## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Installation and loading the library of CLimd R package # You can install the CLimd package from CRAN using the following command: # install.packages("CLimd") # Once installed, you can load the package using library(CLimd) ### Generating Monthly Rainfall Rasters from IMD NetCDF Data # The "MonthRF_raster" function generates the monthly rainfall rasters. # Example: nc_data <- system.file("extdata", "imd_RF_2022.nc", package = "CLimd") output_dir <- NULL fun<-"sum" year<-2022 # nc_data: Path to the IMD NetCDF rainfall file. # output_dir: Directory to save the generated rasters. (Optional) # fun: Aggregation function ("sum", "min", "max", "mean", "sd"). # year: Year for which to generate monthly rasters. # Calculate monthly rainfall sum for the year 2022 MonthRF<-MonthRF_raster(nc_data, output_dir=NULL, fun="sum", year) MonthRF ### This creates a list of 12 rasters, one for each month in 2022. Each raster provides a detailed snapshot of rainfall distribution for that specific month. You can visualize these rasters using the plot function to gain insights into monthly trends and variations in rainfall patterns # plot(MonthRF[[1]]) # Plot the first layer (Jan) # plot(MonthRF) # Plot all layers (Jan to Dec) as a multi-panel display ### Generating Weekly Rainfall Rasters from IMD NetCDF Data # The "WeeklyRF_raster" function generates weekly rainfall rasters. Example: library(CLimd) nc_data <- system.file("extdata", "imd_RF_2022.nc", package = "CLimd") output_dir <- NULL fun<-"sum" year<-2022 WeekRF<-WeeklyRF_raster(nc_data, output_dir=NULL, fun="sum", year) WeekRF ### This creates a list of 52 rasters, one for each week in 2022. You can visualize them using the plot function to explore rainfall dynamics at a weekly scale. # plot(WeekRF) # plot(WeekRF[[45:52]]) ### Generating Seasonal Rainfall Rasters from IMD NetCDF Data # According to the IMD, four prominent seasons namely (i) Winter (December-February), (ii) Pre-Monsoon (March–May), (iii) Monsoon (June-September), and (iv) Post-Monsoon (October-November) are dominant in India. # The "SeasonalRF_raster" function generates seasonal rainfall rasters. Example: library(CLimd) nc_data <- system.file("extdata", "imd_RF_2022.nc", package = "CLimd") output_dir <- NULL fun<-"sum" year<-2022 SeasonalRF<-SeasonalRF_raster(nc_data, output_dir=NULL, fun="sum", year) SeasonalRF ### This creates a set of 4 rasters representing the four seasons (Winter, Pre-Monsoon, Monsoon, and Post-Monsoon) of 2022. Visualize them using the plot function to uncover seasonal rainfall patterns and their impacts # plot(SeasonalRF$Winter) # plot(SeasonalRF$PreMonsoon) # plot(SeasonalRF$SWMonsoon) # plot(SeasonalRF$PostMonsoon) ### Generating Annual Rainfall Raster from IMD NetCDF Data # The "AnnualRF_raster" function generates annual rainfall raster. Example: library(CLimd) nc_data <- system.file("extdata", "imd_RF_2022.nc", package = "CLimd") output_dir <- NULL fun<-"sum" year<-2022 AnnualRF<-AnnualRF_raster(nc_data, output_dir=NULL, fun="sum", year) AnnualRF ### This generates a single raster summarizing the total rainfall for the entire year 2022. Plot this raster to visualize the overall rainfall distribution and identify areas of high and low precipitation. # plot(AnnualRF)