## ----setup, echo = FALSE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE------------------------ knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) library(CGPfunctions) ## ----LoadLibrary-------------------------------------------------------------- library(productplots) str(happy) ## ----vignette1, fig.width=6.0, fig.height=2.5--------------------------------- # who's happier by gender PlotXTabs(happy,happy,sex) # same thing using column numbers and a stacked bar PlotXTabs(happy,2,5,"stack") # happiness by a variety of possible factors as a percent PlotXTabs(happy, 2, c(5:9), plottype = "percent") # turn the numbers around and change them up basically just showing all # the permutations PlotXTabs(happy, c(2,5), 9, plottype = "side") PlotXTabs(happy, c(2,5), c(6:9), plottype = "percent") PlotXTabs(happy, happy, c(6,7,9), plottype = "percent") PlotXTabs(happy, c(6,7,9), happy, plottype = "percent")