\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{lucold}[1999/05/25 Old-Style Digits for Lucida fonts] % Author: Maurizio Loreti, aka MLO or (HAM) I3NOO % Work: University of Padova - Department of Physics % Via F. Marzolo, 8 - 35131 PADOVA - Italy % Phone: +39 (049) 827-7216 FAX: +39 (049) 827-7102 % EMail: loreti@padova.infn.it % WWW: http://wwwcdf.pd.infn.it/~loreti/mlo.html % % $Id: lucold.sty,v 1.1 1999/05/25 12:16:26 loreti Exp $ % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Options for \usepackage{lucold} : % % text (notext) : switch (do not switch) all text numerals to % old-style digits; % math (nomath) : switch (do not switch) all math numerals % to old-style digits. % % The default: \usepackage{lucold} is equivalent to % \usepackage[text,nomath]{lucold} . % % Since I think that it has no sense to require old-style % digits in math and not in text, with [notext,math] a % warning is printed and the setup is changed to [text,math]. \newif\ifluc@ldtext \newif\ifluc@ldmath \DeclareOption{text}{\luc@ldtexttrue} \DeclareOption{notext}{\luc@ldtextfalse} \DeclareOption{math}{\luc@ldmathtrue} \DeclareOption{nomath}{\luc@ldmathfalse} \ExecuteOptions{text,nomath} \ProcessOptions \ifluc@ldmath \ifluc@ldtext\relax\else% \luc@ldtexttrue\PackageWarningNoLine{lucold}{Old style digits in math and not in text? Ugh!\MessageBreak Also the `text' option has been set}\fi \DeclareMathSymbol{0}{\mathalpha}{letters}{'060} \DeclareMathSymbol{1}{\mathalpha}{letters}{'061} \DeclareMathSymbol{2}{\mathalpha}{letters}{'062} \DeclareMathSymbol{3}{\mathalpha}{letters}{'063} \DeclareMathSymbol{4}{\mathalpha}{letters}{'064} \DeclareMathSymbol{5}{\mathalpha}{letters}{'065} \DeclareMathSymbol{6}{\mathalpha}{letters}{'066} \DeclareMathSymbol{7}{\mathalpha}{letters}{'067} \DeclareMathSymbol{8}{\mathalpha}{letters}{'070} \DeclareMathSymbol{9}{\mathalpha}{letters}{'071} \fi \ifluc@ldtext \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{hlos} \fi \endinput