The BayesfMRI
R package includes the main function
, which implements a spatial Bayesian GLM for task
fMRI. It also contains a wrapper function BayesGLM_cifti
for CIFTI cortical surface fMRI data.
If you use BayesfMRI
please cite the following
Name | APA Citation |
Spatial Bayesian GLM | Mejia, A. F., Yue, Y., Bolin, D., Lindgren, F., & Lindquist, M. A. (2020). A Bayesian general linear modeling approach to cortical surface fMRI data analysis. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 115(530), 501-520. |
Multi-session Spatial Bayesian GLM | Spencer, D., Yue, Y. R., Bolin, D., Ryan, S., & Mejia, A. F. (2022). Spatial Bayesian GLM on the cortical surface produces reliable task activations in individuals and groups. NeuroImage, 249, 118908. |
You can also obtain citation information from within R like so:
You can install BayesfMRI
from CRAN with:
See this link to view the tutorial vignette.
depends on the ciftiTools
package, which requires an installation of Connectome Workbench. It can
be installed from the HCP
The INLA package is required, which, due to a CRAN policy, will not
be installed automatically. You can obtain it by running
install.packages("INLA",repos=c(getOption("repos"),INLA=""), dep=FALSE)
For more information, see the INLA website.
Note: INLA must be installed before installing
On Mac platforms, an installation of Xcode is necessary to build
the C++ code included in BayesfMRI