--- title: "Get started" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Get started} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- **CatastRo** provide access to different API services of the [Spanish Cadastre](https://www.sedecatastro.gob.es/). With **CatastRo** it is possible to download official information of addresses, properties, parcels and buildings. ## OVCCoordenadas Service The [OVCCoordenadas](https://ovc.catastro.meh.es/ovcservweb/OVCSWLocalizacionRC/OVCCoordenadas.asmx) service allows to retrieve the coordinates of a known cadastral reference (geocoding). It is also possible to retrieve the cadastral references around a specific pair of coordinates (reverse geocoding). **CatastRo** returns the results on a `tibble` format. This functionality is described in detail in the corresponding vignette (see `vignette("ovcservice", package = "CatastRo")`). ## INSPIRE Services > The INSPIRE Directive aims to create a European Union spatial data > infrastructure for the purposes of EU environmental policies and policies or > activities which may have an impact on the environment. This European Spatial > Data Infrastructure will enable the sharing of environmental spatial > information among public sector organisations, facilitate public access to > spatial information across Europe and assist in policy-making across > boundaries. > > *From * The implementation of the INSPIRE directive on the Spanish Cadastre (see [Catastro INSPIRE](https://www.catastro.minhap.es/webinspire/index.html)) allows to retrieve spatial objects from the database of the cadastre: - **Vector objects:** Parcels, addresses, buildings, cadastral zones and more. These objects are provided by **CatastRo** as `sf` objects as provided by the **sf** package. - **Imagery:** Image layers representing the same information than the vector objects. These objects are provided by **CatastRo** as `SpatRaster` objects as provided by the **terra** package. Note that **the coverage of this service is 95% of the Spanish territory**, excluding Basque Country and Navarre[^1] that have their own independent cadastral offices. [^1]: The package [**CatastRoNav**](https://ropenspain.github.io/CatastRoNav/) provides access to the Cadastre of Navarre, with similar functionalities than **CatastRo**. There are three types of functions, each one querying a different service: 1. **ATOM service**: The ATOM service allows to batch-download vector objects of different cadastral elements for a specific municipality. 2. **WFS service**: The WFS service allows to download vector objects of specific cadastral elements. Note that there are some *restrictions on the extension and number of elements* to query. For batch-downloading the ATOM service is preferred. 3. **WMS service**: This service allows to download georeferenced images of different cadastral elements. ## Examples ### Working with layers On this example we would demonstrate some of the main capabilities of the package by recreating a cadastral map of the surroundings of the [Santiago Bernabéu Stadium](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santiago_Bernab%C3%A9u_Stadium). We would make use of the **WMS and WFS services** to get different layers in order to show some of the capabilities of the package: ``` r # Extract building by bounding box # Check https://boundingbox.klokantech.com/ library(CatastRo) stadium <- catr_wfs_get_buildings_bbox( c(-3.6891446916, 40.4523311971, -3.687462138, 40.4538643165), srs = 4326 ) # Now extract cadastral parcels. We can use spatial objects on the query stadium_parcel <- catr_wfs_get_parcels_bbox(stadium) # Project for tiles stadium_parcel_pr <- sf::st_transform(stadium_parcel, 25830) # Extract imagery: Labels of the parcel labs <- catr_wms_get_layer(stadium_parcel_pr, what = "parcel", styles = "BoundariesOnly", srs = 25830 ) # Plot library(ggplot2) library(tidyterra) # For terra tiles ggplot() + geom_spatraster_rgb(data = labs) + geom_sf(data = stadium_parcel_pr, fill = NA, col = "red", linewidth = 2) + geom_sf(data = stadium, fill = "red", alpha = .5) + coord_sf(crs = 25830) ```
Example: Santiago Bernabeu

Example: Santiago Bernabeu

### Thematic maps We can create also thematic maps using the information available on the spatial objects. We would produce a visualization of the urban growth of Granada using **CatastRo**, replicating the map produced by Dominic Royé on his post [Visualize urban growth](https://dominicroye.github.io/en/2019/visualize-urban-growth/), using the **ATOM services**. In first place, we extract the coordinates of the city center of Granada using **mapSpain**: ``` r library(dplyr) library(sf) library(mapSpain) # Use mapSpain for getting the coords city <- esp_get_capimun(munic = "^Granada$") ``` Next step consists on extracting the buildings using the ATOM service. We would use also the function `catr_get_code_from_coords()` to identify the code of Granada in the Cadastre, and we would download the buildings with `catr_atom_get_buildings()`. ``` r city_catr_code <- catr_get_code_from_coords(city) city_catr_code #> # A tibble: 1 × 12 #> munic catr_to catr_munic catrcode cpro cmun inecode nm cd cmc cp cm #> #> 1 GRANADA 18 900 18900 18 087 18087 GRANADA 18 900 18 87 ``` ``` r city_bu <- catr_atom_get_buildings(city_catr_code$catrcode) ``` Next step for creating the visualization is to limit the analysis to a circle of radius 1.5 km around the city center: ``` r buff <- city %>% # Adjust CRS to 25830: (Buildings) st_transform(st_crs(city_bu)) %>% # Buffer st_buffer(1500) # Cut buildings dataviz <- st_intersection(city_bu, buff) ggplot(dataviz) + geom_sf() ```
Minimal cadastral map of Granada

Minimal cadastral map of Granada

Let's extract now the construction year, available in the column `beginning`: ``` r # Extract 4 initial positions year <- substr(dataviz$beginning, 1, 4) # Replace all that doesn't look as a number with 0000 year[!(year %in% 0:2500)] <- "0000" # To numeric year <- as.integer(year) # New column dataviz <- dataviz %>% mutate(year = year) ``` Last step is to create groups based on the year and create the data visualization. We use here the function `cut()` to create classes for every decade starting in year 1900: ``` r dataviz <- dataviz %>% mutate(year_cat = cut(year, breaks = c(0, seq(1900, 2030, by = 10)), dig.lab = 4 )) ggplot(dataviz) + geom_sf(aes(fill = year_cat), color = NA, na.rm = TRUE) + scale_fill_manual( values = hcl.colors(15, "Spectral"), na.translate = FALSE ) + theme_void() + labs(title = "GRANADA", fill = "") + theme( panel.background = element_rect(fill = "black"), plot.background = element_rect(fill = "black"), legend.justification = .5, legend.text = element_text( colour = "white", size = 12 ), plot.title = element_text( colour = "white", hjust = .5, margin = margin(t = 30), size = 30 ), plot.caption = element_text( colour = "white", margin = margin(b = 20), hjust = .5 ), plot.margin = margin(r = 40, l = 40) ) ```
Granada: Urban growth

Granada: Urban growth

## References - Royé D (2019). "Visualize urban growth." .