%% %% This is the file thesis-gwu.cls. %% It provides a LaTeX class that is consistent with the guidelines %% provided by the School of Engineering and Science as described at %% %% %% GWU provides a sad excuse for a LaTeX template and this is an attempt to %% improve. %% %% This class is based on the LaTeX template provided at %% %% %% The correct usage of this template is to use it as a documentclass. %% The first line of the .tex file should be %% %% \documentclass{thesis-gwu} %% %% if this file is in the same directory as the .tex file. If the %% two files are not in the same directory, the relative path from %% the .tex file to this .cls file should be provided. For example, %% if the document is called thesis-dalle.tex and this file, %% thesis-umich.cls is in a subfolder called 'tex', the command %% should be %% %% \documentclass{./tex/thesis-gwu} %% %% An example is distributed with this file that demonstrates all %% of the features of the template. The example is in a file called %% thesis-sample.tex. %% %% VERSIONS: %% 1988.01.01 @Jin Ji : Initial version; reportx.sty %% 1988.05.19 @Jin Ji : Unrecorded changes %% 1988.12.13 @Jin Ji : Corrected table of contents to show %% "CHAPTER" and also \@makecaption %% 1989.01.08 @Jin Ji : Corrections for section headers %% 1989.11.29 @? : Removed a spurious command %% 1992.07.24 @Roque D. Oliveira : Modified \startappendices to work %% with the New Font Selection Scheme. %% 2008.09.01 @Jason Gilbert : Obsolete code removed for %% compatibility with LaTeX2e; list of %% abbreviations added, made copyright %% page cleaner, fixed appendices, %% bibliography, margins, title page, %% frontispiece, bottom-center page %% numbers, two-side printing, added %% in-dissertation abstract and %% abstract that prints at the end. %% 2011.04.09 @Derek Dalle : Convert rac.sty --> thesis.umich.cls %% 2016.09.24 @Shankar Kulumani : First attempt to modify for GWU %% 2018.01.20 @Shankar Kulumani : Setup titlesec for modifying headings %% 2020.02.26 @Michael Smith : 2020 update for GWU template %% ---- HEADERS -------------------------------------------------------- % This prevents the compiler from running on old versions of LaTeX. \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} % This command gives the name of the class and dates it \ProvidesClass{thesis-gwu}[2020/02/26 v1.7.0 GWU Thesis template] %% ---- OPTIONS PROCESSING --------------------------------------------- % Define three switches for the the thesis format types. % The variables are \@gwu@thesis and \@gwu@report. % The default values are false. \newif\if@gwu@thesis \newif\if@gwu@debug % option for debuggin \newif\if@gwu@tableofcontents \newif\if@gwu@listoffigures \newif\if@gwu@listoftables \newif\if@gwu@listofmaps \newif\if@gwu@listofillustrations \newif\if@gwu@listofprograms \newif\if@gwu@listofabbrevs \newif\if@gwu@listofsymbols \newif\if@gwu@listofacronyms \newif\if@gwu@listofglossariesabbrevs \newif\if@gwu@listofglossariessymbols \newif\if@gwu@listofglossariesacronyms \newif\if@gwu@glossaryofterms \newif\if@gwu@copyright \newif\if@gwu@frontispiece \newif\if@gwu@committeepage \newif\if@gwu@dedication \newif\if@gwu@acknowledgments \newif\if@gwu@preface \newif\if@gwu@prologue \newif\if@gwu@foreword \newif\if@gwu@nomenclature \newif\if@gwu@abstract \newif\if@gwu@msdegree \newif\if@gwu@titlepage % Set the default value of some of the options to true. \@gwu@thesistrue % \@gwu@listoffigurestrue % \@gwu@listoftablestrue % \@gwu@copyrighttrue % \@gwu@committeepagefalse \@gwu@msdegreetrue % This declares a variable for using an index. % An index is not allowed in dissertations. \newif\if@gwu@index % This makes an option for bibliography backrefs. \newif\if@gwu@backref % Declare options for the overall layout. \DeclareOption{thesis}{\@gwu@thesistrue} % if you call debug option then use the thesis option but not report \DeclareOption{debug}{\@gwu@debugtrue\@gwu@thesistrue} % \@gwu@debugtrue % uncomment for debug mode % Declare an option for the index. \DeclareOption{index}{\@gwu@indextrue} % Declare an option for bibliography backrefs. \DeclareOption{backref}{\@gwu@backreftrue} % This passes any other options on to the 'report' class. \DeclareOption*{\PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{report}% \typeout{Unknown option: passing ``\CurrentOption" option on to the standard LaTeX report class.}} % This command tells LaTeX to simply process the class options. \ProcessOptions % This control structure calls the standard LaTeX report.cls class. % The base font size should be 10pt unless using the submit option. \LoadClass[letterpaper,12pt,oneside]{report} % Make sure the index is off for 'thesis'. \if@gwu@thesis \@gwu@indexfalse \fi %% ---- PACKAGE LOADING ------------------------------------------------ \input{required-packages} %% ---- FORMATTING ----------------------------------------------------- % Set the page style to fancy. \pagestyle{fancy} % This command runs at the beginning of each chapter. % It puts the name of the chapter into the 'leftmark' parameter. \renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{#1}{}} % This command runs at the beginning of each section. % It puts the number and name of the section into the 'rightmark' param. \renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection\ #1}} % Clear the current header and footer. \fancyhf{} % Simply put the page number at the bottom center. \fancyfoot[C]{\thepage} % Get rid of the line at the top. \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} % This sets the headers and footers for less-marked pages. % Example: beginning of each chapter. \fancypagestyle{plain}{% % Get rid of the headers on plain pages. \fancyhead{} % % And also any line. \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} \fancyfoot[C]{\thepage} } %% ---- PAGE STYLES ---------------------------------------------------- % This \ttlpg is the same as \titlepage in report.sty. % It is used here to set the low-level style of front pages. \newcommand*{\ttlpg}{ % % Set one-column switch temporarily to false. \@restonecolfalse % % Check the number of columns. \if@twocolumn % \@restonecoltrue\onecolumn % \else % \newpage % \fi % No headers or footers on titlepage \thispagestyle{empty} % This sets the page counter. \c@page \z@ % } % Same idea as \ttlpg above but with page numbers \newcommand*{\frntpg}{ % % Set one-column switch temporarily to false. \@restonecolfalse % % Check the number of columns. \if@twocolumn % \@restonecoltrue\onecolumn % \else % \newpage % \fi % Regular headers and footers \thispagestyle{plain} } %%-------- GLOSSARIES STYLES------------------------------------ % define a new glossary style for acronymns and symbols \renewcommand*{\glossarysection}[2][]{% {\centering\bfseries{#2}\par}% \phantomsection\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{#1}% }% \newglossarystyle{acronymsandsymbols}{% \setglossarystyle{list}% % based on the list style \renewcommand*{\glossarypreamble}{\vspace{4ex}}% \renewcommand*{\glossaryheader}{}% } \newglossarystyle{glossaryofterms}{% \setglossarystyle{list}% \renewcommand*{\glossarypreamble}{\vspace{4ex}}% \renewcommand*{\glossaryheader}{}% } %% ---- TITLE PAGE ----------------------------------------------------- % The fields to be used for the title page \renewcommand{\@title}{Insert a Title!} \renewcommand{\@author}{Insert an Author!} % and other fields \newcommand{\@bachelordegree}{Insert a Bachelor's degree!} \newcommand{\@bsdepartment}{Insert a Bachelor's department name!} \newcommand{\@bsschool}{Insert Bachelor's school!} \newcommand{\@bsgrad}{Bachelor's Grad date!} \newcommand{\@masterdegree}{Insert a Master's degree!} \newcommand{\@msdepartment}{Insert a Master's department name!} \newcommand{\@msschool}{Insert Master's school!} \newcommand{\@msgrad}{Master's Grad date!} \newcommand{\@degree}{Doctor of Philosophy} \newcommand{\@department}{Insert a Department Name!} \newcommand{\@committee}{Insert a Committee!} \newcommand{\@chair}{Insert a Chair!} \newcommand{\@chairtitle}{Professor of INSERT Title!} \newcommand{\@cochair}{} \newcommand{\@phdgrad}{PhD Grad date!} \newcommand{\@phdschool}{Insert PhD school} \newcommand{\@defensedate}{Insert defense date!} % Commands to set the titlepage fields \renewcommand{\title}[1]{\renewcommand{\@title}{#1}\@gwu@titlepagetrue} \renewcommand{\author}[1]{\renewcommand{\@author}{#1}} \newcommand{\bachelordegree}[1]{\renewcommand{\@bachelordegree}{#1}} \newcommand{\bsdepartment}[1]{\renewcommand{\@bsdepartment}{#1}} \newcommand{\bsschool}[1]{\renewcommand{\@bsschool}{#1}} \newcommand{\bsgrad}[1]{\renewcommand{\@bsgrad}{#1}} \newcommand{\showmsdegree}{\@gwu@msdegreetrue} \newcommand{\hidemsdegree}{\@gwu@msdegreefalse} \newcommand{\masterdegree}[1]{\renewcommand{\@masterdegree}{#1}} \newcommand{\msdepartment}[1]{\renewcommand{\@msdepartment}{#1}} \newcommand{\msschool}[1]{\renewcommand{\@msschool}{#1}} \newcommand{\msgrad}[1]{\renewcommand{\@msgrad}{#1}} \newcommand{\degree}[1]{\renewcommand{\@degree}{#1}} \newcommand{\department}[1]{\renewcommand{\@department}{#1}} \newcommand{\committee}[1]{\renewcommand{\@committee}{#1}\@gwu@committeepagetrue} \newcommand{\chair}[1]{\renewcommand{\@chair}{#1}} \newcommand{\chairtitle}[1]{\renewcommand{\@chairtitle}{#1}} \newcommand{\cochair}[1]{\renewcommand{\@cochair}{#1}} \newcommand{\phdgrad}[1]{\renewcommand{\@phdgrad}{#1}} \newcommand{\phdschool}[1]{\renewcommand{\@phdschool}{#1}} \newcommand{\defensedate}[1]{\renewcommand{\@defensedate}{#1}} % Commands for the user to be able to use the defined fields. \newcommand{\inserttitle}{\@title} \newcommand{\insertauthor}{\@author} \newcommand{\insertbachelordegree}{\@bachelordegree} \newcommand{\insertbsdepartment}{\@bsdepartment} \newcommand{\insertbsschool}{\@bsschool} \newcommand{\insertbsgrad}{\@bsgrad} \newcommand{\insertmasterdegree}{\@masterdegree} \newcommand{\insertmsdepartment}{\@msdepartment} \newcommand{\insertmsschool}{\@msschool} \newcommand{\insertmsgrad}{\@msgrad} \newcommand{\insertdegree}{\@degree} \newcommand{\insertdepartment}{\@department} \newcommand{\insertcommittee}{\@committee} \newcommand{\insertchair}{\@chair} \newcommand{\insertchairtitle}{\@chairtitle} \newcommand{\insertcochair}{\@cochair} \newcommand{\insertyear}{\number\year} \newcommand{\insertphdgrad}{\@phdgrad} \newcommand{\insertphdschool}{\@phdschool} \newcommand{\insertdefensedate}{\@defensedate} % This redefines the title page to automatically have all of the % features and properties that it should according to the guidelines. \renewcommand*{\titlepage}{ % Insert the titlepage formatting. \ttlpg % % Use single-spaced lines for the title page. \begin{singlespace} % % Move down the page slightly. \hbox{\vspace{0.3in}} % % Center the title page as well. \begin{center} % % Put the title itself in 1.5-spaced format. \begin{singlespacing} % Insert the title. {\normalsize\bfseries\inserttitle} % \end{singlespacing} \\[3\baselineskip] % Vertical rubber space % \vfill % % Print the word 'by'. by \insertauthor \\[3\baselineskip] % % More rubber space %\vfill % % previous degrees \if@gwu@msdegree \insertbachelordegree \space in \insertbsdepartment, \insertbsgrad, \insertbsschool \\ \insertmasterdegree \space in \insertmsdepartment, \insertmsgrad, \insertmsschool \\[2\baselineskip] \else \insertbachelordegree \space in \insertbsdepartment, \insertbsgrad, \insertbsschool \\[2\baselineskip] \fi % Text from guidelines A Dissertation submitted to \\[3\baselineskip] % The Faculty of \\ \insertphdschool \\ of The George Washington University \\ in partial satisfaction of the requirements \\ for the degree of \insertdegree \\[3\baselineskip] \insertphdgrad \\[3\baselineskip] % insert doctoral advisor Dissertation directed by \\[1\baselineskip] \insertchair \\ \insertchairtitle \end{center} % \end{singlespace} % } %% ---- FRONTISPIECE --------------------------------------------------- % Command for the frontispiece \newcommand{\@frontispiece}{\@empty} % Command to set the frontispiece \newcommand{\frontispiece}[1]{ % Turn the frontispiece on. \@gwu@frontispiecetrue % % Set the frontispiece. \renewcommand{\@frontispiece}{#1}} % Command to insert the frontispiece \newcommand{\insertfrontispiece}{\@frontispiece} % Command for the frontispiece page \newcommand*{\frontispiecepage}{ % % Insert the titlepage formatting. \ttlpg % % Center the page. \begin{center} % % Vertical rubber space \ \vfill % % Insert the frontispiece. \insertfrontispiece % % Vertical rubber space \vfill % \end{center} % } %% ---- DISSERTATION COMMITTEE PAGE --------------------------------------- % command for the committee page \newcommand*{\committeepage}{ % Use titlepage formatting \frntpg \begin{doublespace} \noindent \insertphdschool \space of The George Washington University certifies that \insertauthor~has passed the Final Examination for the degree of \insertdegree~as of \insertdefensedate. This is the final and approved form of the dissertation. \end{doublespace} \begin{center} \begin{singlespace} \vspace{\baselineskip} {\normalsize\bfseries\inserttitle} \\[3\baselineskip] \insertauthor \\[3\baselineskip] \end{singlespace} \end{center} % Non-justified content \begin{flushleft} % Heading for the committee Dissertation Research Committee: \\[4ex] % % Horizontal spacing \hspace{5em} % % Insert the committee (in a box). \parbox{0.85\textwidth}{\insertcommittee} \end{flushleft} % % flexible vertical space \vfill } %% ---- COPYRIGHT PAGE ------------------------------------------------- % Command that holds the name of the copyright holder \newcommand{\@copyright}{\@author} % Command to change it from the default \newcommand{\copyrightholder}[1]{\renewcommand{\@copyright}{#1}} % Command to insert it \newcommand{\insertcopyrightholder}{\@copyright} % Command for copyright page \newcommand*{\copyrightpage}{ % % Insert the titlepage formatting. \frntpg % % Center the page. \begin{center} % % Vertical rubber space \ \vfill % % Insert the frontispiece. \copyright~Copyright~\number\year~by~\insertcopyrightholder \\ % All rights reserved % Horizontal line %\rule[0.5ex]{5in}{1pt} \\[1ex] % % Vertical rubber space \vfill % \end{center} % } %% ---- STYLING FOR REMAINING FRONT PAGES ------------------------------ % Command to set the spacing for all-caps headings \sodef\an{}{.6em}{1em plus1em}{2em plus.1em minus.1em} % Default frontmatter style \newcommand{\@frontpagestyle}{2} % Command to change it \newcommand{\frontpagestyle}[1]{\renewcommand{\@frontpagestyle}{#1}} % Command to insert front page matter with styles \newcommand{\insertfront}[4]{ % % Check the value of the style. \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{1}}{ % % Style 1: plain text % Vertical rubber space \vspace*{\stretch{1}} % % Center on the page. \begin{center} % % Make a minipage. \begin{minipage}{#4\textwidth} % % Required to use 1.5-spacing for dissertation. \if@gwu@thesis % \onehalfspacing % \fi % % Insert the text. \sloppy #1 % \end{minipage} % \end{center} % % Vertical rubber space %\vspace*{\stretch{2}} % \vspace{\baselineskip} % }{ % \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{2}}{ % % Style 2: Bold heading at top of page. Doublespacing for text % Center on the page. % Heading \begin{center}\textbf{\normalsize{#3}} \vspace{\baselineskip} \end{center} \begin{doublespace} \par #1 \end{doublespace} % Vertical rubber space % \vspace*{\stretch{1}} % \vspace{\baselineskip} % }{ % \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{3}}{ % % Style 3: Spread caps heading % Vertical rubber space \vspace*{\stretch{1}} % % Center on the page. \begin{center} % % Make a minipage. \begin{minipage}{#4\textwidth} % % Required to use 1.5-spacing for dissertation. \if@gwu@thesis % \onehalfspacing % \fi % % Heading \begin{center} \textbf{\uppercase{\an{#3}}} \end{center} % % Insert the text. \sloppy #1 % \end{minipage} % \end{center} % % Vertical rubber space %\vspace*{\stretch{2}} % \vspace{\baselineskip} % }{ % \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{4}}{ % % Style 4: lined % Vertical rubber space \vspace*{\stretch{1}} % % Center on the page. \begin{center} % % Make a minipage. \begin{minipage}{#4\textwidth} % Line above \rule[1.4ex]{\textwidth}{1pt} % % Required to use 1.5-spacing for dissertation. \if@gwu@thesis % \onehalfspacing % \fi % % Insert the text. \sloppy #1 \\ % % Line below \rule{\textwidth}{1pt} % \end{minipage} % \end{center} % % Vertical rubber space %\vspace*{\stretch{2}} % \vspace{\baselineskip} % }{ % \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{5}}{ % % Style 5: bold italic heading with lines % Vertical rubber space \vspace*{\stretch{1}} % % Center on the page. \begin{center} % % Make a minipage. \begin{minipage}{#4\textwidth} % Heading \begin{center} \textbf{\textit{#3}} \end{center} % % Move up a bit. \ \\[-4ex] % % Line above \rule[1.4ex]{\textwidth}{1pt} % % Required to use 1.5-spacing for dissertation. \if@gwu@thesis % \onehalfspacing % \fi % % Insert the text. \sloppy #1 \\ % % Line below \rule{\textwidth}{1pt} % \end{minipage} % \end{center} % % Vertical rubber space % \vspace*{\stretch{2}} \vspace*{\baselineskip} % }{ % \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{6}}{ % % Style 6: lined with spread caps header % Vertical rubber space \vspace*{\stretch{1}} % % Center on the page. \begin{center} % % Make a minipage. \begin{minipage}{#4\textwidth} % Heading \begin{center} \textbf{\uppercase{\an{#3}}} \end{center} % % Move up a bit. \ \\[-4ex] % % Line above \rule[1.4ex]{\textwidth}{1pt} % % Required to use 1.5-spacing for dissertation. \if@gwu@thesis % \onehalfspacing % \fi % % Insert the text. \sloppy #1 \\ % % Line below \rule{\textwidth}{1pt} % \end{minipage} % \end{center} % % Vertical rubber space % \vspace*{\stretch{2}} % \vspace*{\baselineskip} % }{ % % Default style: centered % Vertical rubber space \vspace*{\stretch{1}} % % Center on the page. \begin{center} % % Make a minipage. \begin{minipage}{0.7\textwidth} % % Insert the text. \begin{center} \sloppy #1 \end{center} % \end{minipage} % \end{center} % % Vertical rubber space \vspace*{\baselineskip} % % \vspace*{\stretch{2}} % }}}}}} % } %% ---- COMMANDS TO HIDE/SHOW FRONT PAGES ------------------------------ % Commands to show front pages \newcommand{\showtitlepage}{\@gwu@titlepagetrue} \newcommand{\showcopyright}{\@gwu@copyrighttrue} \newcommand{\showdedication}{\@gwu@dedicationtrue} \newcommand{\showacknowledgments}{\@gwu@acknowledgmentstrue} \newcommand{\showpreface}{\@gwu@prefacetrue} \newcommand{\showforeword}{\@gwu@forewordtrue} \newcommand{\showprologue}{\@gwu@prologuetrue} \newcommand{\shownomenclature}{\@gwu@nomenclaturetrue} \newcommand{\showabstract}{\@gwu@abstracttrue} \newcommand{\showcommitteepage}{\@gwu@committeepagetrue} % Commands to hide front pages \newcommand{\hidetitlepage}{\@gwu@titlepagefalse} \newcommand{\hidecopyright}{\@gwu@copyrightfalse} \newcommand{\hidededication}{\@gwu@dedicationfalse} \newcommand{\hideacknowledgments}{\@gwu@acknowledgmentsfalse} \newcommand{\hidepreface}{\@gwu@prefacefalse} \newcommand{\hideforeword}{\@gwu@forewordfalse} \newcommand{\hideprologue}{\@gwu@prologuefalse} \newcommand{\hidenomenclature}{\@gwu@nomenclaturefalse} \newcommand{\hideabstract}{\@gwu@abstractfalse} \newcommand{\hidecommitteepage}{\@gwu@committeepagefalse} %% ---- DEDICATION PAGE ------------------------------------------------ % Command that holds the value text of the dedication \newcommand{\@dedication}{} % Command that sets the dedication style \newcommand{\@dedicationstyle}{\@frontpagestyle} % Command that sets the width of the dedication text area \newcommand{\@dedication@width}{1} % Command to change it from the default \newcommand{\dedication}[2][]{ % % Show the dedication. \showdedication % % Set the dedication text. \renewcommand{\@dedication}{#2} % % Set the dedication style. \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}{}{\renewcommand{\@dedicationstyle}{#1}}} % Command to change just the dedication style \newcommand{\dedicationstyle}[1]{\renewcommand{\@dedicationstyle}{#1}} % Command to adjust the dedication text area width \newcommand{\dedicationwidth}[1]{\renewcommand{\@dedication@width}{#1}} % Command to insert it \newcommand{\insertdedication}{\@dedication} % Command for page with the dedication \newcommand*{\dedicationpage}{ % % Set the page formatting. \frntpg % % Add this page to the table of contents. \phantomsection\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Dedication} % Insert the text and formatting. \insertfront{\@dedication % }{\@dedicationstyle}{Dedication}{\@dedication@width} } %% ---- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS PAGE ------------------------------------------- % Command that holds the value text of the acknowledgments \newcommand{\@acknowledgments}{} % Command that sets the acknowledgments style \newcommand{\@acknowledgmentsstyle}{\@frontpagestyle} % Command that sets the width of the acknowledgments text area \newcommand{\@acknowledgments@width}{1} % Command to change it from the default \newcommand{\acknowledgments}[2][]{ % % Show the acknowledgments page. \showacknowledgments % % Set the acknowledgments text. \renewcommand{\@acknowledgments}{#2} % % Set the acknowledgments style. \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}{}{ % \renewcommand{\@acknowledgmentsstyle}{#1}}} % Command to adjust the acknowledgments text area width \newcommand{\acknowledgmentswidth}[1]{ % \renewcommand{\@acknowledgments@width}{#1}} % Command to change just the dedication style \newcommand{\acknowledgmentsstyle}[1]{ % \renewcommand{\@acknowledgmentsstyle}{#1}} % Command to insert it \newcommand{\insertacknowledgments}{\@acknowledgments} % Command for page with the acknowledgments \newcommand*{\acknowledgmentspage}{ % % Set the page formatting. \frntpg % % Add this page to the table of contents. \phantomsection\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Acknowledgments} % Insert the text and formatting. \insertfront{\@acknowledgments % }{\@acknowledgmentsstyle}{Acknowledgments}{\@acknowledgments@width} } %% ---- PREFACE PAGE --------------------------------------------------- % Command that holds the value text of the preface \newcommand{\@preface}{} % Command that sets the preface style \newcommand{\@prefacestyle}{\@frontpagestyle} % Command that sets the width of the preface text area \newcommand{\@preface@width}{1} % Command to change it from the default \newcommand{\preface}[2][]{ % % Show the preface. \showpreface % % Set the preface text. \renewcommand{\@preface}{#2} % % Set the preface style. \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}{}{ % \renewcommand{\@prefacestyle}{#1}}} % Command to adjust the preface text area width \newcommand{\prefacewidth}[1]{ % \renewcommand{\@preface@width}{#1}} % Command to change just the preface style \newcommand{\prefacestyle}[1]{ % \renewcommand{\@prefacestyle}{#1}} % Command to insert it \newcommand{\insertpreface}{\@preface} % Command for page with the preface \newcommand*{\prefacepage}{ % % Set the page formatting. \frntpg % % Add this page to the table of contents. \phantomsection\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Preface} % Insert the text and formatting. \insertfront{\@preface % }{\@prefacestyle}{Preface}{\@preface@width} } %% ---- FOREWORD PAGE -------------------------------------------------- % Command that holds the value text of the foreword \newcommand{\@foreword}{} % Command that sets the foreword style \newcommand{\@forewordstyle}{\@frontpagestyle} % Command that sets the width of the foreword text area \newcommand{\@foreword@width}{1} % Command to change it from the default \newcommand{\foreword}[2][]{ % % Show the foreword. \showforeword % % Set the foreword text. \renewcommand{\@foreword}{#2} % % Set the foreword style. \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}{}{ % \renewcommand{\@forewordstyle}{#1}}} % Command to adjust the foreword text area width \newcommand{\forewordwidth}[1]{ % \renewcommand{\@foreword@width}{#1}} % Command to change just the foreword style \newcommand{\forewordstyle}[1]{ % \renewcommand{\@forewordstyle}{#1}} % Command to insert it \newcommand{\insertforeword}{\@foreword} % Command for page with the foreword \newcommand*{\forewordpage}{ % % Set the page formatting. \frntpg % % Add this page to the table of contents. \phantomsection\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Foreword} % Insert the text and formatting. \insertfront{\@foreword % }{\@forewordstyle}{Foreword}{\@foreword@width} } %% ---- PROLOGUE PAGE -------------------------------------------------- % Command that holds the value text of the prologue \newcommand{\@prologue}{} % Command that sets the prologue style \newcommand{\@prologuestyle}{\@frontpagestyle} % Command that sets the width of the prologue text area \newcommand{\@prologue@width}{1} % Command to change it from the default \newcommand{\prologue}[2][]{ % % Show the prologue. \showprologue % % Set the prologue text. \renewcommand{\@prologue}{#2} % % Set the prologue style. \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}{}{ % \renewcommand{\@prologuestyle}{#1}}} % Command to adjust the prologue text area width \newcommand{\prologuewidth}[1]{ % \renewcommand{\@prologue@width}{#1}} % Command to change just the prologue style \newcommand{\prologuestyle}[1]{ % \renewcommand{\@prologuestyle}{#1}} % Command to insert it \newcommand{\insertprologue}{\@prologue} % Command for page with the prologue \newcommand*{\prologuepage}{ % % Set the page formatting. \frntpg % % Add this page to the table of contents. \phantomsection\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Prologue} % Insert the text and formatting. \insertfront{\@prologue % }{\@prologuestyle}{Prologue}{\@prologue@width} } %% ---- COMMANDS FOR LIST OF FIGURES, ETC. ----------------------------- % Commands to show each of the lists \newcommand{\showtableofcontents}{\@gwu@tableofcontentstrue} \newcommand{\showlistoffigures}{\@gwu@listoffigurestrue\@gwu@tableofcontentstrue} \newcommand{\showlistoftables}{\@gwu@listoftablestrue\@gwu@tableofcontentstrue} \newcommand{\showlistofmaps}{\@gwu@listofmapstrue\@gwu@tableofcontentstrue} \newcommand{\showlistofillustrations}{\@gwu@listillustrationstrue\@gwu@tableofcontentstrue} \newcommand{\showlistofprograms}{\@gwu@listofprogramstrue\@gwu@tableofcontentstrue} \newcommand{\showlistofabbreviations}{\@gwu@listofabbrevstrue\@gwu@tableofcontentstrue} \newcommand{\showlistofacronyms}{\@gwu@listofacronymstrue\@gwu@listofglossariesabbrevsfalse\@gwu@tableofcontentstrue} \newcommand{\showlistofsymbols}{\@gwu@listofsymbolstrue\@gwu@listofglossariessymbolsfalse\@gwu@tableofcontentstrue} \newcommand{\showglossarieslistofabbreviations}{\@gwu@listofglossariesabbrevstrue\@gwu@listofacronymsfalse\@gwu@tableofcontentstrue} \newcommand{\showglossarieslistofsymbols}{\@gwu@listofglossariessymbolstrue\@gwu@listofsymbolsfalse\@gwu@tableofcontentstrue} \newcommand{\showglossarieslistofacronyms}{\@gwu@listofglossariesacronymstrue\@gwu@listofacronymsfalse\@gwu@tableofcontentstrue} \newcommand{\showglossariesglossaryofterms}{\@gwu@glossaryoftermstrue\@gwu@tableofcontentstrue} % Commands to hide each of the lists \newcommand{\hidetableofcontents}{\@gwu@tableofcontentsfalse} \newcommand{\hidelistoffigures}{\@gwu@listoffiguresfalse\@gwu@tableofcontentsfalse} \newcommand{\hidelistoftables}{\@gwu@listoftablesfalse\@gwu@tableofcontentsfalse} \newcommand{\hidelistofmaps}{\@gwu@listofmapsfalse\@gwu@tableofcontentsfalse} \newcommand{\hidelistofillustrations}{\@gwu@listillustrationsfalse\@gwu@tableofcontentsfalse} \newcommand{\hidelistofprograms}{\@gwu@listofprogramsfalse\@gwu@tableofcontentsfalse} \newcommand{\hidelistofabbreviations}{\@gwu@listofabbrevsfalse\@gwu@tableofcontentsfalse} \newcommand{\hidelistofacronyms}{\@gwu@listofacronymsfalse\@gwu@tableofcontentsfalse} \newcommand{\hidelistofsymbols}{\@gwu@listofsymbolsfalse\@gwu@tableofcontentsfalse} \newcommand{\hideglossarieslistofabbreviations}{\@gwu@listofglossariesabbrevsfalse\@gwu@tableofcontentsfalse} \newcommand{\hideglossarieslistofacronyms}{\@gwu@listofglossariesacronymsfalse\@gwu@tableofcontentsfalse} \newcommand{\hideglossarieslistofsymbols}{\@gwu@listofglossariessymbolsfalse\@gwu@tableofcontentsfalse} \newcommand{\hideglossariesglossaryofterms}{\@gwu@glossaryoftermsfalse\@gwu@tableofcontentsfalse} %% ---- TABLE OF CONTENTS ---------------------------------------------- % this overwrites the tocloft defaults. % definitely could be less hacky, but unsure of how to properly do this or respect the other formatting below % including [titles] when loading tocloft also turns off the indentation needed! \renewcommand{\cfttoctitlefont}{\hfill\normalsize\bfseries} \renewcommand{\cftbeforetoctitleskip}{-2ex} \renewcommand{\cftaftertoctitleskip}{5ex} \renewcommand{\contentsname}{Table of Contents} \renewcommand{\cftaftertoctitle}{\hfill} \renewcommand{\cftloftitlefont}{\newpage\hfill\bfseries\normalsize} \renewcommand{\cftafterloftitle}{\hfill} \renewcommand{\cftbeforeloftitleskip}{0ex} \renewcommand{\cftafterloftitleskip}{5ex} \renewcommand{\cftlottitlefont}{\newpage\hfill\bfseries\normalsize} \renewcommand{\cftafterlottitle}{\hfill} \renewcommand{\cftbeforelottitleskip}{0ex} \renewcommand{\cftafterlottitleskip}{5ex} % add 'chapter' preceding the section num in TOC \renewcommand{\cftchappresnum}{\chaptername\space} \renewcommand{\cftchapaftersnum}{:} \setlength{\cftchapnumwidth}{\widthof{Appendix AAA~ }} % but change "chapter" to 'appendix' by hacking the \appendix command % patching "appendix" per https://texfaq.org/FAQ-patch \let\OldAppendix\appendix \renewcommand{\appendix}{ \OldAppendix \addtocontents{toc}{% \protect\renewcommand{\protect\cftchappresnum}{\appendixname\space} } } % These lines set the spacing for other table of contents entries. \renewcommand*{\l@section}{\@dottedtocline{2}{2.5em}{2em}} \renewcommand*{\l@subsection}{\@dottedtocline{3}{5.0em}{2.8em}} \renewcommand*{\l@subsubsection}{\@dottedtocline{4}{7.5em}{3.5em}} % Number of section layers to show in table of contents \setcounter{tocdepth}{3} % Number of subsection layers to allow in document \setcounter{secnumdepth}{3} % This sets the formatting of the table of contents. \renewcommand*{\tableofcontents}{% % Move to new page. \newpage % % Add a pdf anchor. \phantomsection % % Add a bookmark manually for the table of 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%\begin{minipage}{0.8\textwidth} \vspace{1in} \end{minipage} \\ % \fi % % Add the title \begin{center}{\normalsize\textbf{List of Figures}}\\[2\baselineskip] \end{center}% % Add some space after the title. % \vspace{1ex} % % Start the automatic table of contents features. % \begin{singlespace} % \@starttoc{lof}\if@restonecol\twocolumn\fi % % \end{singlespace} % } %% ---- LIST OF TABLES ------------------------------------------------- % This sets the format for the table entries. \renewcommand*{\l@table}{\@dottedtocline{1}{0em}{2.5em}} % This sets the formatting of the list of tables page. \renewcommand*{\listoftables}{% % Move to new page. \newpage % % Add this page to the table of contents. \phantomsection\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Tables} % % Use front page styling. \frntpg % % Larger upper margin for first page of table (thesis only) \if@gwu@thesis % %\begin{minipage}{0.8\textwidth} \vspace{1in} \end{minipage} \\ % \fi % % Add the title \begin{center}{\normalsize\textbf{List of Tables}}\\[2\baselineskip] \end{center}% % Add some space after the title. % Start the automatic table of contents features. % \begin{singlespace} % \@starttoc{lot}\if@restonecol\twocolumn\fi % % \end{singlespace} % } %% ---- LIST OF MAPS --------------------------------------------------- % Command to generate the 'map' environment. \newfloat{map}{tbp}{lom}[chapter] % Use a capitalized version for the captions. \floatname{map}{Map} % This sets the formatting for map entries in the list of maps. \newcommand*{\l@map}{\@dottedtocline{1}{0em}{2.5em}} % This sets the formatting of the list of maps page. \newcommand*{\listofmaps}{% % Move to new page. \newpage % % Add this page to the table of contents. \phantomsection\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Maps} % % Use front page styling. \frntpg % % Larger upper margin for first page of table (thesis only) \if@gwu@thesis % %\begin{minipage}{0.8\textwidth} \vspace{1in} \end{minipage} \\ % \fi % % Add the title \begin{center}{\normalsize\textbf{List of Maps}}\\[2\baselineskip] \end{center}% % Add some space after the title. \vspace{1ex} % % Start the automatic table of contents features. % \begin{singlespace} % \@starttoc{lom}\if@restonecol\twocolumn\fi % % \end{singlespace} % } %% ---- LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS ------------------------------------------ % Command to generate the 'illustration' environment. \newfloat{illustration}{tbp}{loi}[chapter] % Use a capitalized version for the captions. \floatname{illustration}{Illustration} % This sets the formatting for map entries in the list of maps. \newcommand*{\l@illustration}{\@dottedtocline{1}{0em}{2.5em}} % This sets the formatting of the list of maps page. \newcommand*{\listofillustrations}{% % Move to new page. \newpage % % Add this page to the table of contents. \phantomsection\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Illustrations} % % Use front page styling. \frntpg % % Larger upper margin for first page of table (thesis only) \if@gwu@thesis % %\begin{minipage}{0.8\textwidth} \vspace{1in} \end{minipage} \\ % \fi % % Add the title \begin{center}{\normalsize\textbf{List of Illustrations}}\\[2\baselineskip] \end{center}% % Add some space after the title. % \vspace{1ex} % % Start the automatic table of contents features. % \begin{singlespace} % \@starttoc{loi}\if@restonecol\twocolumn\fi % % \end{singlespace} % } %% ---- LIST OF PROGRAMS ----------------------------------------------- % Command to generate the 'map' environment. \newfloat{program}{tbp}{lop}[chapter] % Use a capitalized version for the captions. \floatname{program}{Program} % This sets the formatting for map entries in the list of maps. \newcommand*{\l@program}{\@dottedtocline{1}{0em}{2.5em}} % This sets the formatting of the list of maps page. \newcommand*{\listofprograms}{% % Move to new page. \newpage % % Add this page to the table of contents. \phantomsection\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Programs} % % Anchor for pdf \phantomsection % % Use front page styling. \frntpg % % Larger upper margin for first page of table (thesis only) \if@gwu@thesis % %\begin{minipage}{0.8\textwidth} \vspace{1in} \end{minipage} \\ % \fi % % Add the title \begin{center}{\normalsize\textbf{List of Programs}}\\[2\baselineskip] \end{center}% % Add some space after the title. % \vspace{1ex} % % Start the automatic table of contents features. % \begin{singlespace} % \@starttoc{lop}\if@restonecol\twocolumn\fi % % \end{singlespace} % } %% ---- LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ------------------------------------------ % Variable holding the contents of the abbreviations. \newcommand{\@abbrevs}{} % Command to set the abbreviations. \newcommand{\abbreviations}[1]{ % % Show the list of abbreviations. \@gwu@listofabbrevstrue % % Redefine the list. \renewcommand{\@abbrevs}{#1}} % This sets the formatting for the abbreviations. \newcommand*{\l@abbreviation}{\@dottedtocline{1}{0em}{2.5em}} % This sets the formatting of the list of tables page. \newcommand*{\listofabbreviations}{% % Move to new page. \newpage % % Add this page to the table of contents. \phantomsection\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Abbreviations} % % Use front page styling. \frntpg % % Larger upper margin for first page of table (thesis only) \if@gwu@thesis % %\begin{minipage}{0.8\textwidth} \vspace{1in} \end{minipage} \\ % \fi % % Add the title \begin{center}{\normalsize\textbf{List of Abbreviations}}\\[3\baselineskip] \end{center}% % Add some space after the title. % \vspace{1ex} % % Start the automatic abbreviations feature. % \begin{singlespace} % \begin{acronym} % \@abbrevs % \end{acronym} % % \end{singlespace} % } %% ---- LIST OF ACRONYMS ----------------------------------------------- % Variable holding the contents of the abbreviations. \newcommand{\@acronyms}{} % Command to set the abbreviations. \newcommand{\acronyms}[1]{ % % Show the list of abbreviations. \@gwu@listofacronymstrue % % Redefine the list. \renewcommand{\@acronyms}{#1}} % This sets the formatting for the abbreviations. \newcommand*{\l@acronym}{\@dottedtocline{1}{0em}{2.5em}} % This sets the formatting of the list of acronyms page. \newcommand*{\listofacronyms}{% % Move to new page. \newpage % % Add this page to the table of contents. \phantomsection\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Acronyms} % % Use front page styling. \frntpg % % Larger upper margin for first page of table (thesis only) \if@gwu@thesis % %\begin{minipage}{0.8\textwidth} \vspace{1in} \end{minipage} \\ % \fi % % Add the title \begin{center}{\normalsize\textbf{List of Acronyms}}\\[2\baselineskip] \end{center}% % Add some space after the title. % \vspace{1ex} % % Start the automatic abbreviations feature. % \begin{singlespace} % \begin{acronym} % \@acronyms % \end{acronym} % % \end{singlespace} % } %% ---- LIST OF SYMBOLS ------------------------------------------------ % Variable holding the contents of the symbols. \newcommand{\@symbols}{} % Command to set the symbols. \newcommand{\symbols}[1]{ % % Show the list of symbols. \@gwu@listofsymbolstrue% % Redefine the list. \renewcommand{\@symbols}{#1}} % This sets the formatting for the abbreviations. \newcommand*{\l@symbol}{\@dottedtocline{1}{0em}{2.5em}} % This sets the formatting of the list of tables page. \newcommand*{\listofsymbols}{% % Move to new page. \newpage% % Add this page to the table of contents. \phantomsection\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Symbols}% % Use front page styling. \frntpg% % Larger upper margin for first page of table (thesis only) \if@gwu@thesis% %\begin{minipage}{0.8\textwidth} \vspace{1in} \end{minipage} \\ % \fi% % Add the title \begin{center}{\normalsize\textbf{List of Symbols}}\\[2\baselineskip] \end{center}% % Add some space after the title. % \vspace{1ex} % % Start the automatic symbols feature. % \begin{singlespace} % \begin{acronym}% \@symbols% \end{acronym}% % \end{singlespace} % } %% ---- NOMENCLATURE --------------------------------------------------- % New command for nomenclature environment \newenvironment{symboltable}[1][] { % % Insert the title if present. \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}{ % % Start the tabular environment. \noindent\longtable[l]{@{} p{3.6em} @{\hspace{2pt}=\hspace{1em}} l} % }{ % % Insert the title. \noindent\textit{#1}\\[-4ex] % % Start the tabular environment. \noindent\longtable[l]{@{} p{3.6em} @{\hspace{2pt}=\hspace{1em}} l} % } }{ % % End the tabular environment \endlongtable % } % Variable holding the contents of the symbols. \newcommand{\@nomenclature}{} % Command to set the symbols. \newcommand{\nomenclature}[1]{ % % Show the list of symbols. \@gwu@nomenclaturetrue % % Redefine the list. \renewcommand{\@nomenclature}{#1}} % Command to insert nomenclature \newcommand{\insertnomenclature}{ % % Move to new page. \newpage % % Add this page to the table of contents. \phantomsection\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Nomenclature} % % Use front page styling. \frntpg % % Larger upper margin for first page of table (thesis only) \if@gwu@thesis % %\begin{minipage}{0.8\textwidth} \vspace{1in} \end{minipage} \\ % \fi % % Add the title \begin{center}{\normalsize\textbf{Nomenclature}}\\[2\baselineskip] \end{center}% % Add some space after the title. % \vskip4ex % % Set the line skip \begin{onehalfspace} % Insert the nomenclature conents \@nomenclature % \end{onehalfspace} } %% ---- LIST OF GLOSSARIES ABBREVIATIONS ------------------------------------------ % This sets the formatting of the list of tables page. \newcommand*{\listofglossaryabbreviations}{% % \newpage% % Use front page styling. \frntpg % % Start the automatic abbreviations feature. \printglossary[type=\glsxtrabbrvtype,style=acronymsandsymbols,title={\normalsize List of Abbreviations}] } % This sets the formatting of the list of tables page. \newcommand*{\listofglossarysymbols}{% % \newpage% % Use front page styling. \frntpg % % Start the automatic abbreviations feature. \printglossary[type=symbols,style=acronymsandsymbols,title={\normalsize List of Symbols}] } \newcommand*{\listofglossaryofterms}{% \frntpg% \printglossary[style=glossaryofterms,type=main,title={\normalsize Glossary of Terms}] } %% ---- ABSTRACT ------------------------------------------------------- % Command to hold the text of the abstract. \newcommand{\@abstract}{} % Command to set it. \renewcommand{\abstract}[1]{ % Show the abstract page. \showabstract % % Set the abstract text. \renewcommand{\@abstract}{#1}} % Command to insert it. \newcommand{\insertabstract}{\@abstract} % Whether or not abstract page has a page number \newif\if@abstract@pageno % Default value \if@gwu@thesis \@abstract@pagenotrue \fi % Command to hide abstract page number \newcommand{\hideabstractpagenumber}{ % \@abstract@pagenofalse} % Command to show abstract page number \newcommand{\showbstractpagenumber}{ % \@abstract@pagenotrue} % Format the abstract page. \newcommand{\abstractpage}{ % % Set the page formatting. \frntpg % % Whether or not to hide the page number \if@abstract@pageno % \else % \thispagestyle{empty} % \fi % % Add this page to the table of contents. \phantomsection\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Abstract} \begin{center} % % Formatting add the heading {\normalsize \textbf{Abstract}} \\[5ex] % % Add the title of the dissertation. {\normalsize \bfseries \inserttitle} \\[2ex] % \end{center} % \begin{doublespace} % % Don't go past the margin. \sloppy % % Insert the text. \par \insertabstract % \end{doublespace} % % Vertical rubber space \vspace*{\stretch{1}} % } %% ---- BIBLIOGRAPHY --------------------------------------------------- % Save the original bibliography command. \let\@tex@bibliography\bibliography % Change the bibliography header. \renewcommand*{\bibname}{\centering{\normalsize Bibliography}} % Create a new command for the bibliography. \renewcommand*{\bibliography}[1]{ % % Update the page format. % Switch to single spacing \singlespacing % % Move to new page. \clearpage % % Create a pdf anchor. \phantomsection % % Add to table of contents. \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Bibliography} % % Load the bibliography. \@tex@bibliography{#1} % } %% ---- CHAPTER/SECTION HEADINGS ----------------------------------------------- % Change the chapter headings to uppercase. % \renewcommand{\@chapapp}{CHAPTER} % % Change the formatting of the first page of each chapter. % \renewcommand{\@makechapterhead}[1]{% % % Insert an extra top margin. % % \begin{minipage}{0.8\textwidth} \vspace{1in} \end{minipage} \\ % % % Insert the text % { % % % Ensure proper alignment. % \parindent 0pt \raggedright % % % Check for chapter overflow. % \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne % % % CHAPTER and number % \begin{center}{\Large\textbf{ \@chapapp{} \thechapter }} \end{center} \par% % % Vertical space % \vskip 0.3in \fi % % % Insert the title of the chapter. % \begin{center} \LARGE \textbf{ #1} \end{center} % % % Vertical space after the title % \nobreak \vskip 0.3in % % } % % } \titleformat{\chapter}[hang] {\normalfont\normalsize\bfseries\centering}{\chaptertitlename\ \thechapter:}{20pt}{\normalsize} \titleformat{\section} {\normalfont\normalsize\bfseries}{\thesection}{1em}{\normalsize} \titleformat{\subsection} {\normalfont\normalsize\bfseries}{\thesubsection}{1em}{\normalsize} \titleformat{\subsubsection} {\normalfont\normalsize\bfseries}{\thesubsubsection}{1em}{} \titleformat{\paragraph}[runin] {\normalfont\normalsize\bfseries}{\theparagraph}{1em}{} \titleformat{\subparagraph}[runin] {\normalfont\normalsize\bfseries}{\thesubparagraph}{1em}{} \titlespacing*{\chapter} {0pt}{*0}{*4} \titlespacing*{\section} {0pt}{3.5ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{2.3ex plus .2ex} \titlespacing*{\subsection} {0pt}{3.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{1.5ex plus .2ex} \titlespacing*{\subsubsection}{0pt}{3.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{1.5ex plus .2ex} \titlespacing*{\paragraph} {0pt}{3.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{1em} \titlespacing*{\subparagraph} {\parindent}{3.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{1em} %% -------- APPENDIX ------------------------ %% ---- SPACING -------------------------------------------------------- % This fixes the spacing below captions, which by default can be small. \setlength\belowcaptionskip{7pt plus 4pt minus 1pt}% %% ---- INITIALIZATION ------------------------------------------------- % Commands to be placed after \begin{document} \AtBeginDocument{% \providecommand\tikzifexternalizing[2]{#2}% % Insert a title page. \tikzifexternalizing{}{\if@gwu@titlepage\titlepage\fi% % Change the PDF title. \hypersetup{% pdftitle=\inserttitle, pdfauthor=\insertauthor, pdfcreator=\insertauthor, pdfproducer=\insertauthor} % % Insert dissertation committeee page \if@gwu@committeepage\committeepage\fi% % Initialize page numbers. \setcounter{page}{2} % % Page numbers at the bottom \pagestyle{plain} % % Use lower-case roman numerals. \renewcommand{\thepage}{\roman{page}} % % Insert the copyright page if there is one. \if@gwu@copyright\copyrightpage\fi% % Insert a dedication if there is one. \if@gwu@dedication\dedicationpage\fi % % Insert the acknowledgments if there are any. \if@gwu@acknowledgments\acknowledgmentspage\fi % % Insert the frontispiece if there is one. \if@gwu@frontispiece\frontispiecepage\fi % % \ifthenelse{\equal{\@frontispiece}{}}{}{\frontispiecepage} % % Insert the abstract. \if@gwu@abstract\abstractpage\fi % % Insert the table of contents. \if@gwu@tableofcontents\tableofcontents\fi % % Insert the list of figures. \if@gwu@listoffigures\listoffigures\fi % % Insert the list of tables. \if@gwu@listoftables\listoftables\fi % % Insert the list of maps. \if@gwu@listofmaps\listofmaps\fi% % Insert the list of illustrations. \if@gwu@listofillustrations\listofillustrations\fi% % Insert the list of programs. \if@gwu@listofprograms\listofprograms\fi% % Insert the list of abbreviations. \if@gwu@listofabbrevs\listofabbreviations\fi% \if@gwu@listofglossariesabbrevs\listofglossaryabbreviations\fi% % Insert the list of acronyms. \if@gwu@listofacronyms\listofacronyms\fi% % Insert the list of symbols. \if@gwu@listofsymbols\listofsymbols\fi% \if@gwu@listofglossariessymbols\listofglossarysymbols\fi% % Insert the nomenclature. \if@gwu@nomenclature\insertnomenclature\fi % \if@gwu@glossaryofterms\listofglossaryofterms\fi% % Insert the preface if there is one. \if@gwu@preface\prefacepage\fi % % Insert the foreword if there is one. \if@gwu@foreword\forewordpage\fi % % Insert the prologue if there is one. \if@gwu@prologue\prologuepage\fi % % Move to next page. \newpage % % Restart page numbers for the chapters. \setcounter{page}{1} % % Page numbers at the bottom \pagestyle{plain} % % Use Arabic numerals. \renewcommand{\thepage}{\arabic{page}} % % Add the word 'Chapter' to the table of contents. %\addtocontents{toc}{\vspace{1.3ex}\noindent % %{\bfseries Chapter}\vspace{1.3ex}} % % Use the correct formatting. \if@gwu@thesis % % Use 1.5 spacing \doublespacing % \else % % Use two-column format \twocolumn % \fi % } }