Scientific Linux 4.3 Release Notes



   The following topics are covered in this document:

     o Changes to the Scientific Linux installation program

     o General information

     o Kernel Notes

     o Changes to drivers and hardware support

     o Changes to packages

Installation Related Notes

   The following section includes information specific to installation of
   Scientific Linux and the Anaconda installation program.


   In order to upgrade an already-installed Scientific Linux 4x system
   to 4.3, you must use yum to update those packages that have changed.
   Instructions can be found at

   You may use Anaconda to perform a fresh installation of Scientific
   Linux 4.3 or to perform an upgrade from Scientific Linux 30x to 
   Scientific Linux 4.3.

     o The Scientific Linux 4.3 installation program terminates with
       the error "install exited abnormally -- received signal 11" early in
       the installation process if a Sony PCGA-CD51 external PCMCIA CD-ROM
       drive is connected.

       There are two workarounds for this issue:

         1. If you are using the drive as the installation source, add the
            following options at the installation boot prompt:

 pci=off ide1=0x180,0x386

         2. If you are not using the drive as the install source, either
            disconnect it before attempting the installation or add the
            following option at the installation boot prompt:


     o Installation of Scientific Linux 4.3 is known to have
       an issue with USB peripherals on IBM(R) BladeCenter(R) HS20-8832

       To avoid this issue, you must perform either of two actions:

          o Install Scientific Linux 4.3 x86_64

          o If you are installing Scientific Linux 4.3 for the
            x86 architecture, you must first move the USB IRQ from line #7 to
            another available IRQ line. This will prevent stray interrupts
            from disrupting the USB device and the installation of the OS.
            Consult your hardware vendor for more information about changing
            IRQ lines in your system.

General Information

   This section contains general information not specific to any other
   section of this document.

     o The InfiniBand Architecture (IBA) is an industry standard that defines
       a new high-speed, switched fabric subsystem designed to connect
       processor nodes and I/O nodes to form a system area network. This new
       interconnect method transitions from a local transaction-based I/O
       model across buses to a remote message-passing model across channels.

       Scientific Linux 4.3 includes a technology preview
       release of the upstream InfiniBand network and clustering
       software implementation.

       Note that this technology preview release is not supported for use in
       production environments, and that the OpenIB InfiniBand interfaces and
       APIs are subject to change during the technology preview phase. Not
       all of the InfiniBand upper layer protocols are implemented in the
       current upstream OpenIB project. As more upper layer protocols are
       implemented by the OpenIB group, a fully supported release of the
       OpenIB InfiniBand network/clustering stack is planned.

       InfiniBand technologies implemented via new or updated packages in
       this preview are as follows:

          o kernel -- Low level driver support for Mellanox based host
            controllers are included. The core InfiniBand modules are also
            included, which provide the interface between the low level
            hardware driver and the upper layer InfiniBand protocol drivers
            and also provide user space access to InfiniBand hardware. Also
            included are the Sockets Direct Protocol (SDP) upper layer kernel
            driver, the IP over InfiniBand (IPoIB) TCP/IP networking protocol
            driver, and the SCSI Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) protocol

          o udev - Minor modifications were made to know where to place the
            new InfiniBand device files

          o initscripts -- Added a new ifup-ib network script to enable using
            IPoIB networking at boot time.

          o module-init-tools -- Minor modifications were made to support the
            new SDP socket protocol and IPoIB interfaces

          o libibverbs -- A library that provides direct user space access to
            the RDMA verbs capabilities of InfiniBand hardware. Developers
            who want to program to the verbs interface can program to the
            libibverbs API and, as new hardware support is added, their
            application will require no modifications.

          o libmthca -- A low level hardware driver library that plugs into
            libibverbs and actually communicates with the hardware on behalf
            of libibverbs. Support for future hardware will be implemented as
            additional libraries.

          o libsdp -- An LD_PRELOAD supported library that allows users to
            cause their existing TCP/IP network applications to use SDP
            instead without the need to recompile their application

          o opensm -- The Open Subnet Manager. At least one machine in any
            InfiniBand network must be running a subnet manager in order to
            configure the low level hardware link routing. This is usually
            left running as a system daemon to handle reconfiguration of the
            subnet fabric on link status change events.

          o udapl -- The User Direct Access Programming Library is a high
            level user space RDMA programming environment. The uDAPL library
            allows applications to take advantage of RDMA protocols without
            having to be aware of how to program the RDMA capable hardware.
            The uDAPL specification is not InfiniBand specific, and in the
            future should support RDMA hardware other than InfiniBand, such
            as RDMA enabled 10-Gigabit Ethernet controllers.

            To use the udapl library, you must make sure that the
            file is in the path. This can accomplished by adding the
            following line to the /etc/ file:


            Additionally, by default, the system parameters are set to allow
            only a minimum amount of memory to be locked down by user-mode
            applications, such as uDAPL. To increase this limit, you must
            modify the parameters in /etc/security/limits.conf to increase
            the amount of memory allowed for memlock.

            For example, on a system with 1 gigabytes of memory, a system
            administrator may allow 1 gigabyte to be locked down via memlock.
            To allow this, the administrator would add the following in the
            /etc/security/limits.conf file.

 *                hard    memlock          1000000
 *                soft    memlock          1000000

     o There is a change in the behavior of /etc/issue and /etc/ in
       the sl-release package, such that user-customized versions of
       these files are not moved to a new filename (/etc/issue.rpmsave and
       /etc/, respectively) when sl-release is updated.

       Because of the triggers that exist in previous sl-release RPMs,
       the change in behavior will not take effect when the package is first
       updated. What will happen is that the new /etc/issue and
       /etc/ files from the updated sl-release package will be
       saved as they are on disk and any previously customized /etc/issue and
       /etc/ files will get moved to /etc/issue.rpmsave and
       /etc/, respectively. Users must reapply their
       customizations to these files one time. After reapplying their
       customizations to the files, subsequent upgrades will update as
       expected without such user intervention.

     o Scientific Linux 4.3 supports a new feature to access
       z/VM hypervisor commands (CP commands) using a new Linux kernel module
       called vmcp.ko and a new tool called vmcp. This new feature allows
       Linux guests to be managed running under z/VM out of a z/VM guest
       running a Scientific Linux 4.3 image.

     o DebugInfo packages provide full debugging symbol binaries for
       individual package libraries so that system analysis tools and
       profilers can fully debug and trace applications. DebugInfo packages
       install these binaries in the directory /usr/lib/debuginfo.

       With the -debuginfo RPMs installed, users are able to fully take
       advantage of the following deep analysis tools:

          o Program debugging with gdb

          o kernel core dump debugging with crash

          o performance analysis and profiling with systemtap and oprofile

       DebugInfo packages for Scientific Linux 4x are available from
       the Scientific Linux FTP site at the following URLs:
     o Scientific Linux 4.3 includes a technology preview
       release of Frysk, a new execution analysis framework. Users are
       encouraged to find more information and provide feedback on the
       technology preview at the Frysk project web site:


       Note that this technology preview release of Frysk is not supported
       for use in production environments, and that Frysk interfaces and APIs
       are subject to change during the technology preview phase. A fully
       supported release of Frysk is planned for future releases of 
       Scientific Linux.

Kernel Notes

   This section contains notes relating to the Scientific Linux 4.3 kernel.

     o Scientific Linux 4.3 includes the largesmp kernel
       package for 64-bit platforms. In order to preserve the kernel
       application binary interface (kabi) in current supported kernels,
       Scientific Linux introduces a new kernel package called

       xxx specifies the kernel version, while yyy specifies the platform
       name, which is one of the following 3 platforms: x86_64, ia64, ppc64.

       The largesmp kernel on AMD64 and Intel(R) EM64T platforms increases
       support of CPUs from 8 to 64.

       With successful partner collaboration and testing of the largesmp
       kernel in Scientific Linux 4.3, the supported and
       certifiable CPU limits for AMD64/EM64T, Itanium2, and POWER will
       increase in future releases.

     o The largesmp kernels introduced in Scientific Linux 4.3
       support up to 128GB of memory.

     o Files and directories have permission sets for the owner of the file,
       the group associated with the file, and all other users for the
       system. However, these permission sets have limitations. For example,
       different permissions cannot be configured for different users. To
       address this need, Access Control Lists (ACLs) were implemented.

       The Scientific Linux 4.3 kernel provides ACL support
       for the ext3 file system and NFS file systems. ACLs are now recognized
       on ext3 file systems accessed via Samba.

       Along with support in the kernel, the acl package is required to
       implement ACLs. The acl package contains the utilities used to add,
       modify, remove, and retrieve ACL information.

     o Scientific Linux 4.3 adds error detection and
       correction (EDAC) functionality for x86 and x86_64 systems. The
       kernel, on supported chipsets, can now detect and report ECC single
       bit errors, and report and panic on multi-bit errors.

       The behavior of the kernel is controlled by
       /proc/sys/kernel/panic_on_unrecovered_nmi; and the default value is
       set to "1". If an unrecoverable ECC error or unknown non-maskable
       interrupt (NMI) is detected and the value of
       /proc/sys/kernel/panic_on_unrecovered_nmi is set to "1", then the
       kernel will panic and halt the system. This is the default behavior.

       The hardware autodetect program automatically detects and loads the
       appropriate EDAC kernel modules during installation or upgrade. Upon
       successful loading of the modules, some kernel messages will be saved
       in the message log file.

       While EDAC kernel modules are loaded, the kernel provides control
       interfaces to perform debugging and logging at run-time via
       /proc/sys/mc and directory assistance via the /proc/mc directory.

       If the EDAC kernel modules are loaded, then the kernel provides
       control interfaces to perform debugging and logging at run-time via
       /proc/sys/mc and directory assistance via the /proc/mc directory.

       The EDAC code in Scientific Linux 4x and the code it is based
       on provide statistics via /proc. As part of the merger and acceptance
       of this code into the base kernel, this interface will change to use
       sysfs. Customers should expect future Scientific Linux releases
       to adopt the sysfs interface instead.

     o Kernel Key Management support was a new feature included in 
       Scientific Linux 4.2. However, due to on-going development
       efforts, be advised that Kernel Key Management is a technology preview
       and that the key management interfaces can and will undergo further
       development in subsequent Scientific Linux 4x updates. Because
       Kernel Key Management is a technology preview, it is not supported for
       production environments.

Changes to Drivers and Hardware Support

   This update includes bug fixes for a number of drivers. The more
   significant driver updates are listed below.

     o The following device drivers are added or updated in
       Scientific Linux 4.3:

          o added support for Marvell Yukon 2 chipset in sky2 driver

          o added support for SysKonnect's SK-9E21, SK-9S21 chipset in sky2

          o added support for LSI Logic MegaRAID Serial Attached SCSI
            (megaraid_sas) driver

          o incorporated Broadcom NetXtreme II (bnx2) network driver with
            support for BCM5706 and BCM5708

          o added support for HT1000 chipset in serverworks driver

          o added support for HT2000 chipset in serverworks driver

          o updated Emulex LightPulse Fibre Channel (lpfc) driver

          o updated Intel(R) PRO/1000 (e1000) networking driver

          o updated HP Smart Array (cciss) driver

          o updated LSI Logic MPT Fusion driver

          o updated QLogic Fibre Channel (qla2xxx) driver

          o updated Adaptec RAID (aacraid) driver

          o updated Broadcom Tigon 3 (tg3) network driver

          o various SATA driver updates

     o The SysKonnect Yukon II (sky2) driver is now available in
       Scientific Linux 4.3. It only supports hardware that is not
       supported by the sk98lin driver in Scientific Linux 4.3.
       Note that the current version of the sky2 driver is known to
       perform poorly if autonegotiation is disabled.

     o Support for fabric rediscovery through sysfs is now available in
       Scientific Linux 4.3. For the Qlogic (qla2xxx) and Emulex
       (lpfc) Fibre Channel HBA drivers, run the following commands to
       perform redisocvery and rescan for new storage:

 echo "1" > /sys/class/fc_host/hostXYZ/issue_lip
 echo "- - -" > /sys/class/scsi_host/hostXYZ/scan

       Where XYZ is the scsi host number of your HBA.

     o The Scientific Linux 4x release notes mentioned several issues
       related to the Emulex LightPulse Fibre Channel driver (lpfc). All of
       these issues (related to cable pulls, rmmod and insmod) were fixed in
       Scientific Linux 4.1. The lpfc driver was included in
       the upstream Linux 2.6 kernel shortly after Scientific Linux 4.0
       shipped. Scientific Linux fully supports the lpfc driver, and is committed to
       maintaining the driver as long as Scientific Linux 4x is

     o In some Fibre Channel configurations, an operating system will
       automatically detect the addition of a new target device while the
       system is running. In other configurations, it is necessary to issue
       the following command to detect a new target device:

 echo 1 > /sys/class/fc_host/hostn/issue_lip

       Where hostn corresponds to the appropriate adapter.

       When a new Logical Unit is created on a particular target, a command
       such as the following is required to detect and configure it:

 echo "b t l" > /sys/class/scsi_host/hostn/scan

       Where b is the bus, t is the target, and l is the LUN to be scanned on

       Wild cards can also be used, such as the following example:

 echo "- - -" > /sys/class/scsi_host/host2/scan

       Note that the device name (such as /dev/sdb) that is assigned when a
       device is added dynamically while the system is running may be
       different from the device name assigned the next time the system

     o Scientific Linux 4.3 includes support for scanning past
       LUN 0 when a target returns a peripheral qualifier of 3 for LUN 0. For
       SCSI 3 and higher devices, the scsi layer will attempt a REPORT_LUNS
       command, and for SCSI 2 devices the scsi layer will perform a
       sequential scan for LUNs 1 to 7.

       To modify the scanning behavior, users can add entries to the scsi
       device_info table through the procfs interface located at
       /proc/scsi/device_info or through the scsi_mod module parameters. The
       format for the entry is dev_flags=vendor:model:flags[,v:m:f] where
       flags can be the following integer values:

 0x001   /* Only scan LUN 0 */
 0x002   /* Known to have LUNs, force scanning, deprecated: Use max_luns=N */
 0x004   /* Flag for broken handshaking */
 0x008   /* unlock by special command */
 0x010   /* Do not use LUNs in parallel */
 0x020   /* Buggy Tagged Command Queuing */
 0x040   /* Non consecutive LUN numbering */
 0x080   /* Avoid LUNS >= 5 */
 0x100   /* Treat as (removable) CD-ROM */
 0x200   /* LUNs past 7 on a SCSI-2 device */
 0x400   /* override additional length field */
 0x800   /* ... for broken inquiry responses */
 0x1000  /* do not do automatic start on add */
 0x2000  /* do not send ms page 0x08 */
 0x4000  /* do not send ms page 0x3f */
 0x8000  /* use 10 byte ms before 6 byte ms */
 0x10000 /*  192 byte ms page 0x3f request */
 0x20000 /* try REPORT_LUNS even for SCSI-2 devs (if HBA supports more than 8 LUNs) */
 0x40000 /* don't try REPORT_LUNS scan (SCSI-3 devs) */
 0x80000 /* don't use PREVENT-ALLOW commands */
 0x100000 /* device is actually for RAID config */
 0x200000 /* select without ATN */
 0x400000 /* retry HARDWARE_ERROR */

       For example, to scan past LUN 7 for a SCSI 2 device from vendor Linux
       with model scsi_debug, execute the following command:

 echo Linux:scsi_debug:200 > /proc/scsi/device_info


 modprobe scsi_mod dev_flags=Linux:scsi_debug:200

       The module parameter can also be added to /etc/modprobe.conf so that
       it can be used at system boot-up:

 options scsi_mod dev_flags=Linux:scsi_debug:200

Changes to Packages

   This section contains listings of packages that have been updated or added
   from Scientific Linux 4x as part of 4.3.


   The following packages have been updated from the release of
   Scientific Linux 4.2:

     o MAKEDEV-3.15-2 => MAKEDEV-3.15.2-3

     o OpenIPMI-1.4.14-1.4E.7 => OpenIPMI-1.4.14-1.4E.12

     o OpenIPMI-devel-1.4.14-1.4E.7 => OpenIPMI-devel-1.4.14-1.4E.12

     o OpenIPMI-libs-1.4.14-1.4E.7 => OpenIPMI-libs-1.4.14-1.4E.12

     o OpenIPMI-tools-1.4.14-1.4E.7 => OpenIPMI-tools-1.4.14-1.4E.12

     o anaconda- => anaconda-

     o anaconda-runtime- => anaconda-runtime-

     o audit-1.0.3-6.EL4 => audit-1.0.12-1.EL4

     o audit-libs-1.0.3-6.EL4 => audit-libs-1.0.12-1.EL4

     o audit-libs-devel-1.0.3-6.EL4 => audit-libs-devel-1.0.12-1.EL4

     o autofs-4.1.3-155 => autofs-4.1.3-169

     o binutils- => binutils-

     o bootparamd-0.17-19.RHEL4 => bootparamd-0.17-21.RHEL4

     o chkconfig- => chkconfig-

     o compat-openldap-2.1.30-3 => compat-openldap-2.1.30-4

     o comps-4AS-0.20051001 => comps-4AS-0.20060125

     o cpp-3.4.4-2 => cpp-3.4.5-2

     o crash-4.0-2 => crash-4.0-2.15

     o cups-1.1.22-0.rc1.9.8 => cups-1.1.22-0.rc1.9.10

     o cups-devel-1.1.22-0.rc1.9.8 => cups-devel-1.1.22-0.rc1.9.10

     o cups-libs-1.1.22-0.rc1.9.8 => cups-libs-1.1.22-0.rc1.9.10

     o curl-7.12.1-5.rhel4 => curl-7.12.1-8.rhel4

     o curl-devel-7.12.1-5.rhel4 => curl-devel-7.12.1-8.rhel4

     o device-mapper-1.01.04-1.0.RHEL4 => device-mapper-1.02.02-3.0.RHEL4

     o device-mapper-multipath-0.4.5-6.0.RHEL4 =>

     o dhclient-3.0.1-12_EL => dhclient-3.0.1-54.EL4

     o dhcp-3.0.1-12_EL => dhcp-3.0.1-54.EL4

     o dhcp-devel-3.0.1-12_EL => dhcp-devel-3.0.1-54.EL4

     o dhcpv6-0.10-8 => dhcpv6-0.10-14_EL4

     o dhcpv6_client-0.10-8 => dhcpv6_client-0.10-14_EL4

     o diskdumputils-1.1.9-4 => diskdumputils-1.2.8-2

     o e2fsprogs-1.35-12.2.EL4 => e2fsprogs-1.35-12.3.EL4

     o e2fsprogs-devel-1.35-12.2.EL4 => e2fsprogs-devel-1.35-12.3.EL4

     o ethereal-0.10.12-1.EL4.1 => ethereal-0.10.14-1.EL4.1

     o ethereal-gnome-0.10.12-1.EL4.1 => ethereal-gnome-0.10.14-1.EL4.1

     o evolution-2.0.2-22 => evolution-2.0.2-26

     o evolution-connector-2.0.2-8 => evolution-connector-2.0.2-10

     o evolution-devel-2.0.2-22 => evolution-devel-2.0.2-26

     o file-4.10-2 => file-4.10-2.EL4.3

     o firefox-1.0.7-1.4.1 => firefox-1.0.7-1.4.2

     o fonts-xorg-100dpi- => fonts-xorg-100dpi-6.8.2-1.EL

     o fonts-xorg-75dpi- => fonts-xorg-75dpi-6.8.2-1.EL

     o fonts-xorg-ISO8859-14-100dpi- =>

     o fonts-xorg-ISO8859-14-75dpi- =>

     o fonts-xorg-ISO8859-15-100dpi- =>

     o fonts-xorg-ISO8859-15-75dpi- =>

     o fonts-xorg-ISO8859-2-100dpi- =>

     o fonts-xorg-ISO8859-2-75dpi- =>

     o fonts-xorg-ISO8859-9-100dpi- =>

     o fonts-xorg-ISO8859-9-75dpi- =>

     o fonts-xorg-base- => fonts-xorg-base-6.8.2-1.EL

     o fonts-xorg-cyrillic- => fonts-xorg-cyrillic-6.8.2-1.EL

     o fonts-xorg-syriac- => fonts-xorg-syriac-6.8.2-1.EL

     o fonts-xorg-truetype- => fonts-xorg-truetype-6.8.2-1.EL

     o gaim-1.3.1-0.el4.3 => gaim-1.5.0-12.el4

     o gcc-3.4.4-2 => gcc-3.4.5-2

     o gcc-c++-3.4.4-2 => gcc-c++-3.4.5-2

     o gcc-g77-3.4.4-2 => gcc-g77-3.4.5-2

     o gcc-gnat-3.4.4-2 => gcc-gnat-3.4.5-2

     o gcc-java-3.4.4-2 => gcc-java-3.4.5-2

     o gcc-objc-3.4.4-2 => gcc-objc-3.4.5-2

     o gcc4-4.0.1-4.EL4.2 => gcc4-4.0.2-14.EL4

     o gcc4-c++-4.0.1-4.EL4.2 => gcc4-c++-4.0.2-14.EL4

     o gcc4-gfortran-4.0.1-4.EL4.2 => gcc4-gfortran-4.0.2-14.EL4

     o gcc4-java-4.0.1-4.EL4.2 => gcc4-java-4.0.2-14.EL4

     o gdb- => gdb-

     o gdk-pixbuf-0.22.0-16.el4 => gdk-pixbuf-0.22.0-17.el4.3

     o gdk-pixbuf-devel-0.22.0-16.el4 => gdk-pixbuf-devel-0.22.0-17.el4.3

     o gdm- => gdm-

     o glibc-2.3.4-2.13 => glibc-2.3.4-2.18

     o glibc-common-2.3.4-2.13 => glibc-common-2.3.4-2.18

     o glibc-devel-2.3.4-2.13 => glibc-devel-2.3.4-2.18

     o glibc-headers-2.3.4-2.13 => glibc-headers-2.3.4-2.18

     o glibc-profile-2.3.4-2.13 => glibc-profile-2.3.4-2.18

     o glibc-utils-2.3.4-2.13 => glibc-utils-2.3.4-2.18

     o gnome-games-2.8.0-4 => gnome-games-2.8.0-4.rhel4.1

     o gnome-pilot-conduits-2.0.12-3 => gnome-pilot-conduits-2.0.12-4.EL4

     o gpdf-2.8.2-4.4 => gpdf-2.8.2-7.4

     o gtk2-2.4.13-16 => gtk2-2.4.13-18

     o gtk2-devel-2.4.13-16 => gtk2-devel-2.4.13-18

     o hal-0.4.2-1.EL4 => hal-0.4.2-3.EL4

     o hal-devel-0.4.2-1.EL4 => hal-devel-0.4.2-3.EL4

     o hal-gnome-0.4.2-1.EL4 => hal-gnome-0.4.2-3.EL4

     o httpd-2.0.52-19.ent => httpd-2.0.52-22.ent

     o httpd-devel-2.0.52-19.ent => httpd-devel-2.0.52-22.ent

     o httpd-manual-2.0.52-19.ent => httpd-manual-2.0.52-22.ent

     o httpd-suexec-2.0.52-19.ent => httpd-suexec-2.0.52-22.ent

     o hwdata-0.146.12.EL-1 => hwdata-0.146.13.EL-1

     o iiimf-csconv-12.1-13.EL.2 => iiimf-csconv-12.1-13.EL.3

     o iiimf-docs-12.1-13.EL.2 => iiimf-docs-12.1-13.EL.3

     o iiimf-emacs-12.1-13.EL.2 => iiimf-emacs-12.1-13.EL.3

     o iiimf-gnome-im-switcher-12.1-13.EL.2 =>

     o iiimf-gtk-12.1-13.EL.2 => iiimf-gtk-12.1-13.EL.3

     o iiimf-le-canna-12.1-13.EL.2 => iiimf-le-canna-12.1-13.EL.3

     o iiimf-le-hangul-12.1-13.EL.2 => iiimf-le-hangul-12.1-13.EL.3

     o iiimf-le-sun-thai-12.1-13.EL.2 => iiimf-le-sun-thai-12.1-13.EL.3

     o iiimf-le-unit-12.1-13.EL.2 => iiimf-le-unit-12.1-13.EL.3

     o iiimf-le-xcin-0.1.7-11 => iiimf-le-xcin-0.1.7-12.EL4

     o iiimf-libs-12.1-13.EL.2 => iiimf-libs-12.1-13.EL.3

     o iiimf-libs-devel-12.1-13.EL.2 => iiimf-libs-devel-12.1-13.EL.3

     o iiimf-server-12.1-13.EL.2 => iiimf-server-12.1-13.EL.3

     o iiimf-x-12.1-13.EL.2 => iiimf-x-12.1-13.EL.3

     o initscripts-7.93.20.EL-1 => initscripts-7.93.24.EL-1.1

     o iputils-20020927-18.EL4.1 => iputils-20020927-18.EL4.2

     o irb-1.8.1-7.EL4.1 => irb-1.8.1-7.EL4.2

     o iscsi-initiator-utils- => iscsi-initiator-utils-

     o k3b-0.11.14-2 => k3b-0.11.14-5.RHEL4

     o kdegraphics-3.3.1-3.4 => kdegraphics-3.3.1-3.6

     o kdegraphics-devel-3.3.1-3.4 => kdegraphics-devel-3.3.1-3.6

     o kdelibs-3.3.1-3.11 => kdelibs-3.3.1-3.14

     o kdelibs-devel-3.3.1-3.11 => kdelibs-devel-3.3.1-3.14

     o kernel-2.6.9-22.EL => kernel-2.6.9-29.EL

     o kernel-devel-2.6.9-22.EL => kernel-devel-2.6.9-29.EL

     o kernel-doc-2.6.9-22.EL => kernel-doc-2.6.9-29.EL

     o kernel-utils-2.4-13.1.69 => kernel-utils-2.4-13.1.80

     o keyutils-0.3-1 => keyutils-1.0-2

     o keyutils-devel-0.3-1 => keyutils-devel-1.0-2

     o krb5-devel-1.3.4-17 => krb5-devel-1.3.4-23

     o krb5-libs-1.3.4-17 => krb5-libs-1.3.4-23

     o krb5-server-1.3.4-17 => krb5-server-1.3.4-23

     o krb5-workstation-1.3.4-17 => krb5-workstation-1.3.4-23

     o libaio-0.3.103-3 => libaio-0.3.105-2

     o libaio-devel-0.3.103-3 => libaio-devel-0.3.105-2

     o libc-client-2002e-8 => libc-client-2002e-14

     o libc-client-devel-2002e-8 => libc-client-devel-2002e-14

     o libf2c-3.4.4-2 => libf2c-3.4.5-2

     o libgcc-3.4.4-2 => libgcc-3.4.5-2

     o libgcj-3.4.4-2 => libgcj-3.4.5-2

     o libgcj-devel-3.4.4-2 => libgcj-devel-3.4.5-2

     o libgcj4-4.0.1-4.EL4.2 => libgcj4-4.0.2-14.EL4

     o libgcj4-devel-4.0.1-4.EL4.2 => libgcj4-devel-4.0.2-14.EL4

     o libgcj4-src-4.0.1-4.EL4.2 => libgcj4-src-4.0.2-14.EL4

     o libgfortran-4.0.1-4.EL4.2 => libgfortran-4.0.2-14.EL4

     o libgnat-3.4.4-2 => libgnat-3.4.5-2

     o libmudflap-4.0.1-4.EL4.2 => libmudflap-4.0.2-14.EL4

     o libmudflap-devel-4.0.1-4.EL4.2 => libmudflap-devel-4.0.2-14.EL4

     o libobjc-3.4.4-2 => libobjc-3.4.5-2

     o librsvg2-2.8.1-1 => librsvg2-2.8.1-1.el4.1

     o librsvg2-devel-2.8.1-1 => librsvg2-devel-2.8.1-1.el4.1

     o libsoup-2.2.1-2 => libsoup-2.2.1-4

     o libsoup-devel-2.2.1-2 => libsoup-devel-2.2.1-4

     o libstdc++-3.4.4-2 => libstdc++-3.4.5-2

     o libstdc++-devel-3.4.4-2 => libstdc++-devel-3.4.5-2

     o libungif-4.1.3-1 => libungif-4.1.3-1.el4.2

     o libungif-devel-4.1.3-1 => libungif-devel-4.1.3-1.el4.2

     o libungif-progs-4.1.3-1 => libungif-progs-4.1.3-1.el4.2

     o libuser-0.52.5-1 => libuser-0.52.5-1.el4.1

     o libuser-devel-0.52.5-1 => libuser-devel-0.52.5-1.el4.1

     o linuxwacom-0.6.4-6 => linuxwacom-0.7.0-EL4.1

     o linuxwacom-devel-0.6.4-6 => linuxwacom-devel-0.7.0-EL4.1

     o lvm2-2.01.14-2.0.RHEL4 => lvm2-2.02.01-1.3.RHEL4

     o lynx-2.8.5-18 => lynx-2.8.5-18.2

     o man-pages-ja-20041215-1.EL4.0 => man-pages-ja-20050215-2.EL4.0

     o mdadm-1.6.0-2 => mdadm-1.6.0-3

     o mod_auth_pgsql-2.0.1-6 => mod_auth_pgsql-2.0.1-7.1

     o mod_ssl-2.0.52-19.ent => mod_ssl-2.0.52-22.ent

     o module-init-tools-3.1-0.pre5.3 => module-init-tools-3.1-0.pre5.3.1

     o netdump-0.7.7-3 => netdump-0.7.14-4

     o netdump-server-0.7.7-3 => netdump-server-0.7.14-4

     o netpbm-10.25-2.EL4.1 => netpbm-10.25-2.EL4.2

     o netpbm-devel-10.25-2.EL4.1 => netpbm-devel-10.25-2.EL4.2

     o netpbm-progs-10.25-2.EL4.1 => netpbm-progs-10.25-2.EL4.2

     o newt-0.51.6-5 => newt-0.51.6-7.rhel4

     o newt-devel-0.51.6-5 => newt-devel-0.51.6-7.rhel4

     o nptl-devel-2.3.4-2.13 => nptl-devel-2.3.4-2.18

     o nscd-2.3.4-2.13 => nscd-2.3.4-2.18

     o nss_ldap-226-6 => nss_ldap-226-10

     o ntsysv- => ntsysv-

     o numactl-0.6.4-1.13 => numactl-0.6.4-1.17

     o openldap-2.2.13-3 => openldap-2.2.13-4

     o openldap-clients-2.2.13-3 => openldap-clients-2.2.13-4

     o openldap-devel-2.2.13-3 => openldap-devel-2.2.13-4

     o openldap-servers-2.2.13-3 => openldap-servers-2.2.13-4

     o openldap-servers-sql-2.2.13-3 => openldap-servers-sql-2.2.13-4

     o openssh-3.9p1-8.RHEL4.9 => openssh-3.9p1-8.RHEL4.12

     o openssh-askpass-3.9p1-8.RHEL4.9 => openssh-askpass-3.9p1-8.RHEL4.12

     o openssh-askpass-gnome-3.9p1-8.RHEL4.9 =>

     o openssh-clients-3.9p1-8.RHEL4.9 => openssh-clients-3.9p1-8.RHEL4.12

     o openssh-server-3.9p1-8.RHEL4.9 => openssh-server-3.9p1-8.RHEL4.12

     o openssl-0.9.7a-43.2 => openssl-0.9.7a-43.8

     o openssl-devel-0.9.7a-43.2 => openssl-devel-0.9.7a-43.8

     o openssl-perl-0.9.7a-43.2 => openssl-perl-0.9.7a-43.8

     o openssl096b-0.9.6b-22.3 => openssl096b-0.9.6b-22.42

     o pam-0.77-66.11 => pam-0.77-66.14

     o pam-devel-0.77-66.11 => pam-devel-0.77-66.14

     o pcmcia-cs-3.2.7-3.2 => pcmcia-cs-3.2.7-3.4

     o perl-5.8.5-16.RHEL4 => perl-5.8.5-24.RHEL4

     o perl-suidperl-5.8.5-16.RHEL4 => perl-suidperl-5.8.5-24.RHEL4

     o php-4.3.9-3.8 => php-4.3.9-3.9

     o php-devel-4.3.9-3.8 => php-devel-4.3.9-3.9

     o php-domxml-4.3.9-3.8 => php-domxml-4.3.9-3.9

     o php-gd-4.3.9-3.8 => php-gd-4.3.9-3.9

     o php-imap-4.3.9-3.8 => php-imap-4.3.9-3.9

     o php-ldap-4.3.9-3.8 => php-ldap-4.3.9-3.9

     o php-mbstring-4.3.9-3.8 => php-mbstring-4.3.9-3.9

     o php-mysql-4.3.9-3.8 => php-mysql-4.3.9-3.9

     o php-ncurses-4.3.9-3.8 => php-ncurses-4.3.9-3.9

     o php-odbc-4.3.9-3.8 => php-odbc-4.3.9-3.9

     o php-pear-4.3.9-3.8 => php-pear-4.3.9-3.9

     o php-pgsql-4.3.9-3.8 => php-pgsql-4.3.9-3.9

     o php-snmp-4.3.9-3.8 => php-snmp-4.3.9-3.9

     o php-xmlrpc-4.3.9-3.8 => php-xmlrpc-4.3.9-3.9

     o policycoreutils-1.18.1-4.7 => policycoreutils-1.18.1-4.9

     o popt-1.9.1-11_nonptl => popt-1.9.1-13_nonptl

     o procps-3.2.3-8.2 => procps-3.2.3-8.3

     o psacct-6.3.2-35.rhel4 => psacct-6.3.2-37.rhel4

     o quagga-0.97.0-1 => quagga-0.98.3-1.4E

     o quagga-contrib-0.97.0-1 => quagga-contrib-0.98.3-1.4E

     o quagga-devel-0.97.0-1 => quagga-devel-0.98.3-1.4E

     o sl-release-42 => sl-release-43

     o rhn-applet-2.1.22-4 => rhn-applet-2.1.24-3

     o rhnlib-1.8.1-1.p23.1 => rhnlib-1.8.2-1.p23.1

     o rpm-4.3.3-11_nonptl => rpm-4.3.3-13_nonptl

     o rpm-build-4.3.3-11_nonptl => rpm-build-4.3.3-13_nonptl

     o rpm-devel-4.3.3-11_nonptl => rpm-devel-4.3.3-13_nonptl

     o rpm-libs-4.3.3-11_nonptl => rpm-libs-4.3.3-13_nonptl

     o rpm-python-4.3.3-11_nonptl => rpm-python-4.3.3-13_nonptl

     o rpmdb-redhat-4-0.20051001 => rpmdb-redhat-4-0.20060125

     o ruby-1.8.1-7.EL4.1 => ruby-1.8.1-7.EL4.2

     o ruby-devel-1.8.1-7.EL4.1 => ruby-devel-1.8.1-7.EL4.2

     o ruby-docs-1.8.1-7.EL4.1 => ruby-docs-1.8.1-7.EL4.2

     o ruby-libs-1.8.1-7.EL4.1 => ruby-libs-1.8.1-7.EL4.2

     o ruby-mode-1.8.1-7.EL4.1 => ruby-mode-1.8.1-7.EL4.2

     o ruby-tcltk-1.8.1-7.EL4.1 => ruby-tcltk-1.8.1-7.EL4.2

     o samba-3.0.10-1.4E.2 => samba-3.0.10-1.4E.6

     o samba-client-3.0.10-1.4E.2 => samba-client-3.0.10-1.4E.6

     o samba-common-3.0.10-1.4E.2 => samba-common-3.0.10-1.4E.6

     o samba-swat-3.0.10-1.4E.2 => samba-swat-3.0.10-1.4E.6

     o selinux-policy-targeted-1.17.30-2.110 =>

     o selinux-policy-targeted-sources-1.17.30-2.110 =>

     o shadow-utils-4.0.3-52.RHEL4 => shadow-utils-4.0.3-60.RHEL4

     o spamassassin-3.0.4-1.el4 => spamassassin-3.0.5-3.el4

     o squid-2.5.STABLE6-3.4E.11 => squid-2.5.STABLE6-3.4E.12

     o sysstat-5.0.5-1 => sysstat-5.0.5-6.rhel4

     o system-config-lvm-1.0.5-1.0 => system-config-lvm-1.0.9-1.0

     o system-config-network-1.3.22-1 =>

     o system-config-network-tui-1.3.22-1 =>

     o system-config-printer- => system-config-printer-

     o system-config-printer-gui- =>

     o tetex-2.0.2-22.EL4.4 => tetex-2.0.2-22.EL4.7

     o tetex-afm-2.0.2-22.EL4.4 => tetex-afm-2.0.2-22.EL4.7

     o tetex-doc-2.0.2-22.EL4.4 => tetex-doc-2.0.2-22.EL4.7

     o tetex-dvips-2.0.2-22.EL4.4 => tetex-dvips-2.0.2-22.EL4.7

     o tetex-fonts-2.0.2-22.EL4.4 => tetex-fonts-2.0.2-22.EL4.7

     o tetex-latex-2.0.2-22.EL4.4 => tetex-latex-2.0.2-22.EL4.7

     o tetex-xdvi-2.0.2-22.EL4.4 => tetex-xdvi-2.0.2-22.EL4.7

     o thunderbird-1.0.6-1.4.1 => thunderbird-1.0.7-1.4.1

     o udev-039-10.10.EL4 => udev-039-10.12.EL4

     o unixODBC-2.2.9-1 => unixODBC-2.2.11-1.RHEL4.1

     o unixODBC-devel-2.2.9-1 => unixODBC-devel-2.2.11-1.RHEL4.1

     o unixODBC-kde-2.2.9-1 => unixODBC-kde-2.2.11-1.RHEL4.1

     o up2date-4.4.50-4 => up2date-4.4.63-4

     o up2date-gnome-4.4.50-4 => up2date-gnome-4.4.63-4

     o util-linux-2.12a-16.EL4.11 => util-linux-2.12a-16.EL4.16

     o wget-1.10.1-2.4E.1 => wget-1.10.2-0.40E

     o xinitrc-4.0.14-1 => xinitrc-

     o xloadimage-4.1-34.RHEL4 => xloadimage-4.1-36.RHEL4

     o xorg-x11-6.8.2-1.EL.13.20 => xorg-x11-6.8.2-1.EL.13.25

     o xorg-x11-Mesa-libGL-6.8.2-1.EL.13.20 =>

     o xorg-x11-Mesa-libGLU-6.8.2-1.EL.13.20 =>

     o xorg-x11-Xdmx-6.8.2-1.EL.13.20 => xorg-x11-Xdmx-6.8.2-1.EL.13.25

     o xorg-x11-Xnest-6.8.2-1.EL.13.20 => xorg-x11-Xnest-6.8.2-1.EL.13.25

     o xorg-x11-Xvfb-6.8.2-1.EL.13.20 => xorg-x11-Xvfb-6.8.2-1.EL.13.25

     o xorg-x11-deprecated-libs-6.8.2-1.EL.13.20 =>

     o xorg-x11-deprecated-libs-devel-6.8.2-1.EL.13.20 =>

     o xorg-x11-devel-6.8.2-1.EL.13.20 => xorg-x11-devel-6.8.2-1.EL.13.25

     o xorg-x11-doc-6.8.2-1.EL.13.20 => xorg-x11-doc-6.8.2-1.EL.13.25

     o xorg-x11-font-utils-6.8.2-1.EL.13.20 =>

     o xorg-x11-libs-6.8.2-1.EL.13.20 => xorg-x11-libs-6.8.2-1.EL.13.25

     o xorg-x11-sdk-6.8.2-1.EL.13.20 => xorg-x11-sdk-6.8.2-1.EL.13.25

     o xorg-x11-tools-6.8.2-1.EL.13.20 => xorg-x11-tools-6.8.2-1.EL.13.25

     o xorg-x11-twm-6.8.2-1.EL.13.20 => xorg-x11-twm-6.8.2-1.EL.13.25

     o xorg-x11-xauth-6.8.2-1.EL.13.20 => xorg-x11-xauth-6.8.2-1.EL.13.25

     o xorg-x11-xdm-6.8.2-1.EL.13.20 => xorg-x11-xdm-6.8.2-1.EL.13.25

     o xorg-x11-xfs-6.8.2-1.EL.13.20 => xorg-x11-xfs-6.8.2-1.EL.13.25

     o xpdf-3.00-11.8 => xpdf-3.00-11.10

     o xscreensaver-4.18-5.rhel4.9 => xscreensaver-4.18-5.rhel4.10

     o ypbind-1.17.2-3 => ypbind-1.17.2-8

     o ypserv-2.13-5 => ypserv-2.13-9

   The following new packages have been added to Scientific Linux 4.3:

     o kernel-largesmp-2.6.9-29.EL

     o kernel-largesmp-devel-2.6.9-29.EL

     o keyutils-libs-1.0-2

     o libibverbs-1.0.rc4-0.4265.1.EL4

     o libibverbs-devel-1.0.rc4-0.4265.1.EL4

     o libibverbs-utils-1.0.rc4-0.4265.1.EL4

     o libmthca-1.0.rc4-0.4265.1.EL4

     o libmthca-devel-1.0.rc4-0.4265.1.EL4

     o libsdp-0.90-0.4265.1.EL4

     o opensm-1.0-0.4265.1.EL4

     o mcelog-0.4-1.9.EL

     o opensm-devel-1.0-0.4265.1.EL4

     o opensm-libs-1.0-0.4265.1.EL4

     o rarpd-ss981107-18.40.2

     o syslinux-2.11-1

     o dapl-1.2-0.4265.1.EL4

     o udapl-devel-1.2-0.4265.1.EL4

   The following packages have been removed from Scientific Linux 4.3:

     o No packages have been removed.

   ( amd64 )