## ----include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.width = 4, fig.height = 6, fig.align = "center", fig.pos = "!H", warning = FALSE, message = FALSE, echo = TRUE, eval = TRUE) ## ----himalayas-aoi, fig.pos='h', out.width = "105%", out.height = "100%", fig.align = 'center', fig.cap = "Area of Interest", fig.alt="Display the area of interest in Himalayas", echo = F---- knitr::include_graphics("himalayas_aoi.png") # mp1 = mapview::mapview(geoms_himal[2, ], legend = F) # see next code snippet for the "geoms_himal" variable # mp2 = mapview::mapview(geoms_himal[2, ], legend = F) # # # leafsync::sync(mp1, mp2, ncol = 2) ## ----reference-plt-1, echo = F------------------------------------------------ # #......................................................... mapview visualization # # # make the sf-objects valid # nams = names(lst_out) # lst_out = lapply(lst_out, function(x) sf::st_make_valid(x)) # names(lst_out) <- nams # # sf_wkt = sf::st_make_valid(sf_wkt) # # # Plot the two sf-objects # RGTs = mapview::mapview(lst_out, legend = F) # AOI_wkt = mapview::mapview(sf_wkt, legend = F) # # lft = RGTs + AOI_wkt # # require(magrittr) # # lft = lft@map %>% leaflet::setView(lng = as.numeric(centr_wkt[, 'X']), # lat = as.numeric(centr_wkt[, 'Y']), # zoom = 7) # lft # #....................................................... ## ----himalayas-rgts, fig.pos='h', out.width = "80%", out.height = "80%", fig.align = 'center', fig.cap = "Intersected RGTs", fig.alt="Intersected Reference Ground Tracks", echo = F---- knitr::include_graphics("himalayas_rgts.png")