IMPORTANT --------- This Package only supplies the Tibetan Transcript Translator. You must have Sam Sirlin's font(*.mf), font metrics (*.tfm) and tibdef.tex installed! If you don't have Metafont or work on an old LaTeX version, follow the special instructions below. Please look at the remarks at the top of the c source code. IF YOU HAVE SAM SIRLIN'S PACKAGE ALREADY INSTALLED -------------------------------------------------- The only thing you have to do is to compile the source ttt.c: gcc ttt.c -o ttt that's it! If you want to LaTeX compile the file intro.tib, enter the following three lines. Maybe you have another viewer than xdvi. ttt input.ttd tex.ttd intro.tib intro.tex latex intro xdvi intro & You still may have to adopt is the paper size: instead of a4paper, use letterpaper, a5paper, b5paper, executivepaper or legalpaper. WORKING WITHOUT METAFONT ------------------------ Jeff Sparkes supplies the *.pk files in the package called 'original'. Install the *.pk and *.tfm files there and compile ttt.c as above. Do not use any feature supplied by Sam Sirlin. You may even have to comment away or remove the \input{tibdef.tex} in the files tptex.tex and tplatex.tex WORKING WITH OLD LATEX VERSIONS ------------------------------- Change all \documentclass commands to \documentstyle and adapt the paper size names. grep '\documentclass' * will help you doing so. INSTALLING THE FONTS -------------------- A good question regulary occurs on where to put the TeX font files. Here are some suggestions where to put them (taken from my installations). Since the paths differ quite much among systems and distributions, I could not write an installation script saving you this setup work which is quite hard for beginners. Instead of copying the font files, you can set font path variables (see extract from my SET-TEX.BAT file for DOS below. Hopefully, the variable names are equal under Linux). If the directories mentioned do not exist, look for them using on UNIX and derivated systems: find / -type f -name "*.mf" -print Under DOS, use cd \ dir *.mf /s teTeX Font Path for Metafonts (*.mf) on SuSE Linux: /usr/lib/teTeX/texmf/fonts/source/public/tib teTeX Font Path for pk (*.300pk or *.pk) fonts on SuSE Linux: /var/texfonts/pk/deskjet/*.300pk emtex under DOS: \emtex\pixel.lj\300dpi\*.pk teTeX Font Path for (*.tfm) files on SuSE Linux: /var/texfonts/tfm DOS: /emtex/tfm teTeX inputs (*.tex) and style (*.sty) Path on SuSE Linux: /usr/lib/teTeX/texmf/tex/generic/tib Font and other path environment variables (at least for emtex under DOS): SET TEXINPUT=T:\EMTEX\TEXINPUT;T:\MYTEX SET TEXFMT=T:\EMTEX\TEXFMTS SET BTEXFMT=T:\EMTEX\BTEXFMTS SET TEXTFM=T:\EMTEX\TFM SET MFINPUT=T:\EMTEX\MFINPUT SET MFBAS=T:\EMTEX\MFBASES SET BMFBAS=T:\EMTEX\BMFBASES SET MFJOB=T:\EMTEX\MFJOB SET BIBINPUT=T:\EMTEX\BIBINPUT SET DVIDRVINPUT=T:\MYTEX;T:\EMTEX\DOC SET DVIDRVFONTS=T:\TEXFONTS Hope this helps. ---------------------------- March 1997