## ----setup, echo=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set(message=FALSE, fig.path='figures/') ## ----tidy = TRUE, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------ # install.packages("NutrienTrackeR") ## ----tidy = TRUE, eval = TRUE------------------------------------------------- library(NutrienTrackeR) ## ----tidy = TRUE-------------------------------------------------------------- # USDA dataset USDA_dataset <- food_composition_data$USDA # CIQUAL dataset CIQUAL_dataset <- food_composition_data$CIQUAL # BEDCA dataset BEDCA_dataset <- food_composition_data$BEDCA ## ----tidy = TRUE-------------------------------------------------------------- # Get nutrients included in the USDA dataset nutrients_USDA <- getNutrientNames(food_database = "USDA") print(head(nutrients_USDA), 4) ## ----tidy = TRUE, tidy.opts=list(indent = 2, width.cutoff = 150)-------------- # Top 2 high-protein CIQUAL foods subsetFoodRichIn(nutrient_name = "Protein (g)", food_database = "CIQUAL", n = 2)[, "food_name"] # Top 3 high-protein BEDCA foods within "Fruits and fruit products" subsetFoodRichIn(nutrient_name = "Protein (g)", food_database = "BEDCA", food_group = "Fruits and fruit products", n = 3)[, "food_name"] ## ----tidy = TRUE, tidy.opts=list(indent = 2, width.cutoff = 150)-------------- # Find the USDA food name "Tomatoes, green, raw" findFoodName(keywords = c("Tomato", "raw"), food_database = "USDA") ## ----tidy = TRUE, tidy.opts=list(indent = 2, width.cutoff = 150)-------------- # Foods eaten in day 1 head(sample_diet_USDA[[1]]) ## ----tidy = TRUE, tidy.opts=list(indent = 2, width.cutoff = 50), message = TRUE---- # Calculate nutrient intake daily_intake <- dietBalance(my_daily_food = sample_diet_USDA, food_database = "USDA", age = 27, gender = "female") ## ----tidy = TRUE, results='asis', fig.pos = "center"-------------------------- nutrientIntakePlot(daily_intake) ## ----tidy = TRUE, tidy.opts=list(indent = 2, width.cutoff = 180), results='asis', fig.pos = "center", fig.width = 20, fig.height = 10---- #Load ggplott2 library(ggplot2) ## Generate plot q <- nutrientPiePlot(daily_intake, nutrient_name = "Magnesium, Mg (mg)") ## Adjust font size q + theme(axis.title = element_text(size = 29), axis.text = element_text(size = 29), legend.title = element_text(size = 22),legend.text = element_text(size = 20)) ## ----tidy = TRUE, tidy.opts=list(indent = 2, width.cutoff = 180), results='asis', fig.pos = "center", fig.width = 12, fig.height = 6---- # Generate plot p <- nutrientsTimeTrend(my_daily_food = sample_diet_USDA, food_database = "USDA", nutrients = c("Calcium, Ca (mg)", "Iron, Fe (mg)")) # Adjust font size p + theme(axis.title = element_text(size = 18), axis.text = element_text(size = 16), legend.title = element_text(size = 18),legend.text = element_text(size = 18))