## ----setup, include=FALSE, echo=FALSE----------------------------------------- library('CompAREdesign') # Load library knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) # Show code ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Probabilities of observing the event in control arm at the end of follow-up p0_e1 <- 0.059 # Ischemia-driven target-lesion revascularization p0_e2 <- 0.032 # Cardiac death or target-vessel MI ## Effect size (absolute reduction) for each endpoint AR_e1 <- -0.0196 # Ischemia-driven target-lesion revascularization AR_e2 <- -0.0098 # Cardiac death or target-vessel MI ## Correlation rho <- 0.4 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARE_cbe(p0_e1 = p0_e1 , p0_e2 = p0_e2, eff_e1 = AR_e1 , eff_e2 = AR_e2, effm_e1 = "diff" , effm_e2 = "diff", effm_ce = "or", rho = rho) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- effectsize_cbe(p0_e1 = p0_e1 , p0_e2 = p0_e2, eff_e1 = AR_e1 , eff_e2 = AR_e2, effm_e1 = "diff" , effm_e2 = "diff", effm_ce = "or", rho = rho) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- samplesize_cbe(p0_e1 = p0_e1 , p0_e2 = p0_e2, eff_e1 = AR_e1 , eff_e2 = AR_e2, effm_e1 = "diff" , effm_e2 = "diff", effm_ce = "or", rho = rho, alpha = 0.05, beta = 0.2) ## ----echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- rm(list = ls())