* and
*\*quarterlysummary_by_*\* functions).
* return_header (optional): set to FALSE by default.
* duration (optional): (This parameter is only used in conjunction with
*\*sampledata_by_*\* functions).
### RAQSAPI Miscellaneous functions
```{r misc, echo = FALSE, comment = NA}
misc_functions <- paste("aqs_removeheader", sep = '|')
str_subset(string = RAQSAPI_functions, pattern = misc_functions) %>%
cat(sep = " \n")
These are miscellaneous functions exported by RAQSAPI.
RAQSAPI::aqs_removeheader is the function that the RAQSAPI library
uses internally to coerce an AQS_DATAMART_APIv2 S3 object into a tibble.
This is useful if the user saves the output from another RAQSAPI function
with return_header = TRUE set but later decides that they want just a
simple tibble object. This function takes only one variable:
* AQSobject: