This program is similar to [[makeindex]] in that it grovels through [[.aux]] files looking for index information, which it writes to a [[.nwi]] file. It's used when [[noweave -indexfrom]] is used on many files separately; it combines the separate indices into a single, correctly sorted index. That index file is read by [[\nowebindex*]]. <>= #!/bin/rc # # Translated to rc by Russ Cox # bugs -> if(! ~ $#* 1) { echo 'Usage: '^`{basename $0}^' file[.tex]' >[1=2] exit usage } awk -f /sys/lib/noweb/noindex.awk >[1=2] <>= BEGIN { infile="'"$1"'" <
> exit } <> <
>= if (infile ~ /\.tex$/) { infile = substr(infile, 1, length(infile)-4) ".aux" } else if (infile !~ /\.aux$/) { infile = infile ".aux" } idx[0] = "" delete idx[0] gobble(infile) alphasort(idx) outname = substr(infile, 1, length(infile)-4) ".nwi" last = "" for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { out = stripcount(sorted[i]) if (last != out) { print out > outname last = out # } } <>= key = sortkeys[i] sub(/^\n+/, "", key) sub(/\n.*$/, "", key) print "% " key > outname <>= function gobble(name, infile, rc, tag) { for (rc = (getline line < name); rc > 0; rc = (getline line < name)) { if (line ~ /^\\@input{[^}]*}$/) gobble(substr(line, 9, length(line)-9)) else if (line ~ /^\\nwixadds{/) { count++ tag = "000000" count tag = substr(tag, length(tag)-6+1) idx[count] = tag " " substr(line, 11) } } if (rc < 0) print "No file " name "." else close(name) return } <>= function stripcount(s) { sub(/^[0-9]+/, "", s) sub(/ +/, "", s) return "\\nwixaddsx{" s } <>= function alphasort(a, x, n) { n = 0 for (x in a) n = insertitem(a[x], n) finish_sorting(n) return n } function insertitem(x, n, i, tmp) { sorted[n] = x sortkeys[n] = sortkey(x) return n+1 } <>= function finish_sorting(n) { firstwork = nextwork = 0 addquick(0, n) while(nextwork > firstwork) qsort() } <>= function addquick(l, r) { workq[nextwork++] = l workq[nextwork++] = r } <>= l = workq[firstwork] delete workq[firstwork] firstwork++ r = workq[firstwork] delete workq[firstwork] firstwork++ <>= function qsort(l, r, mid, i, last) { <> if (r - l < 10) isort(l, r) else { mid = l + int((r - l) * rand()) swap(l, mid) last = l for (i = l+1; i < r; i++) if (sortkeys[i] < sortkeys[l] || sortkeys[i] == sortkeys[l] && sorted[i] < sorted[l]) swap(++last, i) swap(l, last) addquick(l, last) addquick(last+1, r) } } <>= function isort(l, r, n) { for (n = l + 1; n < r; n++) for (i = n; i > l && (sortkeys[i] < sortkeys[i-1] || sortkeys[i] == sortkeys[i-1] && sorted[i] < sorted[i 1]); i--) swap(i, i-1) } <>= function swap(i, j, tmp) { tmp = sortkeys [i]; sortkeys [i] = sortkeys [j]; sortkeys [j] = tmp tmp = sorted[i]; sorted[i] = sorted[j]; sorted[j] = tmp } <>= function sortkey(s, count) { match(s, /^[0-9]+/) count = substr(s, RSTART, RLENGTH) sub(/^[0-9]+ */, "", s) if (s ~ /c}/) { return firstkey(substr(s, 3)) "\n" count } else if (s ~ /i}/) { return firstkey(substr(s, 3)) "\n" count } else { print "sortkey handed non-chunk and non-index: " s exit 1 } } <>= function firstkey(s, r, openbrace) { if (s !~ /^{{/) { <> } sub (/^{{/, "", s) gsub(/\\([a-zA-Z]+|.) */, "", s) # kill control sequences openbrace = 1 r = "" while (openbrace > 0) if (match(s, /^[^{}]*/) <= 0) openbrace-- else { r = r substr(s, RSTART, RLENGTH) c = substr(s, RSTART+RLENGTH, 1) s = substr(s, RSTART+RLENGTH+1) if (c == "}") openbrace-- else openbrace++ if (openbrace > 0) r = r c } return alphabet(r) "\n" r } <>= print "key \"" substr(s, 1, 6) "...\" is ill-formatted" exit 1 <>= function alphabet(s, r) { r = "" while (match(s, /[a-zA-Z \t]/) > 0) { s = substr(s, RSTART) c = substr(s, 1, 1) if (c == " " || c == "\t") { r = r " " sub(/^[ \t]+/, "", s) } else { match(s, /^[a-zA-Z]+/) r = r substr(s, RSTART, RLENGTH) s = substr(s, RSTART+RLENGTH) } } sub(/^ +/, "", r) return r } @ \section{Index} \nowebindex