## ---- include = FALSE--------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ## ----setup-------------------------------------------------------------------- library(BayesSampling) ## ----ex 1, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE--------------------------------------- data(BigCity) set.seed(1) Expend <- sample(BigCity$Expenditure,10000) mean(Expend) #Real mean expenditure value, goal of the estimation ys <- sample(Expend, size = 20, replace = FALSE) ## ----ex 1.1------------------------------------------------------------------- mean(ys) ## ----ex 1.2------------------------------------------------------------------- Estimator <- BLE_SRS(ys, N = 10000, m=300, v=10.1^5, sigma = sqrt(10^5)) Estimator$est.beta Estimator$Vest.beta Estimator$est.mean[1,] Estimator$Vest.mean[1:5,1:5] ## ----ex 2--------------------------------------------------------------------- ys <- c(5,6,8) N <- 5 m <- 6 v <- 5 sigma <- 1 Estimator <- BLE_SRS(ys, N, m, v, sigma) Estimator ## ----ex 3--------------------------------------------------------------------- ys <- mean(c(5,6,8)) n <- 3 N <- 5 m <- 6 v <- 5 sigma <- 1 Estimator <- BLE_SRS(ys, N, m, v, sigma, n) Estimator