--- title: "MPI_demo" author: "Kittiya Kukiattikun" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{MPI_demo} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::knitr} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ## Simple Simulation ```{r warning=F, message=F} library(MPI) library(kableExtra) ``` ### Loading Data `MPI::examplePovertydf` is a simulation poverty data frame contains 16 indicators column which 1 means deprived and 0 means not deprived, and simulated forth-level administrative division of France. ```{r} data(examplePovertydf) ``` ```{r example, results = 'asis', echo = FALSE} kable(head(examplePovertydf, n = 3), "html", col.names = gsub("[.]", " ", names(examplePovertydf))) %>% kable_styling() ``` ### Calculation For calculating MPI using `AF_Seq` for sequential run or `AF_Par` for parallel run. Input will be * `df` A poverty data frame * `g` A column name that will be used to divide data into groups. When the value is NULL, the entire data is not separated into groups. * `w` An indicator weight vectors * `k` A poverty cut-off. If an aggregate value of indicators of a specific person is above or equal the value of k, then this person is considered to be a poor.(default as 1) ```{r} out_seq <- AF_Seq(examplePovertydf, g = "Region", k = 3) ``` Output will be *list of lists* separated into group, and each list contains * `groupname` A Grouped value from column input `g` ```{r, echo=FALSE} out_seq[[1]]$groupname ``` * `total` Number of population in each group ```{r, echo=FALSE} out_seq[[1]]$total ``` * `poors` Number of deprived people in each group ```{r, echo=FALSE} out_seq[[1]]$poors ``` * `H` Head count ratio, the proportion of the population that is multidimensionally deprived calculated by divide the number of poor people with the total number of people. ```{r, echo=FALSE} out_seq[[1]]$H ``` * `A` Average deprivation share among poor people, by aggregating the proportion of total deprivations each person and dividing by the total number of poor people. ```{r, echo=FALSE} out_seq[[1]]$A ``` * `M0` Multidimensional Poverty Index, calculated by H times A. ```{r, echo=FALSE} out_seq[[1]]$M0 ``` * `DimentionalContribution` + `indnames` The poverty indicators + `diCont` Dimensional contributions denotes the magnitude of each indicator impacts on MPI. + `UncensoredHCount` Uncensored head count of indicator denotes the population that are deprived in that indicator. + `UncensoredHRatio` Uncensored head count ratio of indicator denotes the proportion of the population deprived in that indicator. + `CensoredHCount` Censored head count of indicator denotes the population that are multidimensionally poor and deprived in that indicator at the same time. + `CensoredHRatio` Censored head count ratio of indicator denotes the proportion that is multidimensionally poor and deprived in that indicator at the same time. ```{r outt1, results = 'asis', echo=FALSE} kable(out_seq[[1]]$DimentionalContribution, "html", col.names = gsub("[.]", " ", names(out_seq[[1]]$DimentionalContribution))) %>% kable_styling() ``` * `pov_df` poverty data frame + `Cvector` is a vector of total values of deprived indicators adjusted by weight of indicators. Each element in `Cvector` represents a total value of each individual. + `IsPoverty` is a binary variable with only 1 and 0, with 1 indicating that person does not meet the threshold(poor person) and 0 indicating the opposite. + `Intensity` The intensity of a deprived indication among impoverished people is computed by dividing the number of deprived indicators by the total number of indicators. ```{r outt2, results = 'asis', echo=FALSE} kable(out_seq[[1]]$pov_df, "html", col.names = gsub("[.]", " ", names(out_seq[[1]]$pov_df))) %>% kable_styling() ```