--- title: "LDATS Codebase" author: "Juniper L. Simonis" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{LDATS Codebase} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ``` ```{r, include=FALSE} library(LDATS) vers <- packageVersion("LDATS") today <- Sys.Date() ``` ## Overview This vignette outlines the code base for the **LDATS** package. It was constructed using **LDATS** version `r vers` on `r today`. ## Installation To obtain the most recent version of **LDATS**, install the most recent version from GitHub: ```{r, eval=FALSE} install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("weecology/LDATS") ``` ## Analytical Pipeline The full LDATS analysis can be executed using the `LDA_TS` function, which is the top-level of the coding pipeline's hierarchy of functions: * `LDA_TS()` * `check_LDA_TS_inputs()` * `check_timename()` * `check_formulas()` * `check_nchangepoints()` * `check_weights()` * `check_control()` * `check_document_term_table()` * `check_document_covariate_table()` * `check_topics()` * `check_seeds()` * `LDA_set()` * `check_LDA_TS_inputs()` * `check_control()` * `check_document_term_table()` * `check_topics()` * `check_seeds()` * loop over models * `prep_LDA_control()` * `LDA()` * `select_LDA()` * applies the `measurer` and `selector` functions supplied via `LDA_controls_list()` * `TS_on_LDA()` * `check_LDA_TS_inputs()` * `check_LDA_models()` * `check_formulas()` * `check_nchangepoints()` * `check_timename()` * `check_control()` * `check_weights()` * `check_document_covariate_table()` * `expand_TS()` * loop over models * `prep_TS_data()` * `TS()` * `check_TS_inputs()` * `check_formulas()` * `check_nchangepoints()` * `check_control()` * `check_weights()` * `est_changepoints()` * `prep_saves()` * `prep_ptMCMC_inputs()` * `prep_cpts()` * loop over chains * `multinom_TS()` * `prep_ids()` * `prep_pbar()` * loop over iterations * `update_pbar()` * `step_chains()` * `propose_step()` * `proposed_step_mods()` * loop over chains * `multinom_TS()` * `eval_step()` * `take_step()` * `swap_chains()` * loop over chain neighbors * `update_saves()` * `update_cpts()` * `update_ids()` * `est_regressors()` * loop over unique realizations of change point locations * `multinom_TS()` * loop over chunks * `mirror_vcov()` * `rmvnorm()` * `summarize_TS()` * `diagnose_ptMCMC()` * `count_trips()` * `summarize_rhos()` * `measure_rho_vcov()` * `summarize_etas()` * `measure_eta_vcov()` * `select_TS()` * applies the `measurer` and `selector` functions supplied via `TS_controls_list()` * `package_LDA_TS()` Each component model's function (`LDA_set()` and `TS()`) can be run independently, as well. ## Controls Lists To minimize the length of argument lists and facilitate simple default usage throughout the pipeline, we implement an options/controls list approach, where each of the main functions (`LDA_TS`, `LDA_set`, and `TS`) and its subfunctions have a `control` argument that takes a `list` to replace the defaults returned by its `_control` function: * `LDA_TS_control()` * `LDA_set_control()` * `TS_control()`