/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1987 Kamal Al-Yahya */ /* texexpand: to expand TeX and LaTeX \input and include files */ char *documentation[] = { " SYNTAX", " texexpand [-w] file1 [file2 .....]", " or texexpand [-w] < file1 [file2 ....]", "", " Flags:", " -w maching is not checked", "", "See the manual page for more details.", "", }; /* Author: Kamal Al-Yahya, Stanford University, 11/1/83 */ /* Last modified: 1/25/87 */ int doclength = { sizeof documentation/sizeof documentation[0] }; #include "setups.h" #ifdef tops20 #define TEMPFILE "texXXXXXX" #else #define TEMPFILE "/tmp/texXXXXXX" #endif #ifdef MSC #else struct sgttyb ttystat; #endif extern char *mktemp(); char scratch_file[MAXWORD]; int wflag; int xargc; char **xargv; main(argc,argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { char *buf; FILE *temp,*scr; register char *cptr; int piped_in; int i; if (((buf = (char *)malloc(MAXLEN*sizeof(char))) == (char *)NULL)) { fprintf(stderr,"texpand: Cannot malloc() internal buffer space\n\ Need an array of %d characters\n",MAXLEN); exit(-1); } /* If no arguments, and not in a pipeline, self document */ #ifdef MSC /* MS-DOS cannot distinguish piped input from no input */ piped_in = (argc == 1); #else piped_in = ioctl ((fileno (stdin)), TIOCGETP, &ttystat); #endif if (argc == 1 && !piped_in) { for( i=0; i