%% *********************************************************** %% Copyright 2024 by Mingyu XIA * %% * %% This work may be distributed and/or modified under * %% the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License * %% * %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt * %% * %% either version 1.3c of this license or any later * %% version. * %% * %% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. * %% * %% The Current Maintainer of this work is Mingyu XIA. * %% * %% This work consists of the files litetable.cls, * %% and README.md. * %% available at https://github.com/xiamyphys/litetable * %% *********************************************************** \ProvidesExplClass{litetable}{2024/09/25}{3.0B}{Course Schedule} \ExplSyntaxOff \DeclareOption*{\PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{article}} \ProcessOptions\relax \LoadClass{article} \pagestyle{empty} \RequirePackage{listofitems,tikz,xcolor} \ignoreemptyitems\setsepchar{,/->} \usetikzlibrary{calc} \definecolor{darkergray}{HTML}{F4F6F8}% Blocks \ExplSyntaxOn \int_new:N \l_time_num_int \dim_new:N \l__time_vunit_dim \msg_new:nnn {litetable} {timelist} {\noexpand\timelist~extra~time~group(s)~were~ignored} \NewDocumentCommand{\timelist}{om} { \IfBlankTF{#2} { \int_set:Nn \l_time_num_int { #1 } \tl_clear:N \@timelist }{ \readlist*\@timelist{#2} \IfNoValueTF{#1} { \int_set:Nn \l_time_num_int {\@timelistlen} }{ \int_set:Nn \l_time_num_int { #1 } \int_compare:nNnT {\@timelistlen} > {#1} { \msg_warning:nn {litetable} {timelist} } } } \dim_set:Nn \l__time_vunit_dim { \fp_eval:n {1/(2*\l_time_num_int+3.5)}\paperheight } } \clist_new:N \l__week_ratios_clist \clist_new:N \l__week_accum_clist \int_new:N \l__week_num_int \dim_new:N \l__week_hunit_dim \NewDocumentCommand{\weeklist}{om} { \IfValueT{ #1 }{\tl_set:Nn \l_weeks_tl { #1 }} \readlist*\@weeklist{#2} \int_step_inline:nn {\@weeklistlen} { \clist_put_right:Ne \l__week_ratios_clist { \@weeklist[##1,2] } } \int_step_inline:nn {\@weeklistlen} { \clist_clear:N \l__week_accumtmp_clist \int_step_inline:nn { ##1 } { \clist_put_right:Ne \l__week_accumtmp_clist { \clist_item:Nn \l__week_ratios_clist { ####1 } } } \clist_put_right:Ne \l__week_accum_clist { \int_eval:n { \clist_use:Nn \l__week_accumtmp_clist { + } } } } \int_set:Nn \l__week_num_int { \clist_item:Nn \l__week_accum_clist { \@weeklistlen } } \dim_set:Nn \l__week_hunit_dim { \fp_eval:n {1/\l__week_num_int*14/15}\paperwidth } } \int_new:N \l__week_day_int \newcommand{\newday}{\int_incr:N \l__week_day_int} \NewDocumentCommand{\maketable}{om}{ % Gray Block at top \fill [ darkergray ] (current~page.north~west) rectangle + (\paperwidth,{-1.5*\l__time_vunit_dim}) node [ midway, black, font = \huge\bfseries ] {#2}; 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