%% %% This file will generate fast loadable files and documentation %% driver files from the doc files in this package when run through %% LaTeX or TeX. %% %% This system is released under the Latex Project Public License. %% %% This system is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. %% %% Author: Peter Wilson (CUA) %% now at: peter.r.wilson@boeing.com %% %% %% --------------- start of docstrip commands ------------------ %% \def\batchfile{iso4ht.ins} \input docstrip.tex \preamble Author: Peter Wilson (CUA) now at: peter.r.wilson@boeing.com This system is released under the Latex Project Public License. This system is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. \endpreamble \keepsilent %%% \Msg{*** Generating the driver file ***} %%% \generateFile{iso4ht.drv}{t}{\from{iso4ht.dtx}{driver}} \Msg{*** Generating the TeX4ht package files ***} \generateFile{isov2.4ht}{t}{\from{iso4ht.dtx}{usc}} \Msg{***********************************************************} \Msg{*} \Msg{* To finish the installation you have to move the following} \Msg{* file(s) into a directory searched by TeX4ht:} \Msg{*} \Msg{* \space\space isov2.4ht} \Msg{*} \Msg{*} \Msg{* To produce the documentation run the files ending with} \Msg{* `.dtx' through LaTeX.} \Msg{* Process any name.idx file by:} \Msg{* \space\space\space\space makeindex -s gind.ist name} \Msg{* Process any name.glo file by:} \Msg{* \space\space\space\space makeindex -s gglo.ist -o name.gls name.glo} \Msg{*} \Msg{* Happy TeXing} \Msg{***********************************************************} \endinput