## ---- message=FALSE, eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------- # library(GetBCBData) # library(dplyr) # library(ggplot2) # # my.countries <- c('Germany', 'Canada', 'USA', # 'France', 'Italy', 'Japan') # # my.ids <- c(3785:3790) # # names(my.ids) <- paste0('Unemp. rate - ', my.countries) # # df.bcb <- gbcbd_get_series(id = my.ids , # first.date = '2000-01-01', # last.date = Sys.Date(), # format.data = 'long', # use.memoise = TRUE, # cache.path = tempdir(), # use tempdir for cache folder # do.parallel = FALSE) # # glimpse(df.bcb) # # p <- ggplot(df.bcb, aes(x = ref.date, y = value) ) + # geom_line() + # labs(title = 'Unemploymnent Rates Around the World', # subtitle = paste0(min(df.bcb$ref.date), ' to ', max(df.bcb$ref.date)), # x = '', y = 'Percentage*100') + facet_wrap(~series.name) # # # print(p) #