This is JOURABBR.BIB, a BibTeX database file for the `adaptable' style family, written by Hans-Hermann Bode (HHBODE at DOSUNI1.BITNET). Use jourabbr as the first item in your \bibliography command, if journal names should be written out abbreviated. You may edit this file to add more STRING definitions for journal names or other purposes or to delete some that you don't need. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ First of all we use a PREAMBLE command to put some stuff at the beginning of the bibliography. Inputting of apreambl.tex is mandatory for the adaptable styles and should always be done at the beginning of the preamble. Next, a language switch---easier to use than that in apreamble.tex---is defined and set appropriate, that can be used to distinguish between german and all other languages; the same technique may be adapted to other languages as well. The \sortby command is suggested in the BibTeX manual (where it is called \noopsort) and is helpful to force sorting of certain entries. Caution: It is a good idea to leave this preamble intact, unless you know what you are doing! @PREAMBLE{"\input apreambl " # "\newif\ifger\gerfalse " # "\ifnum\language=\german\gertrue\fi " # "\ifnum\language=\austrian\gertrue\fi " # "\def\sortby#1{}"} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The next three STRING definitions make it more convenient to distinguish between german and other languages. Now you can say something like ifger # "Wird demn{\"a}chst erscheinen." # else # "To be published." # fi in the NOTE field, say, of some database entry. @STRING{ifger="{\ifger}"} @STRING{else="{\else}"} @STRING{fi="{\fi}"} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here are the definitions of abbreviated journal names from the plain style family, that are lacking in the adaptable style files themselves (so you can use your old databases with the adaptable styles as well). Complete this list with strings you need for additional journal names, publishing companies or whatever. @STRING{acmcs="ACM Comput. Surv."} @STRING{acta="Acta Inf."} @STRING{cacm="Commun. ACM"} @STRING{ibmjrd="IBM J. Res. Dev."} @STRING{ibmsj="IBM Syst.~J."} @STRING{ieeese="IEEE Trans. Softw. Eng."} @STRING{ieeetc="IEEE Trans. Comput."} @STRING{ieeetcad="IEEE Trans. Comput.-Aided Design Integrated Circuits"} @STRING{ipl="Inf. Process. Lett."} @STRING{jacm="J.~ACM"} @STRING{jcss="J.~Comput. Syst. Sci."} @STRING{scp="Sci. Comput. Programming"} @STRING{sicomp="SIAM J. Comput."} @STRING{tocs="ACM Trans. Comput. Syst."} @STRING{tods="ACM Trans. Database Syst."} @STRING{tog="ACM Trans. Gr."} @STRING{toms="ACM Trans. Math. Softw."} @STRING{toois="ACM Trans. Office Inf. Syst."} @STRING{toplas="ACM Trans. Prog. Lang. Syst."} @STRING{tcs="Theoretical Comput. Sci."} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ That's it! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------