\documentclass[11pt,titlepage]{article} \usepackage{grmk, multicol, mflogo} \def\portraitpage{% \setlength{\topmargin}{-0.50in} % real margin == this + 1in \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-0.0in} % real margin == this + 1in \setlength{\evensidemargin}{-0.0in} % real margin == this + 1in \setlength{\columnsep}{20pt} \setlength{\columnseprule}{0.4pt} % Use Portrait Size Page \setlength{\textwidth}{6.5in} \setlength{\textheight}{9.0in}% } \portraitpage \newcommand{\moddate}{03 March 1999} \newcommand{\version}{1.0} \begin{document} \title{{\LARGE \bfseries Gurmukh{\=\i} for \TeX{}} \\ Version \version{}} \author{\Large Anshuman Pandey} \date{\large \moddate{}} \maketitle \vfill \newpage \section{Introduction} This document explains the \emph{Gurmukh{\=\i} for \TeX{}} {\sf gurmukhi} package for typesetting Panjabi language documents in \TeX{} and \LaTeX{}. The `Punjabi' ({\tt pun}) font used by the package was designed by, and is copyright \textcopyright{} Hardip Singh Pannu. I received permission from Mr. Pannu to use the `Punjabi' font with this package. The \MF{} source was derived from Mr. Pannu's TrueType version of `Punjabi' with the {\sf ttf2mf} package. Please respect his generosity by not modifying the font or making derivatives of it, and by not unbundling it from the package. I hope to eventually create a `true' \MF{} for the Gurmukh{\=\i} script. \section{Implementation} The delimiter \verb+{\+\verb+gm+ \ldots \verb+}+ are to be used to encode Gurmukh{\=\i} text. In the preamble of the document, the {\sf grmk} style file must be declared: \verb+\usepackage{grmk}+. The transliterated Panjabi text is to then be placed within the delimiters. The file is then to be run through the preprocessor: \centerline{{\tt grmk} \emph{x}[{\tt.gm}] \emph{y}[{\tt .tex}]} \section{Transliterated Input} The transliteration scheme for the {\sf gurmukhi} package follows the scheme developed by Frans Velthuis for his \emph{Devan\=agar{\=\i} for \TeX{}} package. Many Gurmukh{\=\i} nuances are handled implicitly by the preprocessor. These are illustrated below: \subsection{Use of \emph{addak}} In Gurmukh{\=\i} geminate consonants are not written twice or with consonant conjuncts. Rather, the first letter is dropped and only the second letter is written, and a diacritic mark called \emph{addak} is placed above the preceding letter, ie {\gm hattha} {\tt hattha}. This is handled by the preprocessor. It is unnecessary for hard-code for \emph{addak}. When the geminate consonants are \emph{nn} or \emph{mm}, a sign called \emph{\d{t}ipp{\=\i}} is used instead of \emph{addak}, ie. {\gm lammii} \emph{lamm{\=\i}}. {\it \d{T}ipp{\=\i}\/} is one of the nasalization diacritics. The following is a list of supported geminated consonants: {\parindent=0pt \begin{multicols}{4} {\tt k} $+$ {\tt ka} $=$ {\gm kka} \\ {\tt k} $+$ {\tt kha} $=$ {\gm kkha} \\ {\tt g} $+$ {\tt ga} $=$ {\gm gga} \\ {\tt g} $+$ {\tt gha} $=$ {\gm ggha} \\ {\tt c} $+$ {\tt ca} $=$ {\gm cca} \\ {\tt c} $+$ {\tt cha} $=$ {\gm ccha} \\ {\tt j} $+$ {\tt ja} $=$ {\gm jja} \\ {\tt j} $+$ {\tt jha} $=$ {\gm jjha} \\ {\tt T} $+$ {\tt Ta} $=$ {\gm .t.ta} \\ {\tt T} $+$ {\tt Tha} $=$ {\gm .t.tha} \\ {\tt D} $+$ {\tt Da} $=$ {\gm .d.da} \\ {\tt D} $+$ {\tt Dha} $=$ {\gm .d.dha} \\ {\tt t} $+$ {\tt ta} $=$ {\gm tta} \\ {\tt t} $+$ {\tt tha} $=$ {\gm ttha} \\ {\tt d} $+$ {\tt da} $=$ {\gm dda} \\ {\tt d} $+$ {\tt dha} $=$ {\gm ddha} \\ {\tt n} $+$ {\tt na} $=$ {\gm nna} \\ {\tt p} $+$ {\tt pa} $=$ {\gm ppa} \\ {\tt p} $+$ {\tt pha} $=$ {\gm ppha} \\ {\tt b} $+$ {\tt ba} $=$ {\gm bba} \\ {\tt b} $+$ {\tt bha} $=$ {\gm bbha} \\ {\tt m} $+$ {\tt ma} $=$ {\gm mma} \\ {\tt l} $+$ {\tt la} $=$ {\gm lla} \\ {\tt s} $+$ {\tt sa} $=$ {\gm ssa} \end{multicols} } \subsection{Nasalization} Nasalization in Gurmukh{\=\i} is indicated by two diacritics called {\it \d{t}ipp{\=\i}\/} and {\it bind{\=\i}\/}. These are coded {\tt .m} and {\tt M}, respectively. {\it \d{T}ipp{\=\i}\/} is used with the vowels {\it a\/}, {\it i\/}, and {\it u\/}, and with {\it \=u\/} when it is in word-final position, ie. {\gm mu.n.daa} \ {\tt mu.n.daa}. {\it Bind{\=\i}\/} is used with all other vowels, ie. {\gm "saaMt} \ {\tt "saaMt}. Words like {\gm a"nga} \ may either be encoded \verb+a"nga+ or \verb+a.mga+. In either case, the preprocessor will produce the correct output. \subsection{Consonant conjuncts} Consonsant conjuncts are limited in Gurmukh{\=\i} and are much simpler than those of Devan\=agar{\=\i}. The conjunct consonants supported in the IFM are: \begin{center} {\parindent=0pt \begin{multicols}{5} {\tt k} + {\tt ra} $=$ {\gm kra} \\ {\tt kh} + {\tt ya} $=$ {\gm khya} \\ {\tt g} + {\tt ra} $=$ {\gm gra} \\ {\tt t} + {\tt ra} $=$ {\gm tra} \\ {\tt d} + {\tt ya} $=$ {\gm dya} \\ {\tt d} + {\tt ra} $=$ {\gm dra} \\ {\tt d} + {\tt va} $=$ {\gm dva} \\ {\tt n} + {\tt ha} $=$ {\gm nha} \\ {\tt p} + {\tt ra} $=$ {\gm pra} \\ {\tt b} + {\tt ra} $=$ {\gm bra} \\ {\tt m} + {\tt ra} $=$ {\gm mra} \\ {\tt r} + {\tt ha} $=$ {\gm rha} \\ {\tt l} + {\tt ha} $=$ {\gm lha} \\ {\tt v} + {\tt ha} $=$ {\gm vha} \\ {\tt R} + {\tt ha} $=$ {\gm Rha} \\ {\tt s} + {\tt va} $=$ {\gm sva} \end{multicols} } \end{center} \section{Variations} The {\it m\=atr\=a\/} for {\gm au} \ {\tt au} is sometimes not written. A word like {\gm auga.nu} \ \verb+auga.nu+ may be written alternately as {\gm a{}uga.nu} \ \verb+a{}uga.nu+. The code \verb+{}+ breaks characters which would otherwise be parsed as a single unit. \section{Example} The following example is a poem by Bulleh Shah. \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ll} {\gm bhai.naaM maiM katadii katadii hu.t.tii .} & \verb+bhai.naaM maiM katadii katadii hu.t.tii .+ \\ {\gm paRii pacchii pichavaaRe rahi ga{}ii ..} & \verb+paRii pacchii pichavaaRe rahi ga{}ii ..+ \\ {\gm hatth vica rahi ga{}ii ju.t.tii .} & \verb+hatth vica rahi ga{}ii ju.t.tii .+ \\ {\gm agge carakhaa picche piihaRaa ..} & \verb+agge carakhaa picche piihaRaa ..+ \\ {\gm hatth meriuM ta.md .tu.t.tii ..} & \verb+hatth meriuM ta.md .tu.t.tii ..+ \\ \end{tabular} \end{center} \section{Another Example} \def\,{{\rm,}} \centerline{{\gm \Large \ekonkarp\ satiguru prasaadi}} \centerline{{\gm \large suuhii mahalaa 5}} \bigskip \begin{quote}\begin{quote} {\gm jis ke sir uupari tuu.m suaamii\, so dukhu kaisaa paavai . \\ boli na jaanai maa{}ii{}aa madi maataa\, mara.naa ciiti na aavai .. 1.. \\ mere raamaraa{}ii\, tuu.m santaa kaa sant tere . \\ tere sevaka kau bhau kichu naahii\, jamu nahii aavai nere .. 1.. rahaa{}u .. \\ jo terai ra"ngi raate suaamii\, tin kaa janam mara.na dukhu naasaa . \\ terii bakhasa na me.tai koii\, satigur kaa dilaasaa .. 2.. \\ naamu dhiaaiini\, sukh phala paaiini\, aa.th pahar aaraadhahi . \\ terii sara.ni tere bharavaasai\, pa~nc du"sa.t lai saadhahi .. 3.. \\ giaanu dhiaanu kichu karamu na jaa.naa\, saar na jaa.naa terii . \\ sabh te va.daa satiguru naanak\, jini kala raakhii merii .. 4. 10. 57.. } \end{quote}\end{quote} \bigskip \section{Special Characters} \begin{enumerate} \item The Gurmukh{\=\i} character {\gm la} \ $+$ \emph{nuqta} is not found in the `Punjabi' font. \item The symbol of the Sikhs, the \emph{k\=a\d{n}\d{d}\=a}, is available in two forms. One is {\gm \smkanda{}}, which is defined as \verb+\smkanda+ (small \emph{k\=a\d{n}\d{d}\=a}). The other is {\gm \lgkanda{}}, which is defined as \verb+\lgkanda+ (large \emph{k\=a\d{n}\d{d}\=a}). \item The symbol {\it ek o\.nk\=ar} is also available in two forms. One is {\gm \ekonkarp{}}, defined as \verb+\ekonkarp+ (the ``plain'' \emph{ek o\.nk\=ar}). The other is {\gm \ekonkarf{}}, defined as \verb+\ekonkarf+ (the ``fancy'' \emph{ek o\.nk\=ar}). \item \textbf{Vowel-bearers} are null characters which are modified with diacritics to form the vowels. The vowel bearers are \emph{u} {\gm \char117} for back vowels, \emph{a} {\gm \char97} for low vowels, and \emph{i} {\gm \char101} for front vowels. Suggested input for the vowel-bearers are {\tt `a}, {\tt `u}, and {\tt `i}. \end{enumerate} %%% Character Inventory %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{table} \begin{center} \renewcommand{\doublerulesep}{.5cm} \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.40} \begin{tabular}{|ll|ll|ll|} \hline \multicolumn{6}{|c|}{\it Vowel Bearers\/} \\ \hline {\it back\/} & {\gm \char117} & {\it low\/} & {\gm \char97} & {\it front\/} & {\gm \char101} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \hspace*{.5cm} \begin{tabular}{|ll|ll|} \hline \multicolumn{4}{|c|}{\it Fricatives\/} \\ \hline {\tt sa} & {\gm sa} & {\tt ha} & {\gm ha} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \vspace*{.5cm} \\ \begin{tabular}{|lll|lll|lll|lll|} \hline \multicolumn{12}{|c|}{\it Vowels\/} \\ \hline {\tt a} & {\gm a} & --- & {\tt aa} & {\gm aa} & {\gm \char65} & {\tt i} & {\gm i} & {\gm \char105} & {\tt ii} & {\gm ii} & {\gm \char73} \\ {\tt u} & {\gm u} & {\gm \char85} & {\tt uu} & {\gm uu} & {\gm \char60} & {\tt e} & {\gm e} & {\gm \char69} & {\tt ai} & {\gm ai} & {\gm \char62} \\ {\tt o} & {\gm o} & {\gm \char126} & {\tt au} & {\gm au} & {\gm \char79} & {\tt aM} & [\ {\gm aM}\ ] & [\ {\gm \char42}\ ] & {\tt aH} & [ {\gm aH} ] & [ {\gm \char92} ] \\ \hline \end{tabular} \vspace*{.5cm} \begin{tabular}{|ll|ll|ll|ll|ll|} \hline \multicolumn{10}{|c|}{\it Occlusives\/} \\ \hline {\tt ka} & {\gm ka} & {\tt kha} & {\gm kha} & {\tt ga} & {\gm ga} & {\tt gha} & {\gm gha} & {\tt "na} & {\gm "na} \\ {\tt ca} & {\gm ca} & {\tt cha} & {\gm cha} & {\tt ja} & {\gm ja} & {\tt jha} & {\gm jha} & {\tt \char`~na} & {\gm ~na} \\ {\tt .ta} & {\gm .ta} & {\tt .tha} & {\gm .tha} & {\tt .da} & {\gm .da} & {\tt .dha} & {\gm .dha} & {\tt .na} & {\gm .na} \\ {\tt ta} & {\gm ta} & {\tt tha} & {\gm tha} & {\tt da} & {\gm da} & {\tt dha} & {\gm dha} & {\tt na} & {\gm na} \\ {\tt pa} & {\gm pa} & {\tt pha} & {\gm pha} & {\tt ba} & {\gm ba} & {\tt bha} & {\gm bha} & {\tt ma} & {\gm ma} \\ \hline\hline \multicolumn{10}{|c|}{\it Sonorants\/} \\ \hline {\tt ya} & {\gm ya} & {\tt ra} & {\gm ra} & {\tt la} & {\gm la} & {\tt va} & {\gm va} & {\tt Ra} & {\gm Ra} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \vspace*{.5cm} \begin{tabular}{|ll|ll|ll|ll|ll|ll|} \hline \multicolumn{12}{|c|}{\it Supplementary Consonants\/} \\ \hline {\tt "sa} & {\gm "sa} & {\tt za} & {\gm za} & {\tt fa} & {\gm fa} & {\tt Ka} & {\gm Ka} & {\tt Ga} & {\gm Ga} & {\tt La} & --- \\ \hline \end{tabular} \vspace*{.5cm} \begin{tabular}{|ll|ll|ll|ll|ll|} \hline \multicolumn{10}{|c|}{\it Numerals\/} \\ \hline {\tt 0} & {\gm 0} & {\tt 1} & {\gm 1} & {\tt 2} & {\gm 2} & {\tt 3} & {\gm 3} & {\tt 4} & {\gm 4} \\ {\tt 5} & {\gm 5} & {\tt 6} & {\gm 6} & {\tt 7} & {\gm 7} & {\tt 8} & {\gm 8} & {\tt 9} & {\gm 9} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \hspace*{.5cm} \begin{tabular}{|ll|ll|ll|} \hline \multicolumn{6}{|c|}{\it Specials\/} \\ \hline {\tt .o} & {\gm .o} & {\tt .m} & {\gm \char42} & {\tt M} & {\gm \char58} \\ {\tt .} & {\gm .} & {\tt ..} & {\gm ..} & {\tt |} & {\gm |} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \caption{`Velthuis' scheme for Gurmukh{\=\i}} \end{table} %%% Consonant-Vowel Combinations %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.25} \begin{table}[p] \vspace*{-0.5in} \hspace*{0.0in}\vbox{ \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c||c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline / & {\tt a} & {\tt aa} & {\tt i} & {\tt ii} & {\tt u} & {\tt uu} & {\tt e} & {\tt ai} & {\tt o} & {\tt au} \\ \hline \hline {\tt k} & {\gm ka} & {\gm kaa} & {\gm ki} & {\gm kii} & {\gm ku} & {\gm kuu} & {\gm ke} & {\gm kai} & {\gm ko} & {\gm kau} \\ \hline {\tt kh} & {\gm kha} & {\gm khaa} & {\gm khi} & {\gm khii} & {\gm khu} & {\gm khuu} & {\gm khe} & {\gm khai} & {\gm kho} & {\gm khau} \\ \hline {\tt g} & {\gm ga} & {\gm gaa} & {\gm gi} & {\gm gii} & {\gm gu} & {\gm guu} & {\gm ge} & {\gm gai} & {\gm go} & {\gm gau} \\ \hline {\tt gh} & {\gm gha} & {\gm ghaa} & {\gm ghi} & {\gm ghii} & {\gm ghu} & {\gm ghuu} & {\gm ghe} & {\gm ghai} & {\gm gho} & {\gm ghau} \\ \hline {\tt "n} & {\gm "na} & {\gm "naa} & {\gm "ni} & {\gm "nii} & {\gm "nu} & {\gm "nuu} & {\gm "ne} & {\gm "nai} & {\gm "no} & {\gm "nau} \\ \hline {\tt c} & {\gm ca} & {\gm caa} & {\gm ci} & {\gm cii} & {\gm cu} & {\gm cuu} & {\gm ce} & {\gm cai} & {\gm co} & {\gm cau} \\ \hline {\tt ch} & {\gm cha} & {\gm chaa} & {\gm chi} & {\gm chii} & {\gm chu} & {\gm chuu} & {\gm che} & {\gm chai} & {\gm cho} & {\gm chau} \\ \hline {\tt j} & {\gm ja} & {\gm jaa} & {\gm ji} & {\gm jii} & {\gm ju} & {\gm juu} & {\gm je} & {\gm jai} & {\gm jo} & {\gm jau} \\ \hline {\tt jh} & {\gm jha} & {\gm jhaa} & {\gm jhi} & {\gm jhii} & {\gm jhu} & {\gm jhuu} & {\gm jhe} & {\gm jhai} & {\gm jho} & {\gm jhau} \\ \hline {\tt \char`~n} & {\gm ~na} & {\gm ~naa} & {\gm ~ni} & {\gm ~nii} & {\gm ~nu} & {\gm ~nuu} & {\gm ~ne} & {\gm ~nai} & {\gm ~no} & {\gm ~nau} \\ \hline {\tt .t} & {\gm .ta} & {\gm .taa} & {\gm .ti} & {\gm .tii} & {\gm .tu} & {\gm .tuu} & {\gm .te} & {\gm .tai} & {\gm .to} & {\gm .tau} \\ \hline {\tt .th} & {\gm .tha} & {\gm .thaa} & {\gm .thi} & {\gm .thii} & {\gm .thu} & {\gm .thuu} & {\gm .the} & {\gm .thai} & {\gm .tho} & {\gm .thau} \\ \hline {\tt .d} & {\gm .da} & {\gm .daa} & {\gm .di} & {\gm .dii} & {\gm .du} & {\gm .duu} & {\gm .de} & {\gm .dai} & {\gm .do} & {\gm .dau} \\ \hline {\tt .dh} & {\gm .dha} & {\gm .dhaa} & {\gm .dhi} & {\gm .dhii} & {\gm .dhu} & {\gm .dhuu} & {\gm .dhe} & {\gm .dhai} & {\gm .dho} & {\gm .dhau} \\ \hline {\tt .n} & {\gm .na} & {\gm .naa} & {\gm .ni} & {\gm .nii} & {\gm .nu} & {\gm .nuu} & {\gm .ne} & {\gm .nai} & {\gm .no} & {\gm .nau} \\ \hline {\tt t} & {\gm ta} & {\gm taa} & {\gm ti} & {\gm tii} & {\gm tu} & {\gm tuu} & {\gm te} & {\gm tai} & {\gm to} & {\gm tau} \\ \hline {\tt th} & {\gm tha} & {\gm thaa} & {\gm thi} & {\gm thii} & {\gm thu} & {\gm thuu} & {\gm the} & {\gm thai} & {\gm tho} & {\gm thau} \\ \hline {\tt d} & {\gm da} & {\gm daa} & {\gm di} & {\gm dii} & {\gm du} & {\gm duu} & {\gm de} & {\gm dai} & {\gm do} & {\gm dau} \\ \hline {\tt dh} & {\gm dha} & {\gm dhaa} & {\gm dhi} & {\gm dhii} & {\gm dhu} & {\gm dhuu} & {\gm dhe} & {\gm dhai} & {\gm dho} & {\gm dhau} \\ \hline {\tt n} & {\gm na} & {\gm naa} & {\gm ni} & {\gm nii} & {\gm nu} & {\gm nuu} & {\gm ne} & {\gm nai} & {\gm no} & {\gm nau} \\ \hline {\tt p} & {\gm pa} & {\gm paa} & {\gm pi} & {\gm pii} & {\gm pu} & {\gm puu} & {\gm pe} & {\gm pai} & {\gm po} & {\gm pau} \\ \hline {\tt ph} & {\gm pha} & {\gm phaa} & {\gm phi} & {\gm phii} & {\gm phu} & {\gm phuu} & {\gm phe} & {\gm phai} & {\gm pho} & {\gm phau} \\ \hline {\tt b} & {\gm ba} & {\gm baa} & {\gm bi} & {\gm bii} & {\gm bu} & {\gm buu} & {\gm be} & {\gm bai} & {\gm bo} & {\gm bau} \\ \hline {\tt bh} & {\gm bha} & {\gm bhaa} & {\gm bhi} & {\gm bhii} & {\gm bhu} & {\gm bhuu} & {\gm bhe} & {\gm bhai} & {\gm bho} & {\gm bhau} \\ \hline {\tt m} & {\gm ma} & {\gm maa} & {\gm mi} & {\gm mii} & {\gm mu} & {\gm muu} & {\gm me} & {\gm mai} & {\gm mo} & {\gm mau} \\ \hline {\tt y} & {\gm ya} & {\gm yaa} & {\gm yi} & {\gm yii} & {\gm yu} & {\gm yuu} & {\gm ye} & {\gm yai} & {\gm yo} & {\gm yau} \\ \hline {\tt r} & {\gm ra} & {\gm raa} & {\gm ri} & {\gm rii} & {\gm ru} & {\gm ruu} & {\gm re} & {\gm rai} & {\gm ro} & {\gm rau} \\ \hline {\tt l} & {\gm la} & {\gm laa} & {\gm li} & {\gm lii} & {\gm lu} & {\gm luu} & {\gm le} & {\gm lai} & {\gm lo} & {\gm lau} \\ \hline {\tt v} & {\gm va} & {\gm vaa} & {\gm vi} & {\gm vii} & {\gm vu} & {\gm vuu} & {\gm ve} & {\gm vai} & {\gm vo} & {\gm vau} \\ \hline {\tt R} & {\gm Ra} & {\gm Raa} & {\gm Ri} & {\gm Rii} & {\gm Ru} & {\gm Ruu} & {\gm Re} & {\gm Rai} & {\gm Ro} & {\gm Rau} \\ \hline {\tt "s} & {\gm "sa} & {\gm "saa} & {\gm "si} & {\gm "sii} & {\gm "su} & {\gm "suu} & {\gm "se} & {\gm "sai} & {\gm "so} & {\gm "sau} \\ \hline {\tt z} & {\gm za} & {\gm zaa} & {\gm zi} & {\gm zii} & {\gm zu} & {\gm zuu} & {\gm ze} & {\gm zai} & {\gm zo} & {\gm zau} \\ \hline {\tt f} & {\gm fa} & {\gm faa} & {\gm fi} & {\gm fii} & {\gm fu} & {\gm fuu} & {\gm fe} & {\gm fai} & {\gm fo} & {\gm fau} \\ \hline {\tt K} & {\gm Ka} & {\gm Kaa} & {\gm Ki} & {\gm Kii} & {\gm Ku} & {\gm Kuu} & {\gm Ke} & {\gm Kai} & {\gm Ko} & {\gm Kau} \\ \hline {\tt G} & {\gm Ga} & {\gm Gaa} & {\gm Gi} & {\gm Gii} & {\gm Gu} & {\gm Guu} & {\gm Ge} & {\gm Gai} & {\gm Go} & {\gm Gau} \\ \hline {\tt s} & {\gm sa} & {\gm saa} & {\gm si} & {\gm sii} & {\gm su} & {\gm suu} & {\gm se} & {\gm sai} & {\gm so} & {\gm sau} \\ \hline {\tt h} & {\gm ha} & {\gm haa} & {\gm hi} & {\gm hii} & {\gm hu} & {\gm huu} & {\gm he} & {\gm hai} & {\gm ho} & {\gm hau} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \vspace{0.10in} \end{center} } % end vbox %\caption{Gurmukh{\=\i} Consonants with their Vowel Forms.} \end{table} \end{document}