%% %% nopageno package: No page numbers in LaTeX documents. %% %% Copyright 1998 David Carlisle %% %% This file may be distributed under the terms of the LPPL. %% See 00readme.txt for details. \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{nopageno}[1989/01/01 no page numbers (DPC)] % Actually the above date is probably wrong, I can not remember % How long I have had this lying around... % LaTeX's standard styles use two page styles, one on normal % pages and one on `opening' pages with \maketitle or \chapter etc. % Unfortunately there is only easy access to changing one of these % two so if you want something other than `plain' on the opening % pages you must use \thispagestyle{...} on _each_ such page. % The fancyheadings package does provide a more flexible interface, % but if you just want an empty page style on all pages then % \usepackage{nopageno} % will do the job. % Another 4 token package... \let\ps@plain\ps@empty \ps@empty